模块化机器人越来越接近现实 For years, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University experimented with a snake-like robot that could crawl through pipes and climb up trees. 多年来,卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的研究人
尝试新概念 NASA火星着陆器遇挫 The U.S. space agency's test run of a Mars landing system came to a disappointing end Monday when the saucer-shaped vehicle's parachute failed to unfurl high over the Pacific Ocean. 美国太空总署(NASA)
埃博拉疫苗试验在西非进行 Ebola has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people in West Africa. Since last summer, researchers have rushed to get anti-Ebola vaccines into clinical trials. While it's too early to say that any of the potent
加州州长下令节水 Environmentalists warn the world is facing serious water shortages and the United States is no exception. While parts of the country may get too much snow and rain, that is not the case in the southwest. California has been d
香港房地产价格飞涨 In Hong Kong, one of the worlds most expensive property markets, housing prices have doubled since 2009. 香港是全球最贵的房地产市场之一。自2009年以来,房价已经上涨了一倍。 Chris Parker, who h
埃塞俄比亚推动大型水利工程建设 With a newly-signed deal on sharing Nile River waters with Egypt, Ethiopia is moving ahead with the continuing construction of Africa's largest hydro-power dam and the filling of a reservoir. 在与埃及新
科学家研制解毒剂抗撒哈拉以南各种毒蛇 Thousands of people in sub-Saharan Africa die or are disabled each year due to poisonous snake bites. Scientists in Britain are working to develop a serum that will counteract the venom from all
肯尼亚恐怖攻击后军方戒备森严Victims of the devastating terrorist attack that left 148 people dead last week in Garissa, Kenya, are trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.上周在肯尼亚加里萨大学发生的恐怖攻
古巴将参加美洲峰会 美古互动是看点 The Summit of the Americas normally receives little media attention in the United States. But this year is different because Cuba, unlike previous years, is invited to the gathering in Panama, which w
美国国会是否将破坏伊朗核协议? A growing number of U.S. lawmakers of both political parties say Congress should have an up-or-down vote if a final accord is reached on Irans nuclear program. Even as the Obama administration braces for
巴基斯坦沙特伊朗三方核关系微妙 Irans foreign minister is due to arrive in Pakistan Wednesday to discuss the conflict in Yemen, which many see as a fight for influence between regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran also has recentl
肯尼亚兰加塔女子监狱犯人学习法律 At a women's prison in Nairobi, Kenyan inmates are taking the law into their own hands. Law classes have helped inmates launch their own appeals and defend themselves in court. 在肯尼亚的内罗毕女
索马里首都治安改善 夜场篮球赛悄然回归 For the first time in decades, young basketball players in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, are enjoying better security and playing tournaments at night - attracting more fans. 在索马里首都摩
难民涌入 意大利和希腊压力大 Conflict and poverty in Africa and the Middle East and other parts of the world are creating waves of refuges, ready to risk their lives to escape misery. Europe has been flooded with migrants and this year th
激光技术弥合伤口,天衣无缝不留痕 All surgical patients want their wounds to heal quickly with the least possible scarring. But traditional stitches, clips and more modern chemical glues all have their own disadvantages. Israeli scient
纽约极力保护时装之都桂冠 Many of the world's most revered designers create their fashions in New York City. But often those designs are manufactured overseas to save money. 世界上许多最富盛名的设计师都在纽约进行时尚设计
严重雾霾影响清迈经济及居民健康 In northern Thailand, the annual haze has come early, affecting both citizens' health and the local economy -- including traffic in and out of the region's airports. 每年都出现的雾霾现象今年在泰
用无人机监测濒临绝种的考拉 Small endangered animals are often hard to find in their natural habitats, making it difficult for scientists to monitor them and develop conservation plans. But new technologies can help. Australian researcher
肯尼亚牧民种植抗旱树 In northern Kenya, recurrent drought and desertification [process by which once fertile lands turn into deserts] are hitting livestock-dependent communities hard. Families in the Samburu region are hoping to root out ma
小小泡沫把普通水变成强力清洁剂 While a stream of ordinary cold water may clean some dirt it is not considered an effective cleaning agent. But when two inventors at the University of Southampton added a little ultrasound the water beca
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