Republican presidential nominee John McCain has reversed his earlier decision and decided to participate in Friday's long scheduled debate with Democrat candidate Barack Obama. McCain had said he would not attend the debate unless there was agreement
The two major party candidates for president of the United States, Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Senator Barack Obama met in a spirited debate over the financial crisis and foreign policy Friday at the University of Mississippi. The two
A Chinese astronaut has made the historic first step in outer space for his country. With the successful spacewalk, China has become the third country, after the United States and Russia, to do so. 一名中国宇航员为中国向外太空迈出历史
Pakistani lawmakers have denounced Wednesday's raid by foreign troops in Pakistani territory, passing a resolution condemning the operation and vowing to repel similar attacks in the future. The Pakistani military warned such operations could provoke
Thailand's prime minister vows to stay in office, despite thousands of protesters around the country demanding his resignation. The Cabinet plans to hold a national referendum on the political crisis. 尽管泰国各地数以千计的抗议者要求总
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who is poised to become only the second woman ever nominated to run for vice president of the United States, assured delegates to the Republican National convention that she has the experience and credentials for the job.
The atmosphere in central Bangkok, where thousands of anti-government protesters are gathered is upbeat and festive. Protesters vow to stay until Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej resigns. 数以千计反政府示威者聚集的曼谷市中心,气氛活
Unidentified gunmen have fired on the motorcade of Pakistan's prime minister, but officials said he was not in his vehicle at the time of the attack. The shooting took place on the busy highway between Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 身份不明的武装分
Ministers and civil society leaders from 18 African countries, U.N. disarmament officials, and arms-control advocates are meeting in the Kenyan capital Nairobi to try to form a united position on a proposed treaty to regulate the global arms trade. T
Republicans put their convention back on track Tuesday in St. Paul, Minnesota, with a televised satellite address from U.S. President George Bush, and speakers who praised the character of Republican nominee-to-be John McCain, while sharply attacking
Republican officials say their party's national convention is back on track with a full schedule Tuesday, after Monday's planned activities were curtailed due to Hurricane Gustav and fears of its impact on the US Gulf Coast. 美国共和党官员说,
The United Nations reports a humanitarian aid flight carrying 15 passengers and two crew crashed in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, 15 kilometers northwest of the airstrip at Bukavu in South Kivu Monday afternoon. The U.S.-based group that
The U.N. World Food Program says North Korea is facing its worst food shortage in nearly a decade. The agency says in the next year North Korea needs more than $500 million for food aid or it will risk famine. 联合国世界粮食计划署表示,北
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has drawn wide support from college students and other youthful voters, many of whom have volunteered for his campaign. But Republicans, now holding their convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, are also tryi
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, describing her as a tough political fighter. Governor Palin, who is a relative political unknown, and only t
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney has condemned Russia's military operation in Georgia as an illegitimate and unilateral attempt to change the country's borders by force. 美国副总统切尼谴责俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚的军事行动是企图单方面
Nigeria's leading militant group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, has declared a unilateral ceasefire in the oil-rich region. 尼日利亚主要的激进组织--尼日尔三角洲解放运动宣布在这个盛产石油的地区实
With less than 50 days to go until Election Day on November 4, the U.S. presidential race between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama appears to be a dead heat. Analysts say the final weeks of the campaign promise to be intense and fille
The Asian Development Bank predicts that developing economies in Asia will see slower growth and rising inflation in the coming year. The bank says high oil and food prices and a prolonged slowdown in industrial countries are casting a shadow on the
Stock markets across Asia followed U.S. and European shares sharply lower, in reaction to the collapse of the investment company Lehman Brothers. The markets in Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong - which were closed Monday for a holiday - led the selling. 亚洲
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