It honestly was not until it hit the ground. It was unlike any other landing, we just skid(滑行;刹车), it was a bang and a bounce, and then just a slam on the brakes, skidding feeling as we were trying, I mean, you could tell they were trying t

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(76) / 评论(0) 分类 CNN2013年(七)月

Its a frequency around here for a week or so. Prince Harry will deploy with his regiment to Southern Iraq that deployment would probably happen in May or June of this year and comes ironically is, the British is preparing to pull out in fact, 50 or 6

发表于:2018-12-11 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 万花筒2007年

Women Play Increasingly Vital Role in Peace Missions Captain Annie - French soldiers dont use their last names - is examining Gomo, a working security dog from France who lives at a base of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. The captain is

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(39) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2013年(三月)

Experts: NATO Prepared to Defend Its Members Recent events in Eastern Europe and rising tensions with Russia have revived the debate over NATO enlargement, which Moscow considers a provocation. The question comes as NATO leaders prepare to hold a sum

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2016年(六月)

Dehydration Is Top Killer of Southern Arizona's Migrants 脱水是南亚利桑那州非法移民的头号杀手 TUCSON, ARIZONA The border separating the United States and Mexico spans 3,200 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico to Baja California. Yet

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(40) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2014年(九月)

Obama Proposal Could Help US-Russian Ties President Obama chose an iconic Cold War location -- the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin -- to make his new arms control proposal, offering to reduce U.S. nuclear warheads by one third. I intend to seek negotiated

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2013年(七月)

欧洲与土耳其阻止难民进入欧洲协议被指责不人道 After talks in Brussels lasting late into Monday, EU Council President Donald Tusk declared the days of irregular migration to Europe are over. 持续到周一的布鲁塞尔会谈结束

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2016年(三月)

Europe-Turkey Deal to Stem Refugee Flow Criticized As Inhumane 欧洲与土耳其协议阻止难民入欧被评不人道 LONDON The European Union and Turkey appear close to striking a deal to try to end the flow of migrants crossing to Greece. The p

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2016年(三月)

喀麦隆欢迎美国派遣军队 Boko Haram has killed about 400 civilians in northern Cameroon since last year. The group's brazen attacks in recent months have led the government to beef up its military presence in the region with backing from Cha

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(34) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2016年(一月)

The Chinese Defense Ministry has issued a formal response to this past weekend's incursion into this country's Air Defense Identification Zone. The Defense Ministry says the fly-over by a pair of Japanese planes is dangerous and provocative. The depu

发表于:2019-01-18 / 阅读(72) / 评论(0) 分类 2014CRI中国国际广播电台

China's Defense Minister Chang Wanquan made it very clear in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Xiangshan Forum that China urges all countries to promote multilateralism instead of unilateralism. It's an urgent task for all of us to abandon th

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 2016CRI中国国际广播电台

Since the US space program began in 1958, NASA has achieved much in the realm of space exploration. From lunar landings to voyages into the depth of our solar system, NASA has built a storied history. In the early days, space was a men's world. All t

发表于:2019-01-22 / 阅读(52) / 评论(0) 分类 自然百科2008年

Hello and Welcome to News and Reports on China Radio International. In This EditionVessels head to the site where a Chinese ship picked up signals which may be related to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The United States announced it will

发表于:2019-01-22 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻与报道—News and Reports

By Sabina Castelfranco Khartoum 15 March 2008 The U.N. World Food Program says efforts to bring food to people in Sudan's troubled Darfur region are continuing, despite logistical challenges. WFP says insufficient security on the roads has led to att

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2008年(三月)

By Meredith Buel Islamabad 12 February 2008 Tens of thousands of troops are fanning out across Pakistan in an effort to improve security before next week's parliamentary elections. VOA Correspondent Meredith Buel reports from Islamabad that security

发表于:2019-01-31 / 阅读(45) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA常速英语2008年(二月)

By Lisa Schlein Khartoum 04 September 2007 U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he has urged Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to implement an immediate cease-fire in Darfur. The Secretary-General made his appeal during a dinner late Monday with P

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 2007年VOA标准英语(九月)

By Nico Colombant Dakar 07 February 2008 Chad's government has ordered a curfew for the capital and six provinces in the interior as its army tries to chase down rebels who nearly toppled the president. Opposition leaders have been jailed in N'Djamen

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA常速英语2008年(二月)

By Barbara Schoetzau New York 16 July 2007 During a briefing about his just completed two-week trip to Afghanistan and Europe, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says Darfur dominated discussions. From VOA's New York Bureau, correspondent Barbara Sch

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(131) / 评论(0) 分类 2007年VOA标准英语(七月)

Chad's government has ordered a curfew for the capital and six provinces in the interior as its army tries to chase down rebels who nearly toppled the president. Opposition leaders have been jailed in N'Djamena, while tens of thousands of civilians h

发表于:2019-02-14 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA双语新闻 2008年2月

North Korea has threatened a physical response after the US and South Korea announced an agreement to deploy an advanced missile defence system. 日前,美国和韩国宣布达成了一份协议,将在韩国部署先进的萨德导弹防御系统,

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(86) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇