标签:自拍达人 相关文章
《全美达人》终场半决赛结果出炉!魔力红乐队携新专《V》热力开唱;Mel B和Heidi Klum上演后场选美恶斗;继Howie 整蛊之后Mel B 化身神秘女巫爆笑来袭;12组选手全力以赴争夺6个决赛席位,谁将
Anyone with an online dating account will know that choosing the perfect profile picture for your page is a tricky business. 任何有在线交友账户的人都会知道,给个人主页挑选一张完美的照片是一件很棘手的事情。 From
本期《全美达人》来到了拉斯维加斯,进行残酷的半决赛,许多之前的人气选手都惨遭淘汰,而之前备受关注的黑人选手,在此次半决赛中又有什么惊人的表演? 纽约入场券揭晓,敬请期待。
Saudi Arabia's King Salman has embraced the selfie, taking part in a number of light-hearted self-shot pictures and videos during his tour of Asia that contrast with the pomp and formality of most of the octogenarian monarch's trips abroad. 沙特阿拉
A face peers over the edge several hundred feet above me. It is a grown man gripped by a morbid elation as he looks down on a sheer drop to the rocks, the beach where I am standing and the sea. 一个成年男子站在几百英尺高的悬崖边缘往下
Internet culture changes at a fast pace -- and so does online dating. Just like in the real world, there are certain styles and approaches to online dating. 互联网文化以飞快的速度发生着变化-网上约会就是其中一种。就像在现实
I didn't get my first iPhone until about a year ago (shut up), and even once I had it, I didn't immediately explore its full potential. You can therefore imagine my utter delight upon discovering all of the hidden talents that Siri has. 一年以前我
They may be the symbol of good luck, but black cats have drawn the short straw in one respect: they don't look good in selfies. 虽然黑猫或许代表着幸运和迹象,但是有一点它却先天不足:自拍不上镜。 小编注:在有些国
Oh, you're just jealous because our calzones are legit! 哦,你们这是嫉妒,因为我们的馅饼好吃! Hey! You didn't pay for that! 嘿!你还没付钱呢! Fellow food truckers, on behalf of myself and my bros, we'd like to say...our
单词都认识,但是连在一起就不认识了,这可如何是好?来看看那些最熟悉的陌生词吧。 self= 自己 selfie=自拍 例句:Many people like posting selfies of themselves on Weibo. 很多人喜欢在微博上发自己的自拍
Not only the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas is, for most people, the most sociable. 对许多人而言,圣诞节不仅是一年当中最美好的时光,也是社交的绝佳机会。 With work parties, family get-togethers and trips t