冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第365期:第二十三章 艾德(7)
时间:2019-02-25 作者:英语课 分类:冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第365期:第二十三章 艾德(7)
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- 1 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第365期:第二十三章 艾德(7)
Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, 奈德很难想像有什么能吓住史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩,当年他曾坚守风息堡长达一年之久,
surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls. 到最后提利尔公爵和雷德温伯爵的军队围在城外,成天饮酒作乐,城里却只能靠吃老鼠肉和鞋皮支撑。
Bring me my doublet, if you would. The grey, with the direwolf sigil. I want this armorer to know who I am. It might make him more forthcoming. 麻烦你帮我把背心拿来,就灰色有冰原狼饰样的那件。我要让这个武器师傅知道我是谁,这样他或许会比较容易开口。
Jory went to the wardrobe. Lord Renly is brother to Lord Stannis as well as the king. 乔里走到衣橱边。蓝礼大人也是国王和史坦尼斯大人的弟弟。
Yet it seems that he was not invited on these rides. Ned was not sure what to make of Renly, with all his friendly ways and easy smiles. 但他们骑马却没找他作伴,虽然蓝礼态度友善又笑口常开,奈德仍旧摸不清他的立场。
A few days past, he had taken Ned aside to show him an exquisite 1 rose gold locklet. 前几天,他把奈德拉到一边,向他展示一个精雕细琢的黄金玫瑰坠子,
Inside was a miniature painted in the vivid Myrish style, of a lovely young girl with doe's eyes and a cascade 2 of soft brown hair. 里面有张密尔画风的鲜活肖像,画中人是个生着雌鹿般眸子和一头柔软棕发的可爱少女。
Renly had seemed anxious to know if the girl reminded him of anyone, and when Ned had no answer but a shrug 3, he had seemed disappointed. 蓝礼似乎急于知道女孩是否让他联想起什么人,当奈德答不上来,只耸了耸肩时,他似乎相当失望。
The maid was Loras Tyrell's sister Margaery, he'd confessed, but there were those who said she looked like Lyanna. 女孩是洛拉斯·提利尔的妹妹玛格丽,后来他坦承,不过有人说她长得像莱安娜。
No, Ned had told him, bemused. Could it be that Lord Renly, who looked so like a young Robert, had conceived a passion for a girl he fancied to be a young Lyanna? 不像啊。奈德困惑地告诉他。难道说长得像劳勃年轻时的蓝礼,暗中爱慕着这位在他看来长得像年轻的莱安娜的女孩?
That struck him as more than passing queer. 真是怪事一桩。
Jory held out the doublet, and Ned slid his hands through the armholes. Perhaps Lord Stannis will return for Robert's tourney, he said as Jory laced the garment up the back. 乔里递过背心,奈德把手穿进臂口。或许史坦尼斯大人会回来参加劳勃的比武大会。他边说边让乔里替他将衣服带子在后腰处系上结。
- I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。
- I still remember the exquisite pleasure I experienced in Bali.我依然记得在巴厘岛所经历的那种剧烈的快感。
- She watched the magnificent waterfall cascade down the mountainside.她看着壮观的瀑布从山坡上倾泻而下。
- Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.她的卷发像瀑布一样垂在肩上。