标签:一般将来时 相关文章
1. 一般现在时 (1)表示经常性、习惯性的动作; eg:I get up at 7 o clock in the morning. I leave school for home at 6 every evening. (2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实; eg:The teacher told us: the earth moves around the sun
There are two tenses in English past and present. 在英语里有两种时态过去时和现在时。 The present tenses in English are used: 现在时在英语里: to talk about the present 可以描述现在 to talk about the future 可以描述将
When Keith, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, worked at a technology company that went public, he became rich overnight. He was sure he'd never need to work again. 当硅谷企业家基思在一家上市科技公司上班时,他一夜暴富。当时他确
Leaving a job is often upsetting, whether you were fired or finally decided to quit. You may have trouble remembering to do the right thing. Here are five things you should avoid doing. 不管你是被炒掉的,还是自己决定辞职,离职的时
Most of us are familiar with this phenomenon of travel: ear-popping usually happens during takeoffs and landings. 大多数坐过飞机的人都熟悉这样的现象:飞机起飞或落地时我们的耳朵会有胀胀的感觉。 Our ears pop becau
遇到麻烦时 ● 失窃 叫警察! Call the police! Call the police! (叫警察。) Sure thing! (好的。) Please call for help! (快叫人帮助。) 我的包被偷了。 I had my bag stolen. My bag was stolen. Somebody stole my ba
准备面试,必定要有一份丰富的个人履历了。如何写简历,怎么才能表达好意思呢?介绍一些常用的英语简历词汇,大家就可以根据英文简历格式制作出一份属于自己的英语简历了。 name 姓名
Four steps for negotiating a job offerStep One: Evaluate your job? The actual job content. ? Your boss. ? The salary and benefits. ? Fringe benefits: insurance, child benefits, retirement plans, tuition assistance, paid holidays and other bonuses. ?
1.I do kind of live here 我在这里有住处 If you've used a different address on your rsum to tailor it to where the job is based, don't lie about it when it comes up in the interview. If your potential employer asks you where you live, tell them
If you find yourself hitting the snooze button every morning, don't blame yourself.Your work schedule could be to blame. 如果你发现自己每天早上都打盹儿,那么别怪自己。你的工作时间才是应该责难的。 A growing field o
会话场景 接机后的次日,Brian在公司里,为Johnathan 介绍自己的老板-Mr. Sun。 B: Mr. Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr. Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager for Nortern Reflections of Canada. (Sun extends hand first; Sun and Mitchell sh
Many employees these days eat lunch at their desks, because it seems like a harmless way to cram more work into the day. 现在,许多员工都在办公桌上吃午餐,因为这样可以挤出时间干更多工作,而且似乎也无甚大碍。
I always thought I loved myself. Maybe I did when I was younger and forgot as I got older. I had to think more deeply about it after a very beloved Heavenly Spiritual Guide said to me: When are you going to stop pretending to love yourself? 我一直以
A) A list of the typical excuses for not being done on time: My dog ate the report. Oh, you needed that this week? You're not the boss of me. Put it on the pile, I'll get to it whenever. 一些在未能及时完成工作时常用的借口:我的狗把
明天是五四青年节。今天,Jenny和Connor就要带你了解一些新潮的英语表达方式。 关键词: Things that millennials say 学这10个词,英语不过时! Millennials: 千禧一代,覆盖美国80年代直至2000年出生的
1. We're not watching this. 我们不看这个。 2. Could you stop flipping the channels? 你能不能不要一直转台啊? 3. I'd appreciate it if you could turn it down. 如果你能把音量关小一点的话,我会很感激。 4. Tiger Woods
1. Why? Questions like Why did you close down your parts business rather than try to find a buyer for it? or Why did you decide to move to a product-based organization structure? which it sounds as if you're already asking not only show you've done y
又到毕业的季节了。校园里穿着学位服的同学们忙着在学校的各个标志建筑旁拍照留念,散伙饭、毕业典礼都一一登场。那么,咱们今天就来说说毕业时会聊到的话题吧。 1. I wouldn't have been