The Cretacious period isn't as hot as the Jurassic. 白垩纪没有侏罗纪炎热。 The temperatures are still hotter than today, but the relatively cooler climate allows the dinosaurs to be more active. 气温仍比如今要高,不过相对凉爽的

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It exploded with the force of a million nuclear bombs and unleashed the power of the sun. 它爆炸的威力相当于一百万枚核弹,释放出太阳的能量。 It set alight the entire biomass of earth and cooked the atmosphere. 它点燃了地球

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The impact of this asteroid was unparalleled. 这次小行星的撞击威力空前。 The power it released was greater than the combined force of man's entire nuclear arsenal. 它释放的能量比人类整个核武库加起来都要强大。 Recrea

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A pair of adult T-Rexes are on the hunt. 一对成年霸王龙出去狩猎。 They must leave their babies unguarded. 它们只能留下它们的孩子们。 The juveniles are unaware of approaching danger. 幼龙们没意识到正在接近的危险。

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Their jaws are a little bit different. That's how we tell these two animals apart. 它们的双颚也有些不同。这也被用来区分这两种动物。 Nanotyrannus has more teeth in its jaws. 矮暴龙的嘴里牙齿更多。 The teeth are prett

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They're very similar kinds of animals from their basic structure. 它们是基本结构非常接近的动物。 Their strength was probably very comparable. 它们的力量也很可能旗鼓相当。 Probably the differences would most amount to expe

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It's no problem whatsoever, I can take you down. When T-Rex took prey down, it was fast and effective. 完全没问题,我能干掉你。霸王龙收拾猎物快速而有效。 This is an animal that could probably bite and chew up a Volkswagen. 这种

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Its size made T-Rex look impressive, but modern scientific has revealed three unique features that made it a killing machine. 如此体型的霸王龙是庞然巨物,不过现代科学揭示出了它的三个特征使之成为猎杀机器。 The fi

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What that small brain structure in Pachyrhinosaurus tells us is that the animals were probably not problem solvers. 肿鼻角龙很小的脑部结构告诉我们,这种动物很可能没有解决问题的能力。 They didn't have the capacity nece

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Then, the excavation took an unexpected turn. 之后,挖掘有了意外转折。 Scientists uncovered a second set of remains near the adult stegasaurus. 科学家们在一个成年剑龙附近发现了第二具骨骸。 It was a second stegasaurus

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The excavation uncovered one set of remains, then another, then another. 挖掘工作发现了一具骨骸之后又一具之后再一具。 Soon, they had thousands of bones from multiple species. 很快就有了来自多个物种的数千块骨头。

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Its name means horned lizard, not after the hornlets above its eyes, but rather for the blade-like appendage on its nose. 它的名字意为长角的蜥蜴,指的并不是其眼睛上面的角而是在鼻子上面刃状的附属物。 It's the only

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Equipped with teeth and claws, the Raptor pack came ready for a fight. 配备了牙齿和利爪,迅猛龙群准备大开杀戒。 But the massive tail and sheer mass of the Tenontosaurus would have evened the score. 但巨大的尾巴和庞大身躯使

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Although its teeth were formidable, the claws on their hands were just as important in a fight. 虽然它的牙齿是很强的武器,但它们的爪子在争斗中也极为重要。 They really look a lot like cat talons. 它们看上去极像猫的爪

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Deinonychus, known as Raptors, one of the fiercest dinosaurs ever to walk the Earth. 恐爪龙被叫做迅猛龙,是地球上有史以来最凶狠的恐龙之一。 Forensic examination of the scientific evidence has revealed that this cunning carn

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It decides to pit its speed and agility against the strength of a mad Tyrannosaurus Rex. 它把宝押在了自己的速度和灵巧,以此来对抗狂怒霸王龙的力量。 He tries to flank her. 它试着绕到雌霸王龙侧面。 If he can mov

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One bite full of that bacteria and Nanotyrannus is dead from a massive infection, if the fight doesn't kill him first. 满是细菌的一咬,矮暴龙就算不会死于战斗,也会死于严重感染。 He moves in cautiously, using his height ad

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Scientists believe the problem was magnified by a fierce new predator who appeared on the scene, competing for what scarce food did remain. 科学家们相信让问题加剧的是新出现的一种厉害的掠食者,争夺所剩无几的食物。 O

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The Brygmophyseter was not without a weakness. 四贺鲸不是没有缺点。 Unlike Megalodon, it was unable to re-grow lost teeth. 它不像巨齿鲨,它无法长出掉落了的牙齿。 It did, however, have another weapon at its disposal. 但是,

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And they have the blemish both front and rear from a facet where the opposite tooth interlocked with it. 在牙齿前后的齿面都有缺陷就是与对面牙齿相交错的地方。 What happens is that the root is anchored well into the lower jaw.

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