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Giant long-necked Sauropods were able to browse at treetop levels, while other plant eating dinosaurs were perfectly adapted to take advantage of the low-growing vegetation. 巨大的长颈蜥脚类恐龙能够吃树顶上的嫩枝,而其它的植食
How big an asteroid would it take to distribute this much Iridium around the entire planet? 到底要多大的小行星才能将这么多铱散布在整个星球上? And they come up with a very rough number of something on the order of ten kilomet
Using science as a guide, we attempt to recreate the final moments of the dinosaurs. 我们以科学为指引,试图重建恐龙的最后时刻。 The first effect was the impact itself. 第一个效果是撞击本身。 So when a 10-kilometer diam
5 minutes to impact. 距离撞击五分钟。 The sky is now illuminated by the glowing orb as it draws closer. 随着小行星的靠近,天空现在被耀眼的火球照亮。 The asteroid begins to heat up as it comes into contact with our atmosp
When Witmer studied the skull, he saw that there were serrated ridges in the teeth. 维特莫研究其颅骨时,看到牙齿里有锯齿状的脊状隆起。 The ridges are remarkably similar to those of another animal with a deadly bite, a Komodo
In the summer of 1998, a group of amateur paleontologists were conducting a routine dig, when they made a stunning discovery1998年的夏天,一组业余古生物爱好者在进行一次例行挖掘时做出了一个惊人发现,the fossilized re
Almost all the evidence, I think, points to it being a juvenile, and almost certainly a juvenile T-Rex. 我觉得几乎所有证据都说明这是一头幼龙,基本能肯定是只小霸王龙。 However, there is some evidence in terms of CAT scan
With the breaking up of the continents, the oceans moved closer to what is now North America, causing a dramatic increase in rain. 随着大陆的分离,海洋愈发靠近如今的北美洲,导致降水的急剧增加。 The herd is forced to the
The horn of the Pachyrhinosaurus could have been as long as a meter. 肿鼻角龙的角可能有一米长。 Many paleontologists think it was shaped like a rhinoceros horn, but much larger. 很多古生物学家们认为它的形状和犀牛角相仿,
The fact that Pachyrhinosaurus is found in so many different areas suggests that these dinosaurs had a remarkable ability to adapt to a variety of different environments. 肿鼻角龙在那么多不同的地方被发现,说明这种恐龙对不同环
Scientists quickly discovered that these dinosaurs had all died at the same time. 科学家们很快发现了这些恐龙全部是同时死亡的。 Finding the remains in one place could mean only one thing. 在同一地点发现的遗骸只能说明一
A prehistoric watering hole. 一处史前水坑。 By using cutting edge technology, some of its fossilized secrets are scientifically decoded. 通过利用前沿科技,它的一些化石秘密如今已经被科学地揭开了。 Multiple species,
Tenontosaurus was bigger and certainly heavier. 腱龙体型庞大且笨重。 Tenontosaurus didn't necessarily make a mistake. 它不一定是犯了致命的错误。 It was numbers that took him down. 它是败给了庞大的数量。 One dinosaur
With a bite like that, Ceratosaurus could compensate for two glaring weaknesses. 有了如此恐怖的一咬,角鼻龙能够弥补两个明显弱点。 He wasn't especially fast and his claws weren't large or strong compared to other predators. 它并
Of the tens of thousands of fossil remains, only a single Ceratosaurus was found. 在数千具化石遗骸中只有一具属于角鼻龙。 This mid-sized predator did not have the power to cause the damage to the tens of thousands of bones. 这数万块
This was the site of one of the most gruesome and barbaric acts ever recorded in the fossil record. 这个化石场记录着最可怕最野蛮的行为之一。 The bodies were piled on top of each other and the earth literally ran red with blood. 地面
A closer inspection of the Tenontosaurus revealed cuts and slashes in the bone, made by the teeth of Raptors. 仔细检查腱龙骨骼能发现迅猛龙造成的伤口和齿痕。 Proof that there were more than four Raptors in this pack. 这说明这群
Because Tenontosaurus has that long tail, it's a clear sign that it is designed to be more of a weapon. 腱龙长长的尾巴很明显是非同寻常的武器。 So it's got a great way to defend itself. 所以是保障自身安全的好办法。 Tha
Then, Ostrum's crew made another discovery - lying next to the Raptor was a second skeleton. 紧接着,奥斯特伦姆的团队有了另一个发现,在迅猛龙旁边还有第二具骸骨。 Two Raptors, side by side. 两头迅猛龙紧挨着。
His favorite hunting tactic is to come from below and behind his potential prey. 它最喜欢的狩猎策略就是从它潜在猎物的下方或者后面下手。 As the Meg closes in on the whale, he descends, in order to surprise him from below. 随着