标签:5分钟 相关文章
●询问时间 今天几号? What's today's date? Fill out the form. (请填这张表。) What's today's date? (今天几号?) It's the tenth. (今天10号。) What date is it today? What's the date?
经典句型: Is there an ATM in our community? 我们社区内有ATM机吗? A:Is there an ATM in our community? 甲:我们社区内有ATM机吗? B:Yes,there is one. 乙:是的,有一个。 A:Where is it? 甲:在哪里? B:It is outside the su
送餐时间 15分钟左右就能给您送去,夫人。 A:When will it be here, please? 请问什么时候送到? B:You should get it in about fifteen minutes, madam. 15分钟左右就能给您送去,夫人。 同类问句: It will take a
考研 http://www.chinakaoyan.com/进入最后倒计时,阅读是整个考研英语试卷中分值最高的,共计40分。如何能够在阅读部分达到高分呢?跨考教育英语教研室张老师认为,阅读的提高是有迹可循的。单
迪士尼超唯美电影美女与野兽上映啦 有没有被贝儿公主美妙的歌声吸引呢?或者是被大表哥帅一脸??说到迪士尼 就不得不提近年来大热的迪士尼女星Selena Gomez 而她曾经的男友Justin Bieber与
How to make a crocodile smile: Swim in a pool full of deadly salties with just a perspex cage for protectionTourists to this unusual theme park are sure to get some holiday snaps with a difference. Inspired by the popularity of cage shark-diving, a t
包括两道试题,分别是综合写作试题和独立写作试题部分,这两部分需要在差不多50分钟内完成。 综合写作试题部分:考生首先需要阅读一篇学术文章,阅读的时间是三分钟左右。然后文章隐
Laughter is good for the heart because it prolongs life while depression increases the risk of an early death, according to two new studies. A good bout of laughter every day provides similar cardiova
Todd: So, Alexandra, you're going to be a lawyer. Alexandra, 你要做律师吗? Alexandra: Yes, I am. 对呀。 Todd: Very impressive and you're in law school and you were saying that in law school the reading load is very difficult. 真令人钦佩
At first it might seem like no matter what you do, 一开始,你可能会认为无论怎么试, you're just a minute or two short of time, but there is a way. 始终会差个一、两分钟,但确实是有办法的。 The key is to minimize the
So for example, right now, if I focus too much on the balls, 打个比方,现在,如果我太集中于这些球, then there's no way I can relax and talk to you at the same time. 那么我就无法能够放松并同时与你们说话。 Equally
I guess we all deal with stress in different ways. 我想我们应对压力都有不同的方式。 Some people will bury themselves in work, grateful for the distraction. 有些人会把自己埋头到工作中,用以分心不去想。 Others will
I'm going to share with you a technique that you can use to remember English vocabulary. And the reason that I recommend this technique is that it's pretty effective. 我想和大家分享一个记忆英语单词的方法,原因是这个方法非常有
1. Stretching 伸展 Stretching releases muscle tension that accumulates in your back, shoulders, and neck during the day. 伸展能使后背、肩膀和脖子紧张一整天的肌肉放松。 2. Do a short workout 简短的锻炼 Even when your day
LESSON 17 第17课 WHAT THE MINUTES SAY 分针之语 We are but minuteslittle things! 我们不过是分钟而已微不足道! Each one furnished with sixty wings, 每一分钟都配有六十个羽翼, With which we fly on our unseen track, 我们以
But Brad can redeem himself in this next category, dunks 不过,布拉德在下面这个比拼中可以找回面子,扣篮 We all know LeBron can throw down and down and down, but what about Brad 我们都知道勒布朗能扣,很能扣,超级能
Goodmorningeveryone.IamXXX(Chinesefullname).AndyoucancallmeXXX(Englishname),it'smyEnglishname. 早上好各位。我叫XXX。你们也可以叫我XXX,是我的英文名。 IcansummarizewhoIaminthreewords. 我可以用三个关键词来概述一下我
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟 Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear 五十二万五千个精彩时刻 Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟