标签:零工资 相关文章
Shorten it to Bill, Bob, Marc or a Cindy, if you want to work in the executive suite. 如果在外企高层工作,就给自己取一个像Bill, Bob, Marc或者Cindy则会有的名字吧。 Thats the message from a new study by TheLadders, an online
第17期:On the Train 在列车上 Y:May I see your ticket,please? Y:我可以看一看你的车票吗? X:I'm afraid I lost my ticket,Can I buy one again now? X:恐怕我的车票掉了,我现在可以补买一张吗? Y:How far are you going? Y
China's new middle class consists mainly of the post-80s generation, according to a survey conducted by zhaopin.com, a job recruitment website. 求职网站智联招聘近日开展的一项调查显示,我国新锐中产阶级主要由80后组成。
问题: What are your salary expectations? 你对薪水有什么要求? 回答: I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background. 我希望是贵公司对一个具有我这种经验
AS IT IS 2016-04-13 #EqualPayDay Brings Attention to Wage Differences 美国同工同酬日关注男女工资差异 This is Whats Trending Today Tuesday was National Equal Pay Day in the United States. The day is designed to bring attention to wage d
AS IT IS 2016-04-05 New Study Shows Best, Worst Pay for Women 男女工资差异最大的工种 American women who work as computer programmers, chefs and dentists earn 28 percent less than men doing the same jobs. Those are the jobs with the biggest
Youve had your first and second interviews, youve performed well, and youve been selected. Youre one of the lucky few youve succeeded: Youve got a job offer in hand. But now comes one of the hardest parts of the whole process negotiating your salary.
But why would a company even want to discourage salary discussions? 但是为什么公司会反对讨论薪资呢? Why do some people go along with it, while others revolt against it? 为什么一些人服从,而另一些人反对呢? It turns
Wage negotiations in Argentina 阿根廷的工资谈判 Class war 一场关于开学的战争 Teachers'unions go out on strike 教师公会举行罢工 IT CAN'T be that every annual salary negotiation makes it a strain just to begin the school year,
Beijing topped a salary ranking of 20 provinces and municipalities in China's non-private sector last year, with an average annual pay of 111,390 yuan ($16,953), the People's Daily Overseas Edition reported. 根据《人民日报海外版》报道,在
Statistics indicate China's yearly minimum wage increase appears to be slowing, and the increases are unevenly distributed across the country, the China Economic Weekly reports. 《中国经济周刊》近日报道,数据显示,我国年度最低工
Employees in the finance sector earned more money than those in other industries in 2015, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics. 根据国家统计局近日发布的数据显示,2015年金融从业者收入居各行业之首
Remember the Rio Olympics? From the summer? You know: Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Katie Ledecky, etc. 还记得今年夏天举行的里约奥运会吗?你可能记得西蒙拜尔斯、迈克尔菲尔普斯以及凯蒂雷德基等人。 Well, it t
Aretherepaidholidays? 有带薪假期吗? paidholidays 带薪休假 Thecompanyprovidedtheworkerswithfreelunchinadditiontopaidholidays. 这家公司为员工提供免费午餐以及带薪休假。 A:Doyouhaveanyotherquestions? 你还有其他问题吗
dock pay 扣薪 unpaid leave 无薪假 before-tax salary 税前薪水 income tax 所得税 take-home pay/after-tax salary 税后净薪 release pay 遣散费 severance pay 解雇费 salary deduction 罚薪 casual leave 事假 sick leave 病假
1. Pay check:工资支票。公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票。 2. Pay stub:工资存根。存档的收据。用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项目金额。 3. Pay period:工资周期。两次发工资
保持 vt. maintain ; hold ; keep 双语例句 我们必须和他们保持友好关系。 We must maintain friendly relations with them. 要想在全班保持成绩领先,你就必需努力学习。 You have to work hard to keep ahead in your class