I did notice the news about those parts of London becoming ghost quarters, 我注意到了那些关于伦敦市区空洞化的新闻, where the global super-rich turn fishy money into empty apartments 在那儿,世界级富豪把现钱变为空洞公

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I heard all of these things, but I didn't listen. 这些事都经过了我的耳朵,可惜我没有去仔细倾听。 I looked but didn't see. I read, didn't understand. 我看了,但是没看见。我读了,可是没理解。 I paid attention

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I could fail to see change's consequences. 我可能忽视改变带来的后果, I could overlook the importance of roots, traditions, rituals, stability -- and belonging. 我可能忽视那些根源,传统,仪式,稳定性--归属感的重要性

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Cassini just a few months ago also flew through the plume, and it measured silicate particles. 卡西尼太空船几个月前又从这些飞溅的水流中穿过,它检测到了硅酸盐颗粒。 Where does the silica come from? 这些硅从哪来的

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The second story has to do with something that I'm sure most of you have seen or will remember. 第二个故事,和那些我相信你们大多数人都见过或者记得相关事情。 Very often, countries in Africa suffer drought and floods, 非洲

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But that narrative is being challenged now 然而,这个故事现在遇到了挑战 because the continent has not been doing well in the last two years. 因为非洲大陆在过去两年内一直表现不佳。 It had been growing at five percent p

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Two, debt. In 1994, the debt-to-GDP ratio of African countries was 130 percent, and they didn't have fiscal space. 第二件事,债务。在1994年,非洲国家债务对GDP的比例是130%,而且他们没有财政空间。 They couldn't use the

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And this mobile money is also providing a platform for access to alternative energy. 这项移动支付技术也为获取替代能源提供了一个平台。 You know, people who can now pay for solar the same way they pay for cards for their telepho

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So even though we've been growing, the structure of the economies has not changed very much. 即使我们一直在发展,经济的机构并没有什么改变。 We are still exporting commodities, and exporting commodities is what? It's exporting j

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Now, where do we go from there? 现在,我们该走向何方? I believe that the way forward is to learn to manage success. 我相信前进的道路就是学会管理成功。 Very often, when people succeed or countries succeed, they forget what

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We have genius in our young people. I see it every day. 我们的年轻人拥有天赋。我每天都看得到。 It's what makes me wake up in the morning and feel ready to go. 这就是每天早上叫醒我并且让我整装待发的东西。 We ha

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So you mentioned corruption in your talk, and you're known, well-known as a strong anticorruption fighter. 你在你的演讲中提到了腐败,而你作为一个反腐败人士是非常知名的。 But that's had consequences. People have fought b

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Is there life beyond Earth in our solar system? 在地球以外,太阳系里还有生命吗? Wow, what a powerful question. 哇,多么掷地有声的问题! You know, as a scientist -- planetary scientist -- we really didn't take that very se

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Why? We look at the inner planets. 为什么?让我们看看太阳系的行星: Venus is way too hot -- it's got no water. 金星太热所以没水。 Mars -- dry and arid. It's got no water. 火星干旱贫瘠,也不会有水。 And beyond Mar

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And in fact, Curiosity -- which has been roving on the surface now for about three years -- 事实上,好奇号探测车,在火星表面上漫游已经有三年了 has really shown us that it's sitting in an ancient river bed, where water flowed

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A few months ago the fairy tale came true. 几个月前,童话故事成真了! We announced to the world that we know what these streaks are. It's liquid water. 我们向世界宣布,我们已经知道这些条纹是什么了。是液态水。

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The first was that even though we grew, we didn't create enough jobs. 一,虽然我们进步,我们却没有创造足够的就业岗位。 We didn't create jobs for our youth. 我们没有为我们的年轻人创造就业岗位。 Youth unemploym

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Not only that, we're continuing to plant one or two species and weed out the aspens and birches. 不仅如此,我们还在继续种植着那一两种单一的树木,还继续着把山杨和桦树清除出去。 These simplified forests lack compl

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First, we all need to get out in the forest. 首先,我们都得走出家门,走进森林。 We need to reestablish local involvement in our own forests. 我们需要重新使当地的居民融入到我们森林中去。 You see, most of our fore

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So this is my niece. Her name is Yahli. She is nine months old. 这是我的侄女。她叫Yahli。她只有九个月大。 Her mum is a doctor, and her dad is a lawyer. 她妈妈是一名医生,爸爸是一名律师。 By the time Yahli goes to co

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