标签:减肥狂人 相关文章
Unit 151: If at first you don't succeed,try,try again 第151单元:如果开始不成功,就一试再试吧 Instituting a regular program of exercise a difficult discipline. 要实行一项有规律的运动计划是艰辛的磨炼过程。 Lapse
Unit 148: Make it a social occasion 第148单元:让运动成为你的社交活动 I've got to run with a partner,says Mike McNally of Des Moines. 住在艾奥瓦州得梅因的麦克.麦拉利说:我跑步必须和某个伙伴一起跑。 Mike's
As a recipe for losing weight, tucking into a slice of chocolate cake at breakfast would seem an unlikely fantasy. 每天早餐进食一大块巧克力蛋糕,还把这当成减肥的方法。你说,这有可能吗? But a full breakfast that inc
If you've ever stuck rigidly to a diet, managed to lose weight but then piled the pounds back on, it's not your fault. 如果你曾严格坚持节食并减肥成功,但之后体重却又反弹,这不是你的错。 After about five years, 41 per
Todd: OK, Devon, I've been putting on a few pounds and you're quite a lean fit guy. 好的,戴文。我最近长了几斤,而你看上去苗条又健康。 Devon: Well, thank you. 谢谢。 Todd: What do you recommend? What can I do to lose weigh
Unit 45 Steer clear of junk foods. Unit 45 与垃圾食物划清界限 They're not really foods,anyway,Chips,dips,crunchies,munchies-sounds like something you throw to the animals at the zoo.Junk food is low in nutrition high in calories and almost g
Unit 92:Get enough sleep 第92单元:睡眠充足 Sometimes we eat too much not because we're hungry but because we're sleepy. 有的时候我们吃得太多不是因为肚子饿,而是因为想睡觉。 We unconsciously think that eating will
Unit 93:Give yourself a break 第93单元:放自己一马 Did you go off your diet? Welcome to the club ! 你在节食中破戒了吗?欢迎你加入我们的行列! You're only human.Don't come down on yourself. 你只是个凡人嘛。别责怪
Unit 103:Put on the speed 第103单元:速度加快 The faster you walk,the faster you burn calories. 你走得愈快,卡路里的燃烧速度也愈快。 If you're already a walker,add some action with speedwalking. 如果你已养成走路的习
Eve: Im on a diet. 伊芙:我在节食。 Grant: You are? Why? Youre already thin. 格兰特:你在节食?为什么?你已经很苗条了。 Eve: My manager doesnt think so. He thinks I should lose weight. 伊芙:我的经理可不这么认为
Dieters who want to limit what they eat could have an unlikely ally big forks。 正在进行减肥计划而要控制每顿摄入食物的人们现在又有了一种非典型的秘密武器大号餐叉。 Diners who use them eat less than those with
Lose weight or lose jobs 丢掉体重还是丢掉工作 The London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe described the standard of British annual fitness test that officers must complete as too low. 伦敦警察局局长伯纳德霍根
Bizarre is just the right word to describe the 8 methods to lose weight you are about to find out. Follow them and you will see fat melt in no time. 下面你将看到八种减肥方法,对这些减肥之道只能用奇葩来形容。加以运用,你
为了帮助大家解决上述的困扰,我想给大家分享一下现在流行的一种新的运动模式。大家听说过skip the gym这个说法吗?按照字面意思讲,就是跳过健身房。顾名思义,就是一些不需要借助健身
Here are five simple but effective suggestions to make eating a healthy diet easier: 下面有五种简单却很有效的建议让健康饮食更简单: 1. Don't Stock Your Temptations. 不要储存美食诱惑 This seems simple, but it's really im
释义: have a point 有道理,说的没错 have a point 表示对主语的话与想法表示赞同,也可以用 get 取代 have, point 后面可以加 there (在某一方面),变成 have a point there。 例句: That's true. You have a
Unit 140 Get a new slant on things Unit 140 用新的观点看事情 Some exercises are good for you because they're relaxing,and this is one of them.The only force operating here is gravity,the principle being to raise yoourur derriere and feet up o
Unit 137 Gear up for the competition Unit 137 准备面对竞赛 Certain physical activities,such as running,offer competitive events that can help you improve your performance.I was running off and on for a number of years,but I didn't really become