标签:外语歌曲 相关文章
Language learners often neglect honing a good accent in favor of focusing on grammar and vocabulary but it's important to practice your accent too! We explain why and explore some useful tips for improving it. 学习语言的朋友们常常有一个误
句子比单词重要 中国人学英语,最常用的方法是背单词,甚至有人以能背出一本词典为荣,但是词典上的解释是死的,语言的运用却是活的,机械的理解
网友提问:关于英语阅读,学了好多年英语但目前都还是一初中水平,要如何提高呢? 曲刚老师回答:要警惕服刀枪不入的假读。很多人天天读英语,可就是阅读水平不见提高,老是猜来猜去
1.阅读时,如何才能迅速、准确地抓住文章的要旨? 答:一、要理解文章的中心意思。(看题目、页头标题)二、快速测览全文。就是说每一面用眼睛扫一遍,弄清每段的大概意思。三、逐段
中国人学英语,总是避免不了要携带上中国自己特有的发音和腔调甚至于将汉语的语法构成也运用到了英语学习中,因此中国式英语就名扬国际了。 这并不是对我们中国人英语学习方法的一种
1. Get To Know Why 明确学习目的 Clearly define your goal at the very beginning and then plot a route towards this goals achievement. 从一开始就给自己定下明确的目标,并且为达成目标设计一个循序渐进的计划。 2. Ge
口试内容与结构 分为两部分,有两名教师参加口试工作,一名教师主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分;另一名教师专事评分,不参与交谈。两名口试教师所给的分数各占口试成绩的50%。 第一部
一、翻译种类和外事翻译的特点 翻译活动的范围很广。就其翻译方式来说,有汉语译成外语(简称汉译 外)和外语译成汉语(简称外译汉)两种。就其工作方式来说,有口头翻 译(简称口译
1. Read extensively, especially in your non-native language(s). 1.多读书,尤其要读外语作品。 Read high quality newspapers (e.g. the New York Times, Wall Street Journal) EVERY DAY for at least a year. 每天读高质量的报纸(如《纽
Finding the ideal job in todays job market can be difficult, especially with the expansion of the Internet, technology, and diversity around the world. Knowing a foreign language can help to obtain a position in a wide variety of industries, regardle
1. Read extensively, especially in your non-native language(s). 1.多读书,尤其要读外语作品。 Read high quality newspapers (e.g. the New York Times, Wall Street Journal) EVERY DAY for at least a year. 每天读高质量的报纸(如《纽约
They say that children learn languages the best. But that doesnt mean that adults should give up. We asked some of the polyglots in TEDs Open Translation Project to share their secrets to mastering a foreign language. Their best strategies distill in
They say that children learn languages the best. But that doesnt mean that adults should give up. We asked some of the polyglots in TEDs Open Translation Project to share their secrets to mastering a foreign language. Their best strategies distill in