The long running battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination may be in its final days. Both contenders are campaigning for delegates in the final three primaries between now and Tuesday. And both
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni indicated Sunday Israel may uproot some of its West Bank settlements as part of a peace accord with the Palestinians. Livni spoke at the start of a meeting Sunday with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Saturday defended President Bush's plan to visit Israel later this month for celebrations of its 60th anniversary, without making a corresponding visit to Palestinian areas. Rice is in Jerusalem for more talks with
The Palestinian Authority has launched a new security initiative in the West Bank. The move, which coincides with a U.S. peace mission to the Middle East, has been met with Israeli skepticism. 巴勒斯坦当局在约旦河西岸启动一项新的安全
The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, says more than 200 child soldiers held by rebels have been demobilized following seven months of negotiations. UNICEF says the children, including one girl, were being held by a dissident group that broke w
India is building new roads, airports and power plants to cater to the needs of an economy that is growing at a rapid pace. But, infrastructure continues to be woefully inadequate. 印度正在修建新的道路、机场、发电站,以满足经济高
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flies from London to Jerusalem Saturday for a new round of talks aimed at getting an Israel-Palestinian peace accord by year's end. Rice will lay the groundwork for President Bush's visit to the region later t
The leader of the second largest political party in Pakistan's ruling coalition announced Friday that all the judges President Pervez Musharraf sacked last year will be reinstated on May 12. 巴基斯坦执政联盟的第二大政党领导人星期五宣
This week marked the fifth anniversary of the speech President Bush gave on a U.S. aircraft carrier, in which he declared the end of major combat in Iraq. The anniversary came at the end of a difficult month for U.S. forces in Iraq, and caused some r
South Korean officials say six-nation talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear programs could resume within weeks. 韩国官员表示,旨在终止北韩核项目的六方会谈有望在几个星期之内复会。 Senior South Korean officials sa
The Bush administration is denying media reports that it is ordering Belarus to close its embassy in Washington as well as its consulate in New York, but is not ruling out such actions in the future. 布什政府否认媒体有关美国下令让白俄罗
The Pentagon said Wednesday Iran is continuing to provide weapons and other material to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, in addition to its alleged continuing support for Shiite militias in Iraq. Officials spoke to reporters Wednesday shortly after
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are seeking crucial votes in Indiana and North Carolina, where primary elections will be held Tuesday. Meanwhile, Democrats in the in the small Pacific island territory of Guam made
The Pentagon says it believes a former al-Jazeera cameraman sent from the Guantanamo detention center to Sudan Thursday is still dangerous, and it expects the Sudanese government to help ensure he does not resume what the Pentagon says is his involve
As Zimbabwe braces itself for a runoff in the presidential election, violence against people loyal to the Movement for Democratic Change, or MDC, has reached unprecedented levels. MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai said on Tuesday that more than 50 people
U.S. President George Bush is at his Texas ranch, where his daughter Jenna is getting married in a private ceremony at the Bush home. The president noted the occasion in his weekly radio address. 美国总统布什目前在德克萨斯州他的牧场家
The international community is pledging aid packages for survivors of China's earthquake, which has killed more than 14,000 people and left tens of thousands of others in need of emergency aid. The southern Chinese city is spearheading a global relie
Politicians across the Indian political spectrum are condemning President Bush's remark, linking high food prices in the West to a growing middle class in India. Indians are pointing the finger back at the United States. 印度各党派政治人物最近
In the U.S. presidential race, both Democratic contenders have stressed party unity before two primary contests that could prove decisive in deciding which of the two will face the presumed Republican nominee, Arizona Senator John McCain, in the Nove
U.S. officials say they expect North Korea to make its long-delayed declaration about its nuclear program on Thursday, and if it does the Bush administration is ready to begin dropping sanctions against Pyongyang. A senior State Department official i
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