听电影学英语-初恋50次 02
时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-初恋50次
- 1 听电影学英语-初恋50次 02
[00:02.32]Then you won't be able to go on your boat trip to Alaska. 然后你就不能驾船去阿拉斯加了
[00:04.36]You'll be stuck here, waking up next to the same old, ugly broad, just like Ula. 你会被卡在这里 跟我一样娶个老母猪
[00:13.80]- Just kidding, guys. - About the old part or the ugly part? -开玩笑的啦 -你是说老还是母猪的部份?
[00:21.60]Henry, come quickly! It's Jocko! 医生,快来,肥仔病了!
[00:31.84]Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy 1? 肥仔,你怎么了?
[00:34.60]Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine. 别怕,不会有事的
[00:37.72]Just stay calm. All right. 冷静点
[00:38.88]Willie, I don't need you to see this. Get out of here, now! 小威,别看,快出去!
[00:43.96]Okay, check the temperature of the pool Go! Hurry! 检查一下池子的温度,快去!
[00:48.60]What are you doing? I meant check the thermometer! 你耍宝啊?去看温度计!
[00:50.52]Give me a hand. Let's go! 帮我忙,快点!
[00:53.48]Get me two fish from the barrel Now. 帮我拿两条鱼过来
[00:54.20]- Okay. - Just hang in there. -好 -忍着点
[00:57.20]- Here. - It 's gonna be all right. -来了 -不会有事的
[00:59.64]That's a little warm. Go to the bottom of the barrel, please. 太温了,拿桶底的鱼
[01:10.08]Okay, there. That's good. Thank you. 很好,谢谢
[01:10.56]Come on, buddy, take it. Take it. 来啊,吃下去
[01:12.16]- He's not responding! - I know, Alexa! -他没反应 -我知道啦
[01:14.84]Sorry, I smacked 2 you. You needed the fish-slap to calm down. 抱歉打了你 你要跟死鱼一样冷静,懂吗?
[01:18.64]- Do you understand? Are you calm? - Yes. Fish-slap calm me. -你够冷静吗? -够,死鱼打醒了我
[01:22.20]I'm gonna try to get him breathing manually... 我要动手让他深呼吸...
[01:23.48]...so I need your face next to his mouth to see if it's working. 你把脸贴在他嘴旁注意动静
[01:27.96]- Are you ready? - Yes. -准备好了? -好了
[01:28.36]- One, two, three! - Nothing, nothing! -一、二、三 -没动静!
[01:32.48]All right! Try it again. If it doesn't work we'll perform a tracheotomy. 好,再试一次 要是再没用,就动手术
[01:35.92]We don't wanna do that, so let's pray this works. One more time. 我们可不想那样,再来一次吧
[01:40.40]One, two... 一、二...
[01:50.56]That's a lot of vomit 3. 吐的真多呢
[01:53.64]This is why I got into this business. 这就是我进这行的理由
[01:58.68]To save sea animals. 要拯救海洋动物
[01:58.72]You should go wash yourself off, okay? 你去洗个澡吧?
[02:01.08]Maybe try some turpentine. That might take the stink 4 away. 用姜汁洗,可以去腥味
[02:06.24]Yeah, high-five is right, buddy. 干的好啊,兄弟
[02:08.76]I knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome 5! 我知道你会打嗝,但吐就太猛了
[02:12.64]That's what she gets for eating my roast beef sandwich. 这是她偷吃我三明治的下场
[02:16.16]Willie, did you see that? 小威,你看到了吧?
[02:40.84]Captain's log: November 5th, 6:45 a.m. 船长日志,11月5日 清晨6点45分
[02:42.44]I've taken the Sea Serpent for a trip around the island of Oahu. 我驾着海蛇号到欧胡岛
[02:47.32]It is by far the longest voyage she has yet underaken... 这是它航行最远的一次...
[02:50.60]...and its completion will signal that she's ready... 此次出航成功代表它已经...
[02:52.96]...for our great journey to Bristol Bay... 准备好航向布里斯托湾...
[02:53.04]...whose unspoiled walus habitat will yield an abundance of... 野生海象的栖息地 那里有数不清的...
[03:05.28]Damn it! 哇咧!
[03:08.76]Are you kidding me? 不会吧?
[03:28.56]Aloha, honey. What can I get for you? 你好,帅哥,要点什么?
[03:32.44]I guess I' II take a cup of coffee. 我想我就来杯咖啡吧
[03:34.52]- You guess? - Yeah, I already ate breakfast. -你想? -我吃过早餐了
[03:36.32]I need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat. 我只是在等人救援,帮忙拖船
[03:42.56]I had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and some Gatorade. 花生巧克力加宝矿力
[03:42.80]What did you eat? 你早餐吃了什么?
[03:45.88]They're not breakfast. I get you Spam and eggs. 那不算早餐,来客火腿蛋吧
[03:49.72]Nick, I need Spam and eggs. 大胖,来客火腿蛋
[03:52.72]Hey. 嗨
[03:54.88]- You like the peanut butter cups? - Yes. -你喜欢花生巧克力? -对
[03:59.60]Want me to put peanut butter cups in your eggs? 我帮你在蛋里加一点吧?
[04:01.64]No, that's okay. 不用了
[04:05.36]Peanut butter cups. 花生巧克力
[04:23.12]- Hey, Sue, nice haircut. - Mahalo, Lucy. -阿苏,你发型好美 -谢谢你,露西
[05:00.20]Are you staring at me or her? 你在看我还是看她?
- Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
- Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
- He smacked his lips but did not utter a word. 他吧嗒两下嘴,一声也不言语。
- She smacked a child's bottom. 她打孩子的屁股。
- They gave her salty water to make her vomit.他们给她喝盐水好让她吐出来。
- She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.她感到一阵疼痛,开始呕吐起来。