China is taking action to curb plastic bag litter. Soon, free shopping bags will be a thing of the past. 中国正在采取行动减少遍地是塑料袋垃圾的现象。不久,免费提供购物袋的现象将会成为历史。 Starting June 1, s
The British Council is suspending its cultural activities in two Russian cities, citing intimidation and harassment of its local employees by Russia's Federal Security Service. But a top Russian lawmaker is hinting at a possibility of resolving the d
President Bush has delivered his final State of the Union Address to Congress and the American people. He urged the American public to support his Iraq policies and called on lawmakers to take action to boost the U.S. economy. 布什总统星期一晚上
Reaction to President Bush's State of the Union address is predictably along partisan lines. Members of his Republican Party praised his leadership and the goals he proposed on domestic and foreign issues, while majority Democrats criticized him on t
After the overwhelming victory of Senator Barack Obama in the South Carolina Democratic primary Saturday, political analysts are examining the results and speculating on where the campaign goes from here. South Carolina, pundits say young voters may
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held two hours of talks Sunday in Jerusalem to discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip. 以色列总理奥尔默特和巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯星期天在耶路撒
Financial dealings, investment issues, and money and banking matters often seem complicated and confusing. But the Museum of American Finance, which reopened its doors this week in the heart of Manhattan's financial district, wants to show the public
At the North American International Auto Show in Detroit this week, there are hundreds of new cars on display that achieve high fuel efficiency and reduce pollution. Also on hand are representatives of the private X Prize Foundation, which is sponsor
Police battled rampaging youths in western Kenya as ethnic clashes that have left more than 100 people dead in the past four days spread across the country. Tribal violence that has killed nearly 900 people since elections last month. 肯尼亚过去
President Bush visits the Middle East next week to push his peace agenda following a U.S.-sponsored international conference late last year meant to infuse the stalled Mideast peace process with new momentum. The president will be meeting with all th
Indonesia's Supreme Court has sentenced a former pilot of the state-owned airline to 20 years in prison for killing a prominent human rights activist in 2004. 印度尼西亚最高法院判处国有航空公司的一位前飞行员20年监禁,罪名是
The annual gathering of political, economic and government leaders comprising the World Economic Forum has opened in Davos, Switzerland. That participants are buzzing about the fear of recession and the dramatic falls in world equity markets. 世界经
Asian stocks recouped some of their steep losses of the past two days after market confidence received a shot in the arm from the U.S. Federal Reserve. But stock analysts say the markets may remain volatile despite Tuesday's U.S. interest-rate cut. 亚
Diplomatic efforts are continuing in an effort to secure a cease-fire in Georgia and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the former Soviet Republic. 有关方面目前仍然在通过外交途径,为俄罗斯从格鲁吉亚撤军、保证双方的停
American Michael Phelps has tied legendary swimmer Mark Spitz's Olympic Gold record, winning his seventh gold medal at the Beijing Olympics. Phelps has been winning by world record times in all of his events. His latest time was only an Olympic recor
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Russian troops have no timetable for withdrawing from Georgia under a cease-fire agreement both sides have signed. Lavrov told reporters in Moscow today the pullout is contingent on the security situation i
Tens of thousands of Muslims took to the streets of Indian administered Kashmir Saturday to mourn the death of a separatist leader. 数万名穆斯林星期六在印控克什米尔地区举行抗议,悼念一名分离主义领导人。 Protesters t
U.S. President George Bush says Russia must not lay claim to the breakaway Georgian republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Mr. Bush says all Russia forces must leave Georgia. Russia says there is no timetable for that withdrawal. 美国总统布什说
Olympic athletes traditionally have been known for their years of discipline in training for one moment of international sports glory. Sometimes, the preparation involves precise and scientific regimens, including strict diets to build muscles and en
Russia's president said Sunday that Russian troops will begin pulling out of Georgia on Monday, as Western leaders called on Moscow to abide by its commitments under a cease-fire deal. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who brokered the truce, warned
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- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
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