The United States and South Korea are each gearing up for a crucial vote to ratify a major trade liberalization deal. In South Korea, opponents of the pact are trying to block a separate compromise to open up the country to American beef imports - a
In Egypt, a one-day labor strike calling for higher wages has had mixed results amid a security crackdown. 埃及工人罢工一天,要求提高工资。随着罢工被保安人员镇压,罢工也产生了不同的结果。 Some people refused to
China is for the first time hosting talks on Iran's nuclear programs. China wants to show it is a responsible power while balancing its need for oil from Iran. 中国首次主持有关伊朗核计划的谈判。中国希望能展现自己是一个负责
Top U.S. financial officials say the markets could have been thrown into chaos if the government had not taken strong action to rescue a big investment bank that was falling into bankruptcy. But critics say the move put billions of dollars at risk, a
Internet experts warn that the Worldwide Web has become a haven for organized crime and they say the threat of online terrorism is real. At a recent e-crime congress in London, a NATO official said online espionage and Internet-based terrorism repres
India has taken steps to drastically limit rice exports in a bid to cool prices and ensure sufficient food stocks for its more than one billion people. India is battling inflation and a spike in food prices. 印度政府大幅度减少大米出口,以
The first India-Africa summit has concluded with a pledge to work as partners to address economic and development challenges. They also vowed to ensure food security for their developing regions, where poverty is widespread. 首届印非高峰会星期
Senator Hillary Clinton is challenging her Democratic Party presidential rival, Senator Barack Obama, to a debate. The call is part of the escalating rhetoric between the two as they campaign in the central state of Indiana. 美国民主党总统参选
The commander of U.S. forces in Central Asia and the Middle East, General David Petraeus, says Pakistan will likely have to make some deals with tribes along its border with Afghanistan in an effort to consolidate gains its military forces have made,
The United Nations and international aid agencies are ramping up their assistance to earthquake victims in Haiti. But, they report the extent of devastation caused by the powerful quake is hampering their relief efforts. 联合国和国际援助机构正
New numbers from China's customs agency say the country's exports for 2009 were more than $1.2 trillion, slightly ahead of Germany. 中国海关的新数据显示,中国2009年出口总值超过12万亿美元,略高于德国。 Exports in Decembe
Middle East diplomacy is moving into high gear this month in a fresh effort to revive stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Cairo this week and proposed that Egypt host a three-way
The U.S. Navy says it is on heightened alert after receiving what it calls credible al-Qaida threats against American warships and commercial vessels in the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf. The latest threat from Osama bin Laden's
Two weeks after Haiti's earthquake, the international community is beginning to focus on long-term aid for the devastated nation. International donors are meeting in Montreal, Monday. A United Nations agency is calling on international donors to focu
The Obama administration and a top Republican lawmaker agree U.S. Central Bank Chief Ben Bernanke is likely to be confirmed for another term as the nation's top monetary official. 奥巴马政府和一名资深共和党议员都认为,美联储现任
U.S. President Barack Obama is preparing to deliver his State of the Union Address at a time of political turmoil in Washington. Voter anger is high, and a Republican Senate victory in Massachusetts has sent shock waves through the president's Democr
The new U.S. security agreement to help oversee Haiti's main transportation links is an attempt to clearly define the role of the 18,000 American forces arriving in the coming days. While U.S. troops are still primarily focused on evacuating the inju
U.S. envoy George Mitchell has failed to convince Palestinian leaders to return to negotiations with Israel. Talks have been stalled for more than a year and Mitchell is in the region urging both sides to take steps to get negotiations going again. F
Iran's president says his country is resolved to produce its own highly enriched uranium if the West is unwilling to accept Iran's counter-proposal to a U.N. deal worked out last November. 伊朗总统说,如果西方不愿接受伊朗就去年11月达
The Bush administration is sending its senior Africa diplomat to Kenya to try to encourage political dialogue between the principals in last week's bitterly disputed presidential election. 美国布什政府正准备向肯尼亚派出非洲事务高级
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