时间:2019-02-25 作者:英语课 分类:冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》


   I hit him, she said, wonder in her voice. Now that it was over, it seemed like some strange dream that she had dreamed.  我刚打了他。她惊讶地说。现在回想起来,仿佛是一场怪梦。

  Ser Jorah, do you think...he'll be so angry when he gets back...She shivered. I woke the dragon, didn't I? 乔拉爵士,你觉得…他回来的时候会不会很生气?她颤抖着说,我唤醒了睡龙之怒,对不对?
  Ser Jorah snorted. Can you wake the dead, girl? Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon, and he died on the Trident. Viserys is less than the shadow of a snake. 乔拉爵士哼了一声:孩子,你能叫醒死人吗?你大哥雷加是最后的真龙传人,而他已经死在三叉戟河畔。韦赛里斯连条蛇的影子都不如。
  His blunt words startled her. It seemed as though all the things she had always believed were suddenly called into question. You...you swore him your sword. 他的直言不讳让她大感震惊,仿佛一夕之间,她一直以来深信不疑的事情都变得不再明晰。可你…你不是宣誓为他效命吗?
  That I did, girl, Ser Jorah said. And if your brother is the shadow of a snake, what does that make his servants? His voice was bitter. 是啊,女孩。乔拉爵士道,那么假如你哥哥只是条蛇的影子,你觉得他的手下算什么呢?他语气苦涩。
  He is still the true king. He is... 可他毕竟是真正的国王,他是…
  Jorah pulled up his horse and looked at her. Truth now. Would you want to see Viserys sit a throne? 乔拉拉住缰绳,看着她。说实话,你希望韦赛里斯登上王位?
  Dany thought about that. He would not be a very good king, would he? 丹妮仔细想了想。他不会是个很好的国王,对吧?
  There have been worse...but not many. The knight 1 gave his heels to his mount and started off again. 有比他还差的国王……但也不多。骑士一夹马肚,继续前进。
  Dany rode close beside him. Still, she said, the common people are waiting for him.  丹妮上前,和他并肩而行。不管怎么说,她道,可老百姓们还是等着他。
  Magister Illyrio says they are sewing dragon banners and praying for Viserys to return from across the narrow sea to free them. 伊利里欧总督说他们正忙着缝制真龙旗帜,祈祷韦赛里斯早日率军渡海解放他们。
  The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends, Ser Jorah told her.  老百姓祈祷的是风调雨顺、子女健康,以及永不结束的夏日。乔拉爵士告诉她,
  It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. He gave a shrug 2. They never are. 只要他们能安居乐业,王公贵族要怎么玩权力游戏都没关系。他耸耸肩。只是他们从来没能如愿。

  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
  • With a shrug,he went out of the room.他耸一下肩,走出了房间。
  • I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。
标签: 权力的游戏