时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-梦幻女郎


   [00:04.28]I'm just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know... 我只是说,你会更有成就 若你能多一点…

  [00:07.60]I'm just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know... 我只是说,你会更有成就 若你能多一点…
  [00:08.40]- Shy? Sugar-sweet, like you? - Boys seem to like it. - 娇羞?含情脉脉,像你? - 男孩就爱这种
  [00:13.16]Well, I am not interested in boys, Deena. 哼,我对男孩才没有兴趣 蒂娜
  [00:15.76]What are you ladies jawing 1 about? 小姐们在聊些什么?
  [00:16.32]Well, Curtis, we were just wondering... 看,君特,我们正在想…
  [00:24.28]Do you cheat on your wife, like Mr. Jimmy Early? 你会否背妻偷欢 像吉米那样?
  [00:25.56]Hey, Effie! I don't know her. 嘻,艾菲 我不认识她呢
  [00:30.44]Deena's right. It's really none of our business. 是蒂娜对的 我们也不能干涉
  [00:31.36]We don't even know if you're married. 我们还不知你结婚没有
  [00:33.92]I was married. It didn't work out. 我曾结婚 但又婚姻失败
  [00:39.68]Well, was she one of those teeny little tweety-birds like little Miss Deena here? 那么,你娶的一定像蒂娜那样 小鸟依人的女子?
  [00:42.28]Or do you prefer a real woman? 还是一个真我的女人?
  [00:44.56]Well, actually, I was raised by my older sisters, 这…事实上 是我姊姊把我带大的
  [00:47.92]and they were just as real as you are. 她就像你那样率性真情
  [00:49.84]Well, why don't you sit down and tell me about them? 那好,那不妨坐下来 谈谈她的真情性?
  [00:53.20]You know, I would love to, but give me a minute. 你知道我很乐意 你等我一下
  [01:05.12]It ain't working, Marty. That faint used to kill 'em. 那行不通,马列 一定叫他们晕死过去
  [01:08.44]- It used to slay 2 'em in the aisles 3. - Slay 'em in the aisles, baby. - 放他们在走廊 - 放他们在走廊,宝贝
  [01:10.48]But now you got everybody doing it. 现在人人都唱这个
  [01:12.68]You got Otis, J.B. Everybody doing my shit. 奥蒂斯·雷丁、J.B. 所有人都抄袭我
  [01:13.16]You're right, Jimmy. Everybody's doing it. 你说得对,吉米 人人都参一脚
  [01:15.60]Well, who's the original? 可是,谁是首创?
  [01:16.88]Who was the first one to fall down and start screaming? 谁人创先在舞台跪下 随曲韵高叫
  [01:17.04]- That was you. - I'm the first! - 那是你 - 我第一个做的
  [01:19.48]And you killed 'em tonight, baby. It was beautiful, Jimmy. Beautiful. 你把他们全迷倒 你是表演真是太精采,吉米
  [01:22.12]Marty, you're full of shit, man. I need something. 马列,你的马屁话多 我需要的是建议
  [01:24.12]Man, I need something... 我要切实建议
  [01:26.80]That's what I need. Sweet Mother Jesus. 就是那些 好个甜姐儿
  [01:28.80]I need that right there! 就在那里
  [01:30.48]What you need is a new sound. 你需要新的曲风
  [01:35.16]What I need is a new Caddy. That one you sold me is dripping oil. 我需要大油缸的车 你却卖我小漏斗
  [01:40.72]Hey, Jimmy, you remember C.C., Effie's brother? 嘻,吉米,你认识斯斯吧 艾菲的哥哥?
  [01:43.92]He's a very talented composer. 才华洋溢的作曲人
  [01:46.32]Yeah, I remember you. You wrote that song, Move On. 对,我认得你 你写了那首〈走,走〉
  [01:47.92]Move. The girls be, "Move, move, move." 走,走 妞儿们,"走,走"
  [01:48.76]Yeah, that was me, man. 对,是我写的,老友
  [01:49.96]- All right. - Yeah. - 好 - 好
  [01:54.64]What did you think of that song, Marty? 你对这曲有什么评价,马列?
  [01:57.24]Well, I think it was kind of... 这个嘛,有点……
  [02:02.00]You know... 就是…
  [02:04.20]- Kind of boring, I thought. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - 挺闷蛋,我认为 - 对,对,对
  [02:08.48]It's boring, kid. - 闷蛋,小伙子
  [02:11.32]I'm no kid, mister. 我不是小伙子,先生
  [02:17.92]I'm sorry, baby, but when Jimmy's involved, 呵,对不起,宝贝 但吉米的歌
  [02:19.92]the song got to have some soul! 一定要有骚灵的味道
  [02:27.84]Damn! Lord have mercy! 该死!上帝怜悯!
  [02:30.60]Got to have soul! 骚灵音乐至上!
  [02:34.60]Soul, gospel, R&B, jazz, blues 4, 骚灵、福音歌、蓝调 爵士、布鲁斯怨曲
  [02:37.08]everything else the man has grabbed from us. 一切都是黑人音乐 都被人偷去
  [02:40.96]Listen, there's got to be a better way for us to get our music 听好,一定要找方法 把黑人音乐
  [02:42.56]to a broader audience, 介绍给更多听众
  [02:44.08]only this time with our artists and our money. 以黑人歌手名义 用我们的资金
  [02:47.04]Marty, this man is handing me a line of crap. 马列,这人说了一大堆废话
  [02:50.40]Yeah, I know, baby. 对,我就知道
  [02:52.28]Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克,卡迪拉克
  [02:56.96]Got me a Cadillac car 给我一辆卡迪拉克
  [03:02.12]Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克,卡迪拉克
  [03:06.40]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
  [03:12.88]I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it. 我知你们这些坏心眼都在想什么 算吧了
  [03:16.96]James Early ain't no street-corner punk looking for his first date. 吉米·岳利不是站街的庞克 在找他的约会对象
  [03:21.52]He's an established artist with a recording 5 contract. 他有身份、有唱片合约
  [03:24.08]On a shitty local label that can't get him to the pop charts. 以社区街坊品牌发行 一辈子也打不入流行榜
  [03:26.56]We can't do nothing about that. 那我们也没办法
  [03:28.48]All I'm asking is one record, man. One song with a simple hook. 只要有一张唱片大卖 老友,一首扣人心弦的歌
  [03:32.28]"Look at me in my pretty car, makes me feel like a movie star." "看我坐在华美的车 让我自觉如电影明星"
  [03:34.04]You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man. 今日乐曲在哪里流行起来? 车里,老友
  [03:38.44]Songs that make you feel good while you're driving your automobile 6. 人们听你的歌 因为驾车时,它琅琅上口
  [03:41.08]Yeah? 是吗?
  [03:44.60]Jimmy's fans like taking the bus. 吉米的歌迷乘巴士,不驾车
  [03:48.04]Let's hit it, Jimmy. 走吧,吉米
  [03:53.72]Hey, what do you think about using that bridge there, baby? 嘻,不如就用那首歌吧,甜心?
  [03:58.92]Movir out 驶出来
  [04:00.28]Movir up 驶上去
  [04:04.24]Sounds a little tick-tock, boys. 好像有些钟表滴答声
  [04:04.60]Movir on 继续驶
  [04:06.72]Going to work! Shut it down! 要开工了!关掉它们!
  [04:07.08]Let's stay in the pocket. 收好你们的手表
  [04:10.80]Recording, Cadillac Car. Take nine. 录音,〈卡迪拉克〉,第九次
  [04:14.00]I got me a Cadillac 我有一辆卡迪拉克
  [04:17.52]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
  [04:17.56]I got me a Cadillac car 我有一辆卡迪拉克
  [04:21.08]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
  [04:21.64]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
  [04:24.48]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
  [04:28.80]I'm on the move 我正驶着
  [04:30.00]I'm gettir on 鼓足冲劲
  [04:31.08]I'm breakir out 蓄势爆发
  [04:33.68]And it won't take long 日子不远
  [04:34.76]Behind the wheel 车轮背后
  [04:37.88]Got a song 就有这歌
  [04:38.04]Pedal's down 使劲踩踏板
  [04:38.16]And I'm gone 绝尘而去
  [04:44.60]We've got that coming up in the next hour, 下一小时还有很多新曲
  [04:48.32]It's a different sound for the Thunder Man. 雷震子吉米的新歌
  [04:48.64]but for now, let me get a hold of your ear. 但大家先来听听
  [04:52.40]And I think you're gonna enjoy it. 定能令你耳目一新
  [04:55.88]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
  [04:56.84]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
  [04:57.52]Oh, my God, Lorrell! Do you hear that? That's us! 噢,天呀,罗慧 你听到吗?我们的歌
  [05:00.04]We're on the radio, Curtis! 电台放我们的歌,君特!
  [05:04.60]- What's happening? - Black station, the signal's too weak. - 怎样了? - 黑人电台,收不到
  [05:06.72]Turn this boat around! Hurry up! 倒车!快!
  [05:07.28]C.C., fix it! What are you waiting for? 斯斯,倒车 还等什么?
  [05:11.88]Antenna's up 竖起天线
  [05:12.56]Top is down 上下倒转
  [05:15.04]Peelir out 内外颠倒
  [05:15.32]Don't care where I'm bound 没有地域规限
  [05:18.32]Got these four wheels 鼓动四轮
  [05:18.84]Spinnir round 高速疾驰
  [05:21.72]Me and my two-tone Caddy 我和我的大油缸
  [05:22.92]Gonna blow this town 席卷全城
  [05:24.88]Movir out 驶出来
  [05:28.80]Cadillac Car is No. 8 on the R&B charts, and No. 98 on the pop charts. 〈卡迪拉克〉登上蓝调曲榜第8位 流行曲榜第98位
  [05:31.96]Movir out 驶出来
  [05:32.92]Movir up 驶上去
  [05:35.24]Movir on 继续驶
  [05:53.32]Right to the top 直上榜首
  [06:12.32]Got me a Cadillac 给我一辆卡迪拉克
  [06:14.76]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
  [06:18.08]Got me a Cadillac car 给我一辆卡迪拉克
  [06:20.64]Oh, I've got me a Cadillac 噢,我有一辆卡迪拉克
  [06:24.32]Cadillac, Cadillac 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
  [06:27.40]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
  [06:31.76]Look at me, mister, I'm a star 看着我,先生 我就是明星
  [06:35.44]Look at me, mister 看着我,先生
  [06:39.16]I'm a star 我就是明星
  [06:50.28]That's Dave & the Sweethearts with their marvelous 戴夫和甜姐儿,还有他们的
  [06:52.84]new recording, Cadillac Car. 新专辑,〈卡迪拉克〉
  [07:05.60]You hear this shit? 你听到他们的混帐话?
  [07:09.76]You hear this shit? 你听到他们的混帐话?
  [07:11.04]They act like we don't even exist! 他们完全对我们视而不见
  [07:14.76]Is that how it works, Curtis? 这就是你讲的成名,君特?
  [07:16.04]The man decides he wants something, he just takes it? 他们想要什么 就随便拿去?
  [07:16.40]I mean, how can they do that? That's my song. 他们怎可以这样? 那是我的创作
  [07:21.00]Our song. 我们的创作
  [07:23.48]Marty says this happens all the time. Once something... 马列说这事一直发生 每有好歌…
  [07:24.36]That's bullshit, man! He should have protected us! 废话,老兄 你应该保护我们的权益
  [07:25.28]Wake up, brother. The only one that can protect you is me. 醒醒,兄弟 惟一能保护你的人是我
  [07:30.32]Who was the first artist to sing Hound Dog? 那个歌手先唱〈猎犬〉一曲
  [07:34.60]Elvis Presley. 猫王埃尔维斯·普莱斯里
  [07:36.88]Big Mama Thornton. She had the No. 1 single on the R&B charts, 但是,是大妈科铎的〈猎犬〉 登上蓝调细碟榜冠军
  [07:39.08]because to them it was just another race record. 他们只视为 小众的黑人音乐
  [07:40.80]but white stations wouldn't play it 白人电歌不肯广播这歌
  [07:42.84]We are gonna make friends with the most important deejays in this country. 我们先要和全国著名的 唱片骑师混熟
  [07:48.72]It's strictly 7 pay-for-play with those boys. 对他们来说 有钱,便播歌
  [07:50.64]That takes money. Real money. 他们只对钱开眼 真金白银
  [07:54.40]What is that? Chicken scratch? 都看呀,不用凑钱吧!
  [07:56.16]Let's get to work. 开始计划
  [07:57.56]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
  [08:04.24]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
  [08:06.84]The smile I had is gone away 往日天真不再
  [08:11.00]Those that steal are gonna pay 今天犹有重重障碍
  [08:11.76]Steppir to the bad side today 今天弃明投暗
  [08:20.84]I'm telling you now, it's got to end 我来豪言,一切革新
  [08:21.84]No more trusting them, my friend 不要再信任他们
  [08:24.00]Change our tone 说话理直气壮
  [08:25.32]Change our style 一洗颓风
  [08:25.80]Make the songs we sing our own 令黑人歌手打响名堂
  [08:27.96]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
  [08:32.68]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
  [08:38.32]I'll get you all the breaks you need 我会令你大红大紫
  [08:39.60]In just two years, we'll be in the lead 两年内行内领先
  [08:42.92]Can't sit back, it's plain to see 潜能太大,一出必胜
  [08:46.28]Open your eyes and trust in me 看清楚,信任我
  [08:46.36]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
  [08:51.84]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
  [08:57.00]I was a man who tried to be good 我总想做好人
  [09:00.32]I was always misunderstood 却总是教人误会
  [09:00.96]You can't play fair or be too meek 8 公平不行,懦弱又被人欺
  [09:02.56]You gotta get way down 一定要破釜沉舟
  [09:05.56]and show your danger streak 9 展露你狠辣个性
  [09:11.36]Steppir to the bad side 弃明投暗
  [09:11.40]Here's a great new song from Jimmy Early and The Dreamettes. 吉米·岳利和梦幻女郎的 派台新歌
  [09:15.20]Gonna take a mean ride 不得不手段肮脏
  [09:20.08]...a new hit from Jimmy Early and The Dreamettes. 电台热播 吉米和梦幻三人组的新歌
  [09:23.08]It's called Steppir to the Bad Side. 歌名是〈弃明投暗〉
  [09:56.96]Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Apollo Theater's legendary stage 各位观众,欢迎来到 太阳神剧院的大舞台

1 jawing
  • I got tired of him jawing away all the time. 他老是唠唠叨叨讲个不停,使我感到厌烦。 来自辞典例句
  • For heaven's sake, what are you two jawing about? 老天爷,你们两个还在嘟囔些什么? 来自辞典例句
2 slay
  • He intended to slay his father's murderer.他意图杀死杀父仇人。
  • She has ordered me to slay you.她命令我把你杀了。
3 aisles
n. (席位间的)通道, 侧廊
  • Aisles were added to the original Saxon building in the Norman period. 在诺曼时期,原来的萨克森风格的建筑物都增添了走廊。
  • They walked about the Abbey aisles, and presently sat down. 他们走到大教堂的走廊附近,并且很快就坐了下来。
4 blues
  • She was in the back of a smoky bar singing the blues.她在烟雾弥漫的酒吧深处唱着布鲁斯歌曲。
  • He was in the blues on account of his failure in business.他因事业失败而意志消沉。
5 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
6 automobile
  • He is repairing the brake lever of an automobile.他正在修理汽车的刹车杆。
  • The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上转弯时放慢了速度。
7 strictly
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
8 meek
  • He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。
  • The little girl is as meek as a lamb.那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。
9 streak
  • The Indians used to streak their faces with paint.印第安人过去常用颜料在脸上涂条纹。
  • Why did you streak the tree?你为什么在树上刻条纹?
active homing missile
adhesive pad
adjustable moving blade
bandobast, bandobust
beef it up
blue false indigoes
book review digest
bowringpet (bangarapet)
brain cortex
California Nebula
circular lattice distribution
color comparator pyrometer
commercialized agriculture
complex instruction set
compound tubnlar glands
coral plant
core out
cored mold
crossed product
customs quota system
cyrtohypnum sparsifolium
directive to work
discharge lamps
dorsoventral axis
double-heart wood
fast traffic
force someone's hand
graduated charge
graphium gordoniae
heat-treated surface
initial iverse voltage
interactive reentrant assembler
ion-molecule reaction
lateral excursion of axle
life safety
lines up
Louis B. Mayer
MIP mapping
n-address instuction
nodi gutturis
noncooperative game-theoretic model
on that account
orbit shift coils
peach tree
phase variable
prism mass spectrometer
puberty rite
put the world to rights
replacement scheme
roentgen unit
rook rifle
Russell rectifier
second flank
self knowledge
single-address order code
single-track vehicle
totanus (eutortanus) vermiculus
Trema nitida
Villaverde de Guadalimar
virom crosome
wooden crate
yellow-fin tuna