Burma's military government has begun forcing cyclone victims to leave relief centers and return to their homes in the devastated Irawaddy Delta. U.N. officials are condemning the action. They say it is putting families at risk of disease and exposur
The U.S. Defense Department says it is committed to launching its new Africa Command on time in October, and with the same capabilities as other major U.S. military commands. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Theresa Whelan made the comment in a
The UN refugee agency says it is providing 2,000 tents to the South African government to help provide much-needed shelter to thousands of people made homeless in the recent xenophobic attacks against foreigners. The UNHCR says it does not think camp
The United Nations reports logistical obstacles are making it difficult to get aid to cyclone victims in Burma's Irrawaddy Delta. U.N. officials say the Burmese authorities have now approved visas for UN aid workers, but that there is an overwhelming
For the first time in history, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a definitive ruling on the right of Americans to own guns. A five-to-four majority of the court ruled that individual citizens have the right to own firearms, and in the process it stru
North Korea has taken a key step forward in multinational negotiations to get rid of its nuclear weapons, and is being rewarded by the United States. Pyongyang has submitted an inventory of nuclear programs and materials to China, the host of the lon
Pakistan has rejected as baseless and irresponsible Afghan allegations that its spy agency was behind a recent assassination attempt on President Hamid Karzai. The two countries are allies in the U.S-led war on terror, but accusations that Taliban in
Voting got off to a slow start in the uncontested presidential runoff poll in Zimbabwe in which President Robert Mugabe is seeking to entrench himself as president for an another five years. The outcome is unlikely to be recognized, even by Mr. Mugab
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says North Korean steps this week related to its nuclear weapons are positive - but that more cooperation is needed in the future. She is meeting with the South Korean President and key foreign policy ministers. 美国
Africa's top peace and security body will hold a special heads-of-state level meeting on Zimbabwe during a continental summit this weekend in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Leaders are to consider backing a Kenya-style power-sharing proposal
Security forces in Pakistan have begun an operation against pro-Taliban militants in a tribal region bordering Afghanistan and serving as a major route for trade and supplies to U.S-led foreign forces based there. The offensive has provoked an al-Qai
A wreath was layed at U.N. headquarters Thursday to mark the 60th anniversary of its peacekeeping operations. The world body has more than 100,000 troops from more than 120 countries working to keep the peace in 20 conflict zones. 星期四,联合国
The leaders of the two main rival Palestinian factions are in Cairo for talks on the crisis at the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Egyptian authorities view the open border as a security risk and want to reach a solution as quickly as possib
Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith has made his first official trip to Washington to meet U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. During his visit, Smith made clear that the new Australian government will go ahead with its plan to withdraw i
Australia will issue its first formal apology for past mistreatment to the country's Aboriginal people early next month. The new Labor government says the move will be an important milestone in Australia's race relations. 澳大利亚将于2月向澳大
Madam Speaker, Vice President Cheney, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: 总统:议长女士、切尼副总统、各位国会议员、尊贵的来宾以及各位同胞: Seven years have passed since I first stood befo
Senator Barack Obama is hoping for a boost in his quest for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination after getting the endorsement of one of the party's elder statesmen, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. 美国联邦参议员奥巴马希望民
China's leaders are rushing to oversee disaster relief efforts and limit the effects of the most brutal winter weather to hit the nation in decades. 中国领导人纷纷前往视察救灾行动,并试图控制中国几十年来罕见的冬季恶劣天
A senior U.S. diplomat visits Pyongyang later this week to try to advance the stalled accord under which North Korea is to end its nuclear program in exchange for energy aid and other benefits. North Korea was to have accounted for all its nuclear ho
Thai police have called for anti-government protesters to vacate the main airports in Bangkok, which the group seized earlier this week. The government has declared a state of emergency around the airports. 泰国警方呼吁反政府示威民众撤离
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