音标:[ðєә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
adv. 在那里
n. a location other than here; that place
r. in or at that place
r. in that matter
r. to or toward that place; away from the speaker
词型变化:名词复数形式 : theres



  1. He has a house there and a cottage near the sea.他在那里有一所房子,在海边还有一个小屋。
  2. He drove quickly in order to get there on time.他开得飞快,以便准时赶到那里。
  3. Don't panic! We'll soon get you out of there.别害怕,我们马上就把你从那里带出去。
  1. He, with his mother, lives near there.他和他的母亲住在附近的那个地方。
  2. He stopped his car for a while and went on again from there.他停了一会儿车并从那儿重新开始。
  3. I think, strictly speaking, you are wrong there.我认为,严格地讲,你在那一点上是错了。
  4. What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an Italian votive chapel.倾斜的天花板下面那一点点空间,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。


  1. We liked the restaurant so much that we're going to eat there next time.我们很喜欢那家餐厅,所以下次还要去那里。
  2. The girls there can sing and dance.那里的女孩子都能歌善舞。
  3. There is the telegram we have just received.这就是我们刚接到的电报。
  4. There she goes!看,她到那边去了。
  5. There I have to disagree with you.在那一点上我不能同意你的意见。
  1. There are many apple trees in the garden.花园里有许多苹果树。
  2. There are a wall and a tree behind the house.房子后面有一堵墙和一棵树。
  3. There's hundreds of people on the waiting list.等着排队的人有好几百。
  4. There's but we two.只有我们两个人。
  5. There may be another downpour tonight.今晚可能又有大雨。
  6. There hasn't been any rain for some days.几天来一直未下雨。
  7. There are now published millions of books every year in Japan.现在日本每年出版成百万册书。
  8. It was too late for there to be any taxis.太晚了,不会有出租汽车了。
  9. I never dreamt of there being a picture on the wall.我真没想到那墙上有幅画。
  10. Is there a telephone in your room?你房间里有电话吗?
  11. There is a broken chair standing in the corner of my room.我屋角里有一把破椅子。
  12. I gave them all there is.我把所有的都给了他们。
  13. There wasn't any water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水。
  14. There are no books I want.没有我需要的书。
  15. There is no good in going.去没有什么好处。
  16. Everything was silent, and then there came a strange knocking at the door.当时一片寂静,接着门口传来了一声奇怪的敲门声。
  17. There appears to be a mistake.好像有一个错误。


get there
    达到目的,完成succeed in reaching an aim, completing a job, etc.
there and back
    往返,来回to and from a place
there you are
    我早就这样说过I told you so
there you go (again)
    你又来这一套you are doing again what you usually do


  • there and then当场
  • there it is在那儿
  • get there达到目的
  • all there头脑清醒的(富于机智...
  • there and back来回的(往返)...
  • there is no telling难以预测(不可能不知...
  • here and there到处
  • then and there当场
  • There is no knowing没法知道
  • have been there before曾到过那里
  • in there pitching拚命地干(劲头十足地...
  • every here and there到处,疏疏落落地...
  • over there在那边
  • There will be the deuce to pay.后果可怕。
  • There is a time for everything.做事要适时。...
  • Are you there?喂,在吗?在那吗?...
  • There you are.给你。
  • not all there稀里糊涂的
  • There are times when有时常会
  • there is有


  • He won't move..he just lies there.

    出自:R. Lehmann
  • Looked up at the..impassive eyes as if he might read there some hint.

    出自:G. Greene
  • In the mountains, there you feel free.

    出自:T. S. Eliot
  • Nottingham: We lived there for three years or so.

    出自:V. Scannell