标签:人类需求 相关文章
大战火星人 The war of the worlds 美国作家改编 原著 H.G.Wellls 【英】H.G.韦尔斯 改编Wheatley Barney 故事梗概 上个世纪末,人类遭受一场可怕的战争。敌人是智力远胜于我们地球上的智能生命,它们装备极度先进,拥有足以摧毁地球上万事万物的类端武器,它们便是居
大战火星人 The war of the worlds 美国作家改编 原著 H.G.Wellls 【英】H.G.韦尔斯 改编Wheatley Barney 故事梗概 上个世纪末,人类遭受一场可怕的战争。敌人是智力远胜于我们地球上的智能生命,它们装备极度先进,拥有足以摧毁地球上万事万物的类端武器,它们便是居
大战火星人 The war of the worlds 美国作家改编 原著 H.G.Wellls 【英】H.G.韦尔斯 改编Wheatley Barney 故事梗概 上个世纪末,人类遭受一场可怕的战争。敌人是智力远胜于我们地球上的智能生命,它们装备极度先进,拥有足以摧毁地球上万事万物的类端武器,它们便是居
大战火星人 The war of the worlds 美国作家改编 原著 H.G.Wellls 【英】H.G.韦尔斯 改编Wheatley Barney 故事梗概 上个世纪末,人类遭受一场可怕的战争。敌人是智力远胜于我们地球上的智能生命,它们装备极度先进,拥有足以摧毁地球上万事万物的类端武器,它们便是居
Four Human Bird-Flu Cases Confirmed in Indonesia 四例人类感染禽流感病例在印尼得到证实 At least four people have died from the H5N1 avian influenza virus in the Indonesian capital of
1918 Flu's Genetic Code May Help Fight Bird Flu 1918年的流感病毒基因源代码可能帮助人类抗击禽流感 It was the 20th century's greatest plague . Estimates of the 1918-1919 flu death
Scientists: Early Humans Were Not as Simple as One Would Think Scientists have discovered evidence that some of the earliest members of the human race, Homo sapiens, were surprisingly advanced. 科学家发现的一些证据表明:作为史上最早的
Michael Shermer 说,人类倾向相信奇怪的事 - 从外星人绑票案到探矿杖 - 这行为模式来自脑内的两组最基本、最古老的求生技巧。他解释它们是什么,以及它们如何为我们惹上麻烦。
I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end-because people just don't care. I completely disagree. 在这个问题上,
We also know the ancient and special bond between dogs and humans. Our canine friends can read our tone of voice and our expression, and they look into our eyes for clues that help our two species get along so well. Well move over rover because it tu
> 51 非洲沙尘暴正威胁人类生存环境 DATE=8-3-01 TITLE=ENVIRONMENT REPORT - African Dust Storms BYLINE=Cynthia Kirk (Start at 59
电信Telecommunications 运输系统Transportsystems 隧道Tunnels 城市供水Urbanwatersupply 公共服务Publicservices 人类住区的社会-经济方面Socio-economicaspectsofhumansettlements 生
President Barack Obama has his eyes on the stars -- or more accurately -- a planet. 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马一直关注着夜空中的繁星或者更准确的说,是其中一颗行星。 In an op-ed published last Tuesday on CNN, Obama set a
编者按: 我相信人类。 我相信热诚的心。 我相信人们的正直与诚实。 我相信自由社会中的美德。 我相信只要我们愿意为之奋斗,愿意与所存在的缺陷抗争到底,这个社会就能永远美好。 F
that the weak have no guardian, and the injured no avenger; 弱者没有监护人,伤者无法讨还公道, that there is no recompense for sacrifices to uprightness and the public good; 为正义与公众事业奉献牺牲的人无法获取补偿。
I'm Bear Grylls I'll travel to the ends of the earth 我是贝尔格里尔斯 我将前往穷山恶水之地 and search the most extreme challenges and the most dangerous locations 寻找人类终极挑战 At this program,I'll be drawing on the lesso
台湾籍旅美老师今天交给我们的句子是: One of the most consoling aspects of animals it might be a dog, a sheep, a lizard or a beetle is that their priorities have nothing whatsoever to do with our own perilous and tortured agendas. Th
台湾籍旅美老师今天交给我们的句子是: Human beings have an innate need to bond and connect. When we are happy and healthy, we will bond with the people around us. But when we can't, because we're traumatized, isolated, or beaten down