55. The New England Confederation, 1643. 55.新英格兰联邦(1643年) In 1640 the Long Parliament met in England, and in 1645 Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans destroyed the royal army in the battle of Naseby. 1640年英格兰的议会冗长未果

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CHAPTER 10 第10章 EXPULSION OF THE FRENCH 驱除法国人 89. Causes of the French Wars. 89.法国战争的起因 At the time of the Glorious Revolution James II found refuge with Louis XIV, King of France. 在光荣革命 时期詹姆斯二世和法

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122. The Tea Tax. 122.茶税 Of all the Townshend duties only the tax on tea was left. 所有汤森海关税中只有茶税被保留下来, It happened that the British East India Company had tons of tea in its London storehouses and was greatly

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125. Sympathy with the Bostonians. 125.对波士顿人的同情 King George thought he could punish the Massachusetts people as much as he wished without the people of the other colonies objecting. 乔治国王认为他可以随意处罚马萨诸塞人

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CHAPTER 12 第12期 TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION 无代表权税收 107. George III and George Grenville. 107.乔治三世与乔治o格伦维尔 George III became king in 1760. 乔治三世于1760年登基, He was a narrow, stupid, well-meanin

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CHAPTER 16 第16章 INDEPENDENCE 独立 157.Fall of Charleston, 1780. 157.查理斯顿失守(1780年) It seemed quite certain that Clinton could not conquer the Northern states with the forces given him. In the South there were many loyalists. 很

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180. Other Fathers of the Constitution. 180.制定宪法的其他人 George Washington was chosen President of the Convention. 乔治华盛顿当选为国会总统, He made few speeches. But the speeches that he made were very important. 他很少做

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320. Treaty with Great Britain, 1842. 320.与大不列颠签订条约(1842年) Perhaps the most important event of Tyler's administration was the signing of the Treaty of 1842 with Great Britain. 也许泰勒政府最重要的一件事是1842年与

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317. Election of 1840. 317.1840年选举 General William Henry Harrison was the son of Benjamin Harrison of Virginia, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 威廉亨利哈里森将军是弗吉尼亚人本杰明哈里森的儿子,后

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Great quantities of British goods were sent to the United States and were sold at very low prices. 大量英国货物运到美国并以非常低的价格卖出。 The demand for American goods fell off. Mill owners closed their mills. 对美国货物的

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272. The Privateers. 272.武装民船 No British fleets could keep the privateers from leaving port. 没有哪支英国舰队可以阻止美国的武装民船出海, They swarmed upon the ocean and captured hundreds of British merchantmen, some o

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270. Jackson's Defense of New Orleans, 1814-15. 270.杰克森保卫新奥尔良(1814~1815年) Jackson had scarcely finished this work when he learned of the coming of a great British expedition to the mouth of the Mississippi River. 杰克森刚忙

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264. Constitution and Guerrire, 1812. 264.宪法号与格瑞尔号(1812年) For some time Hull cruised about in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 哈尔船长指挥宪法号在圣劳伦斯湾巡航了一段时间。 One day he sighted a British frigate

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So far all had gone well. 至此一切进展顺利。 But in the winter many of Taylor's soldiers were withdrawn to take part in Scott's campaign. 但到了冬季泰勒的许多士兵被抽调去参加斯科特发起的战役, This seemed to be the

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Chapter 33 第33章 The compromise of 1850 1850年的折中法案 340. The Wilmot Proviso, 1846. 340.韦幕特但书(1846年) What should be done with Oregon and with the immense territory received from Mexico? 怎样处理俄勒冈及从墨西哥

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Chapter 06 第六章 The Story of Egypt 埃及的故事 The rise and fall of Egypt 埃及的盛衰 The river Nile was a kind friend but occasionally it was a hard taskmaster. 尼罗河是人类的好友,可有时候,它又像一位严厉的监工。

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It regained a semblance of independence when one of Alexander's generals set himself up as king of a new Egyptian state 亚历山太死后,他的一位将军自立为新埃及之王,建都亚历山大城, and founded the dynasty of the Ptolemie

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And another twenty years had to go by until a British officer, Henry Rawlinson, who found the famous inscription of Behistun, gave us a workable key to the nail-writing of western Asia. 又过了20年,英国官员罗林森发现了著名的贝希通岩

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He marched at the head of not less than four different victory-parades, having won four different campaigns. 在其辉煌的一生中,恺撒赢得了四次重大战争,四次举行凯旋入城仪式,每次都威风八面地走在游行队伍的最

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Chapter 24 第二十四章 The roman empire 罗马帝国的故事 How the republic of Rome after centuries of unrest and revolution become an empire 罗马共和国历经数世纪的动乱和革命,终于变成了罗马帝国 When the Roman armies

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