标签:大财富 相关文章
Our desktop businesses are very compatible. Both companies lead the industry in reducing cost of ownership by providing the best managed PCs. We lead the Windows NT market for desktops. And Compaq is Microsoft's only lead partner for the early deploy
And we have a worldwide network of channel partners with whom we are working to jointly implement integrated, multivendor lifecycle solutions. 同时康柏还拥有全球范围的渠道合作伙伴网络,康柏正与他们联手推出集成的多厂商
In this environment, Compaq determined that we needed to do more for our customers. 在这种市场环境里,康柏决心要为我们的客户做更多的事情。 We wanted to take the attributes that had made us successful - industry standard pla
That to me is absolutely fascinating. 这于我而言,是绝对的百思不得其解。 I mean if I ever write a book it will be called: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things. 如果我要写本书的话,书名就是《为什么 聪明人净干蠢事》。
Good evening! It is a great honor for me to share this stage with the Lord Mayor, chief executive of Hannover, with Mr. Yang, and in a few minutes with Chancellor Kohl. 各位晚上好!非常荣幸能够与汉诺威市市长、Yang 先生共同出席
Consider that across Europe Internet sales of about one billion dollars last year are projected to reach 30 billion dollars by the year 2001. One study says that the worldwide Internet commerce activity will double, double in the next six month alone
The second type of deep computing is what we call data mining -- some people call it business intelligence, the ability to extract inside from mountains of information, and see relationships and trends that previously were not available or invisible.
We lost the next year, but we gained another heroic figure in Pat Riley. He was the man who brought four championships to Los Angeles. What a career, what glory, what fun to have you as my guardian angel. Jerry West decided another Hall of Famer, so
And that brand, if you asked in what are the five greatest brands in the worlds if you ask, when you ask a professional as this question. You know I think Nike would be on everybody's list; Coca Cola would be on everybody'list; Disney would be on eve
But we haven't been doing a good enough job here. As an example, there is something like 10 to 15% of Mac sales which can be traced directly back to people using Adobe Photoshop as their power application, right? When was the last time you saw Adobe
Now of course sure Sloanes, so you know it's also really important it's all about the numbers, absolutely; it's all about the technology without a doubt. But only people can build products and produce numbers. And so I decided to write that book. Now
They understand particularly the large companies organize improperly. You see the spends of controlling increase dramatically removal of the layers of the organizations and the impairment of the workforce. But the impairment only works if you have ac
And it's also applied to the countries. Just like the Industrial Revolution determines which country had the best standard of living over a period of hundreds of years. The Internet revolution will have the same impact. Those countries who use this t
But what you see is the Internet and I want to define the Internet not in a whole bunch of technology terms. The Internet to me is one big network. It's not the cooperate Intranet; it's not the extranet that tie together your supplies with you at wor
But my point being that sometimes a leader's job is to undertake the difficult job of transformation and in this case it was a great company we're saving,but it is a tough, painful crisis for everyone involved, and I accepted that part of a transfo
Overall, the international financial authorities have handled this crisis the same way as previous ones: They bailed out the failing institutions and applied monetary and fiscal stimulus. But this crisis was much bigger and, at first, the same techni
The international financial system, as it was reconstructed after the Second World War, did not create a level playing field; it was lopsided by design. The international financial institutions the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were
And yet, in spite of that, artificial life support has been successful. Barely a year after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, financial markets have stabilized, stock markets have rebounded, and the economy is showing signs recovery. People want to
We did an analysis where you would have a station in each city with each of the 100 largest cities in the United States, and located the stations so you'd be no more than two miles from a station at any time. We put one every 25 miles on the freeway,
We are at the end of an era, but we are not fully aware of it. The two forms of economic organization State Capitalism and International Capitalism are in competition with each other. Neither of them is attractive. The Washington Consensus has failed