标签:学外语 相关文章
Topic1-Hangzhou partners with Alibaba to improve rental market Hangzhou has become China's first city to announce a comprehensive housing rental platform after government efforts have moved to standardize many under regulated rental industries within
赫芬顿邮报:科学家预言,未来不久,人们将能够通过吞药丸来获取知识,一颗药丸下肚,可能就学会了一门外语.有这么简单的方法,那中国的同学们再不用担心英语学习了. 吃药丸学习英语? Huffingt
Are you trying to learn a new language in a foreign land? You might be better off if you stopped looking at that picture of your family and friends. 你是否正身处异国他乡,正在努力学习一门新的语言?如果你能放下那张家人和
This report and other recent studies show that online learning, distance learning, and self-learning in general, are not only more convenient, but, in fact, more effective than the classroom, for high school, college and adult learners. In the last d
牛津英语LET'S GO充分利用儿童语言学习关键期这一得天独厚的优势和儿童学外语时表现出好奇、好动、好玩、好胜、好表扬的五好心理,运用大量运用LET'S GO独创的、生动活泼的外语教学游戏,
教你高效率的自学外语! 1. Get interested 第一步:对所学之物感兴趣 Make no mistake. Your interest in the subject is the essential driver of success. You can't learn what you do not want to learn. Emotion is an important part of
Matthew Youlden speaks nine languages fluently and understands more than a dozen more. In fact, for the longest time I didnt even know he was British. When I told Matthew how Ive been struggling to merely pick up a second language, he had the followi
People who struggle to learn foreign languages may simplyhave brains that are not wired to retain linguistic skills, a newstudy suggests. 最新研究表明,学外语比较吃力的人,可能仅仅是因为大脑机制之间缺乏连贯,难以保
People who struggle to learn foreign languages may simply have brains that are not wired to retain linguistic skills, a new study suggests. 最新研究表明,学外语比较吃力的人,可能仅仅是因为大脑机制之间缺乏连贯,难以保
1.学英语就要无法无天,要天不怕地不怕。 2.学外语,要眼尖,耳明,嘴勤,手快。只要多读,多记,多讲,多写,自有水到渠成之日。 3.学习外语不要把自己圈在只读洋文的狭小天地里,一定