标签:无人驾驶 相关文章
AZUZ: According to InsideEVs.com, which covers news about electric vehicles and tracks their sales, there was a deep in the average number of electric cars sold in the U.S. between March and April. Still, for the first four months of this year, EV sa
Two U.S. missile strikes Tuesday in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal region of North Waziristan killed at least 24 suspected militants. 美国无人驾驶飞机发射的导弹在巴基斯坦西北部与阿富汗接壤的瓦济里斯坦地区导致至少
小说家丹尼尔苏亚雷斯(Daniel Suarez)讲述了未来反乌托邦的故事。但在 TEDGlobal 的讲台上,他透过真实生活的情境,与我们谈论了一个我们都需要了解更多的事情:自主机器武器的兴起。他认
Google Self-Driving Car Heading to Public Streets 谷歌无人驾驶汽车正式上公共街道测试 This summer, the latest version of Google's self-driving car will make its first appearance on public roads. The two-seat vehicle does not need a ga
First Self-Driving Truck Debuts on European Highways 无人驾驶卡车将在欧洲高速公路第一次测试 The first automated semi-trailer truck started its maiden voyage Friday, October 2, on a European highway. The Daimler truck called 'Actros
That might lead to a different kind of dystopia (also with historical antecedents): one in which fast, functional transport is available only to those who can pay. 这可能会去往一个不同的非理想之地(也有历史先例):在那里,快