标签:Annie 相关文章
Jack pushed his glasses into place and opened AHistory of New Orleans Music. What's that, man? Dipper asked. It's a history book, said Jack. Teddy and Kathleen gave it to us, said Annie. Oh, yeah, my best friends, said Dipper. Jack looked in the inde
Wake up, Jack! Annie whispered. Jack opened his eyes. He looked at his clock. It wassix A.M. Come on! Annie whispered. She was standing athis bedroom door, already dressed. Now? said Jack. Yeah, it's Wednesday! We have to go to the treehouse! she sai
Suddenly, the schoolhouse door blew off its hinges! It went flying through the air! Jack grabbed Annie and pulled her into the dugout. Inside, the benches were overturned. The room wasa mess. Miss Neely and the three kids were pressed againstthe dirt
Part 1 The Olympics and Beijing 奥林匹克和北京 Dialogue Script 1 对话原文1 Jason: Hello, Annie, you look very excited why? Annie: Don't you hear the exciting news? Jason: What is it? Come on, tell me! Annie: Beijing will bid to host the 2008 Olympic
影片对白 Annie: Walter, there is something I have to tell you. Walter: So he could be on top of the empire state building now. Annie: No, I guess he could be. No. It's not him, Walter, it's me. I can't do this. Walter: Look, Annie, I love you. But,
A servant rang a bell. Other servants begancarrying in large silver bowls, platters, and trays. It is time for dinner now, said Nan. We must go,Wolfie. We have to find Papa. She helped her littlebrother put his wig back on. But I want to stay with Ja
Wolfie took off running toward the palace. The whole world? Jack said to Annie. I don'tthink so.Annie smiled. Come on, let's go back inside, shesaid. Jack and Annie hurried through the moonlit gardenback to the summer palace. They followed Wolfie upt
The hot, muggy air was filled with noise. Jack andAnnie heard the clippity-clopof horses' hooves. Theyheard voices calling out Crawfish pies!Buttermilk!Gumbo for sale here!Jack looked down at his and Annie's clothes. Theywere both wearing white shirt
The unicorn had a broad milk-white chest and graceful neck. A tuft of hair curled under his chin. A long, spiraled horn rosefrom the middle of his forehead. He stood very still and very tall. His whole body seemed to be glowing. Balor and Grinda just
Do you see Teddy and Kathleen? asked Jack. The crowd was swarming away from the subway platformtoward different exits. Jack couldn't see anyone who looked likethe two young enchanters. No, said Annie. But if we figured out where to get off, I'msure t
Annie held up the wand. Close your eyes,Leonardo, she said. Leonardo just shook his head. Please? said Annie. Just for a second? Leonardoput his head in his hands. Listen, said Annie. This morning you said that agreat artist has to combine observatio
Let the boy go, Marco, Leonardo said again. But I caught him trying to steal my bird, saidMarco. No, Marco. The girl said they were setting himfree, said Leonardo. And I believe her.Then let them pay me! the bird seller said. We don't have any money,
The November sky was gray with clouds. Jack sat reading infront of the living room fire. Who wants hot chocolate? his dad called from the kitchen. Me, please! said Jack. The front door burst open, and with a gust of cold wind,Annie rushed inside. Jac
Jack sat on the frozen ground. Annie, Teddy, andKathleen sat nearby. They were all too shocked tospeak. The night was quiet. Overhead the full moonshined brightly, and a few cold stars twinkled in theclear sky. Finally Annie broke the silence. I wond
Jack and Annie walked through the front hall of thepalace, past the ice columns, and into the wizard'sthrone room. The walls and floor glittered with thebrilliant, cold light of dawn. Uh-oh, said Jack. The wizard was waiting for them--and the twowhit
Jack and Annie were too stunned to speak. Staringat the bizarre creature, Jack remembered the story ofthe Raven King-how the king had wanted to be abird, how he had stolen a spell from the Wizard ofWinter, how the spell had worked only halfway andlef
We have to save all of Venice? said Jack. That's abig responsibility. What do we have to save Venicefrom?Well, if Neptune's going to help us, it must havesomething to do with water, said Annie. Yeah, like the water that's flooding the alleys, saidJac
Jack and Annie ran through the square, dodgingdancers, fortune-tellers, and acrobats. They didn'tstop until they were hidden in the middle of a crowdwatching a puppet show. As Jack tried to catch his breath, he looked aroundat all the pirate and anim
Jack found Annie standing behind a column in alantern-lit courtyard. The courtyard was quiet andempty. Everyone in Venice must be at Carnival, saidJack. I just hope the ruler is home.Yeah, we'll ask him if he knows the Grand Lady ofthe Lagoon, said A
The air inside the palace was even colder than theair outside. Moonlight flooded through tall arches inthe walls. The floor shined like a skating rink. Thickcolumns of sparkling ice held up a domed ceiling. WELCOME, JACK AND ANNIE, boomed a voicefrom