Pope Benedict XVI issued another strong appeal on Sunday for a humanitarian corridor to be opened to allow aid to get through to the displaced in Georgia. 天主教教皇本笃十六世星期天再次强烈呼吁在格鲁吉亚开辟人道主义通道,
The former Soviet republics of Georgia and Ukraine are allies engaged in similar attempts to establish democratic rule, to join NATO and realign themselves with the West, much to the displeasure of Russia. During the conflict in Georgia, Ukrainian Pr
Republicans and Democrats agree that help is needed for the sagging U.S. housing market and the ailing American economy in general. But President Bush and a Democratic lawmaker have made it clear they differ on what kind of help is needed. 美国的共
Zimbabweans are anxiously waiting for the results of four elections held Saturday. Election monitors in say tensions are rising as people wait for the release of official results. Political parties have been announcing the outcome at many individual
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held talks Sunday with Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders during her second trip the Middle East in less than a month. Israel says it will ease some restrictions on Palestinians in the West Bank in a b
The cost of rice has risen up to 50 percent on world markets, raising concerns among aid agencies in Asia. The agencies say they are facing shortfalls in efforts to feed the hungry in the region. 世界市场上大米价格暴涨引起亚洲救援机构
India and Burma are set to formalize an agreement next week for New Delhi to fund a Burmese port project that will allow India's landlocked northeastern states strategic access to the sea. 印度和缅甸将于下个星期正式达成一项交通运输
In India, questions are being raised over how a possible economic downturn in the United States will impact India's fast-growing economy. India's economy is expected to slow down slightly, but continue to grow at a healthy pace in the coming year. 在印
President Bush says the House of Representatives risks reopening a dangerous gap in intelligence gathering by failing to pass a law expanding warrantless surveillance. Opposition leaders in the House say the president has all the authority he needs t
President Bush is calling for Turkey to end its military operation against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq as soon as possible. Mr. Bush talked about the Turkish offensive during a nationally broadcast White House news conference. 美国总统布什呼
The heads of the government and opposition in Kenya have signed a power sharing agreement aimed at ending the crisis over December's disputed elections. The agreement was reached after a day of talks mediated by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Ann
A group of six international companies has announced plans to build an ultra-high speed, undersea, fiber-optic cable under the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and the United States. The project is meant to improve Internet and other telecommunication tr
Democratic presidential rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are making a final push for support in Ohio and Texas in advance of crucial primaries on 4 March. The two Democrats took part in a contentious debate Tuesday, 26 February, that most expe
Russians go to the polls on Sunday for a presidential election in which the victory of Kremlin-backed candidate Dmitri Medvedev is considered a foregone conclusion. Medvedev's path toward high office has been very different from the one facing Americ
International agencies are helping Indonesia prepare for a massive country-wide election in 2009 that will include local offices in hundreds of districts. As Chad Bouchard reports from Jakarta, election officials hope to avoid past mistakes. 国际组织
The 1967 film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner by director Stanley Kramer broke ground on racial issues. Mike O'Sullivan spoke with the late director's wife about the impact of the film, newly re-released on a 40th anniversary DVD. 1967年由导演斯坦利
Roads, railways and air traffic are slowly returning to normal in China, where the worst snowstorms in 50 years have stranded millions of travelers trying to get home for this week's Lunar New Year holiday. The severe weather also affected the shipme
Israel has allowed a one-day delivery of food and fuel to the Gaza Strip, partially lifting a nearly week-long blockade of the territory. 以色列允许一天的时间给加沙地带运输食品和燃料,部分解除了对这个地区将近一个星
Though not backing away from plans to build a missile-defense system in central Europe, the United States is offering a series of confidence-building measures to allay Russian concerns about the project. Senior Russian officials were informed of the
Japan has extended economic sanctions against North Korea, citing the reclusive country's lack of progress on an international nuclear disarmament agreement. The extension of sanctions comes as six-party nuclear talks continue to stall. 日本延长了
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