Britain is to host the next financial crisis summit of the G-20 group of industrialized and emerging economies. Plans for the meeting come amid efforts by countries around the world to stem the economic downturn and stimulate their economies back int
The U.S. presidential election campaign is moving into its final week, and both major candidates are making their closing arguments to voters before the November 4 election. Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama and Republican John McCain have campai
NATO warships have launched an anti-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia by escorting one ship to port with plans for a similar operation on Tuesday. 北约军舰在索马里沿海开展一项反海盗的行动,他们护送了一艘船进港,另
The longest presidential election campaign in U.S. history is in its final week, and Democrat Barack Obama continues to hold a lead in the polls over Republican John McCain. Both candidates are focused on the economy in the final days of the campaign
U.S. Vice President-elect Joe Biden says the incoming White House economic team is making progress toward agreeing on details of an economic stimulus plan. President-elect Barack Obama's advisers are increasing the number of jobs they want to create.
India has formally demanded strong action from Pakistan against those behind the terror attacks in Mumbai. The attacks have heightened tensions between the South Asia nuclear-armed rivals after India accused Pakistan-based militants of carrying out t
Police in Mumbai continue sifting through the wreckage left by the deadly terror attack that left more than 100 people dead and hundreds of others injured. Shocked residents and tourists at the city's luxury hotels watched in horror as the scene unfo
India's prime minister Saturday called together the country's top military and intelligence chiefs. Officials say he wanted details on the Mumbai terrorist attacks and the responsive actions being taken. The government is finding itself under immedia
The political fallout from the Mumbai terror attack is beginning to take its toll on the administration of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. As Mr. Singh convened an all-party meeting to discuss security, his home minister submitted his resignation. 孟买
U.S. President George Bush is pledging full support for the investigation into the terrorist attack in Mumbai that killed roughly 175 people in India's financial capital. President Bush has asked Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to travel to India
U.S. First Lady Laura Bush says the United States must remain engaged in Afghanistan - and she is vowing to remain involved in efforts to help Afghan women long after her husband's term in office ends. 美国第一夫人劳拉.布什说,美国必须继
The deadline for the major U.S. automakers to present plans to Congress on how they would use $25 billion of emergency loans to bailout the industry is fast approaching. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler have until this week to show U.S. lawmakers th
Top officials in the Indian state, Maharashtra, are becoming political causalities of last week's terror attack. The 60-hour assault on Mumbai, blamed on Islamic militants, killed an estimated 175 people, including at least 18 foreigners. 印度马哈拉
European Union finance ministers meet today and Tuesday to discuss the details of a $253 billion economic stimulus proposal by the bloc's executive arm. 欧盟各国的财政部长星期一和星期二举行两天会议,讨论欧盟执行机构欧盟
President-elect Barack Obama announced the key members of his foreign policy and national security team Monday, including his choice of former political rival Hillary Clinton to be his secretary of state. In addition, Mr. Obama has decided to keep on
President-elect Barack Obama is getting generally positive reviews for choosing former rival Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state. But political experts say Clinton's appointment carries the potential of both risk and reward. 美国当选总统奥
A trio of U.S. senators is in South Asia, one of several sets of high-level foreign visitors trying to defuse rising tension between India and Pakistan following the Mumbai terror attacks. Meanwhile, India is renewing demands Pakistan hand over wante
A court has ruled that the Thai prime minister, his party and his coalition partners are banned from politics. The decision led the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy to pledge to allow flights to resume at Bangkok's international airpor
In wake of the terror attack in Mumbai, India is renewing demands Pakistan hand over wanted fugitives. India's government says a list of alleged terrorists and others has been re-submitted in a formal diplomatic request. The move is seen as the lates
Mourning continues in Mumbai as the city limps back to normal after militant attacks that killed about 175 people and injured more than 300 others. Among the funerals and memorial services was a remembrance for a rabbi and his wife who were killed in
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