音标:[swi:p] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 扫除, 打扫, 肃清, 视野, 范围, 全胜
vt. 扫除, 掸去, 猛拉, 扫荡, 肃清, 冲走, 刮起, 环视, 掠过, 扫射
vi. 扫, 打扫, 袭击, 席卷, 扫视, 掠过
n. a wide scope
n. a long oar used in an open boat
n. a movement in an arc
v. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions
词型变化:过去分词 : swept ; 过去式 : swept ; 现在分词 : sweeping ; 第三人称单数 : sweeps ; 名词复数形式 : sweeps



  1. He picked up the broom to help me sweep the floor.他拿起扫帚帮我扫地。
  2. They asked the little boy to sweep the room clean.他们叫那个小男孩把房间打扫干净。
  3. His fingers swept the keys of the piano.他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。
  4. The breeze sweeps the crystal mirror of the pool.微风掠过清如明鉴的一泓池水。
  5. The soldier swept the forest with a telescope.那个士兵用望远镜扫视树林。
  6. A huge wave swept over the deck.一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。
  7. He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away.他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了。
  8. He was the only man to sweep the diving gold medals in two consecutive Olympics.他是唯一一个在连续两届奥林匹克运动会上摘得跳水金牌的选手。
  9. The boy helped his mother sweep away the dirt on the floor.那个男孩帮助母亲清除尘土。
  10. We need to sweep all obstacles on our road to success.我们要清除成功道路上的一切障碍。
  1. This floor needs a good sweep.这地板需要好好清扫一下。
  2. The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.连绵的远山依稀可见。
  3. Her sweep of her audience along with her is really an amazing skill.她紧紧抓住听众心理的技巧真是令人赞叹。
  4. He lost his life in the fierce sweep of the huge wave.他被一阵疯狂的巨浪卷走,丢掉了性命。
  5. The woman sat down at the river bank, enjoying the the sweep of the wind over the river.那个女人坐在河边,享受着轻拂过水面的风儿。
  6. They are eager to get outside the sweep of the present authority.他们急于脱离当前政权的控制范围。
  7. She gave a quick sweep of the crowd with her eyes.她用目光匆匆在人群中搜寻了一番。
  8. We got several first prizes in the sport meet, which was a clean sweep this time.我们在运动会上得了好几个第一名,这次是大胜了。


  1. She is sweeping with a broom.她在用扫帚扫地。
  2. His glance swept from right to left.他左右扫视了一下。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I sweep the carpets every week.我每周打扫一次地毯。
  2. She is sweeping the floor.她正在扫地。
  3. The students are sweeping the floor of the classroom.学生们正在打扫教室地面。
  4. The captain swept the horizon.船长向地平线扫视了一下。
  5. Her eyes swept the room.她的眼睛扫视了那个房间。
  6. The searchlights swept the sky.探照灯搜索天空。
  7. They swept the seas of pirates.他们扫荡了海盗。
  8. They have swept all obstacles.他们已扫清了一切障碍。
  9. The branches swept the surface of the water.树枝掠过水面。
  10. His fingers swept the keys of the piano.他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。
  11. Her dress swept the ground.她的衣服在地面拖曳。
  12. The storm swept the country.暴风雨横扫了全国。
  13. The riots swept the industrial north and midlands.骚乱席卷了工业化的北方和中部地区。
  14. 1
  15. The house was swept every day.房子每天打扫。
  16. The room has been swept.房间已经打扫过了。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. She swept him a curtsy.她走过时对他行了一个屈膝礼。
  2. He swept the flag a bow.他匆匆地向国旗鞠了个躬。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. I'll have her sweep the room clean.我会让她把房间打扫干净的。
  2. She swept the floor clean.她把地板扫干净了。
  1. This floor needs a good sweep.这地板需要好好清扫一下。
  2. Give the room a good sweep.把这房间好好打扫一下。
  3. He gave the room a thorough sweep.他把这个房间彻底地打扫了一下。
  4. The rescue services did the last sweep to try and find the missing yachtsman.救援队展开最后一次大面积搜索,设法找到失踪的快艇驾驶员。
  5. The police made a thorough sweep of the field where the dead child's body was found.警方在发现那孩子尸体的现场进行了仔细的搜查。
  6. With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope.他用剑一挥把绳子砍断了。
  7. The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.延绵的远山依稀可见。
  8. The mountain is beyond the sweep of your eye.那座山超出你视线之外。
  9. I was most impressed by the broad sweep of her argument.她的论述旁征博引,给我留下了深刻的印象。
  10. If you still use open fires, get a sweep to call regularly.你如果仍使用盆火,就叫扫烟囱的人定期来清扫。


sweep along( v.+adv. )
    打动,感染 persuade (sb, usually a crowd) of the truth of one's speechsweep along

    With all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind.


    sweep sb/sth ⇔ along

    The wind swept us along towards the shore.


    The current swept the logs along.


    sweep sb ⇔ along

    The speaker had the ability to sweep his listeners along with him.


sweep aside( v.+adv. )
    不予考虑 refuse to pay attention to (sth)He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts.他很有一套自己的办法,对别人合理的怀疑也不予理会。
sweep away( v.+adv. )
    清除 remove or abolish by vigorous actionThey say they will sweep away the administration and introduce new methods.他们说要取消那种管理制度而采用新方法。
sweep back( v.+adv. )
    (使)向后拐〔掠〕 (cause to) lie at an angle away from sth to which it is attachedsweep back

    The other part of the house sweeps back towards the garden.


    sweep sth ⇔ back

    She swept her hair back with her free hand.


sweep before( v.+prep. )
    接连取得成功 be continuously successfulsweep all before one

    Jim won every race that afternoon, sweeping all before him.


sweep in( v.+adv. )
    把(赌赢的钱)敛收起来 collect (one's winnings)sweep sth ⇔ in

    A sudden wind swept a pile of leaves in.


    sweep in

    Peter swept in, with his dignity and insolence.


    She swept in like a queen.


    sweep in

    Labour swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices.


    sweep sth ⇔ in

    Did you see the amount of money that player swept in after the last game?


sweep into( v.+prep. )
    昂然走进 enter a place in a grand mannersweep sth into sth

    Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won't be noticed.


    sweep into sth

    They swept into the hall, preceded by trumpeters.


    Joining Ulysses and his men, they swept into Troy, killing and burning as they went.


sweep off1( v.+adv. )
    大量清除 remove in large numberssweep sth ⇔ off

    We have swept off the rubbish.


    The wind swept his hat off.


    sweep sb/sth ⇔ off

    The epidemic swept off most of the villagers.


sweep off2( v.+prep. )
    把…从…刮走〔冲走〕 drive (sth/sb) off (sth) by the action of wind or waterThe rising flood swept the travellers off their feet as they struggled to hold onto the branches.正当那些行人拼命抓树枝时,上涨的洪水把他们卷走了。
sweep out( v.+adv. )
    昂然离开 leave a place in a grand manner〔说明〕 sweep out作此解时常不用于进行体。sweep sth ⇔ out

    She swept the dirt out.


    This room needs to be well swept out.


    sweep out (of sth)

    He swept out in a fury.


    Without a word, she turned and swept out of the room.


sweep over( v.+prep. )
    涌上…心头,使…难以抑制 (of a feeling) reach and sometimes conquer (sb) by greater strengthsweep over sb

    A deadly fear swept over him.


    Uncontrollable anger swept over Jim when he learned how Mary had been treated.


sweep through1( v.+adv. )
    轻易地通过 pass sth, as an examination easilysweep through

    John thought that he would fail his driving test again, but this time, to his own surprise, he swept through.


sweep through2( v.+prep. )
    迅速传遍于… (of a fashion, disease, story, etc.) be passed quickly among (large numbers of people); pass quickly through (a place)〔说明〕 sweep through作此解时,常不用于被动结构。
sweep under( v.+prep. )
    试图隐瞒错事 try to hide sth wrongsweep under sth

    Don't forget to sweep under the beds.


    sweep sth under sth

    The servant had a lazy habit of sweeping the dust under the edge of the mat.


    sweep sth under the carpet

    We have made a serious mistake, and have no intention of sweeping it under the carpet.


    I don't think it can be swept under the carpet, everyone should be told.


    Unpleasant episodes in his early career were swept under the carpet.


sweep up( v.+adv. )
    清扫 clean (a room), as with a brushsweep up

    After all the guests had left,I swept up.


    The poor women of the area were employed to sweep up after office hours.


    sweep sth ⇔ up

    The students stirred up much dust when they swept up the fallen leaves.


    Who will sweep up the rubbish after the party?


    Did you sweep up all the broken glass?


clean sweep
    压倒优势的胜利 completely winHe won the election by a clean sweep.他在选举中大获全胜。


用作动词 (v.)
  • sweep carpet打扫地毯
  • sweep floor扫地
  • sweep hall打扫大厅
  • sweep horizon扫视地平线
  • sweep kitchen打扫厨房
  • sweep room打扫房间
  • sweep sky扫视天空
  • sweep stage打扫舞台
  • sweep street扫大街
  • sweep wild field扫视原野
  • sweep bitterly极为失望地扫视
  • sweep irresistibly不可抵抗地扫除
  • sweep majestically庄严地扫视
  • sweep vigorously精力充沛地扫视
  • sweep along轻快地前进
  • sweep aside推到一边去
  • sweep away扫清,肃清,消灭,冲走
  • sweep away dead leaves扫掉枯叶
  • sweep away rubbish扫走垃圾
  • sweep away the snow扫掉积雪
  • sweep back向后拐
  • sweep down突然猛袭
  • sweep in被风刮入
  • sweep off扫去,吹掉
  • sweep out昂然离开,扫出去,卷走
  • sweep through轻易地通过
  • sweep up扫起,扫掉
  • sweep across the coast席卷沿海地区
  • sweep from right to left左右扫视
  • sweep into涌进,使刮入,扫进
  • sweep into office囊括了所有的官职
  • sweep into the sea刮进大海
  • sweep over涌上…心头,一扫而光,席卷,(飞机)掠过
  • sweep over the country席卷全国
  • sweep to the south for miles向南绵亘数英里
用作名词 (n.)
  • give sweep打扫
  • make sweep破除,席卷,还清
  • easy sweep轻松挥动
  • general sweep大调换
  • indignant sweep愤怒挥动
  • the onward sweep前进着的潮流
  • sweep of …范围


  • The noiseless sweep by of the large white owl.

    出自:A. Marsh
  • The first sweep of royal fury being past.

  • The wind had full sweep.

    出自:U. Sinclair
  • Spider-webs..which we have swept away.

    出自:R. Bagot

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adherend failure
air circuit resistance
air impermeability test
all my life
alternate reality game
anacara (greece)
arcuated construction
assignee in bankruptcy
Biafra, B.of
Cadibarrawirracanna, L.
carrier's lien
cephalocaudal axis
consolidated profit and loss
creep stress
dimension lone
educational awareness
efficiency of borehole
ethanoyl radical
excision of ear
free radical lifetime
generative rule
genus Batrachoseps
george orson welless
go the whole coon
hand horse clipper
hoist over-wind device
horizontal oscillator tube
incrementation by one
joining variable
jurisdictional sea
Li T'ieh-kuai
life float
liquid phase high pressure chemistry
made preparations
median band
mixture specifications
neurofibrae efferentes
niotha semisulcata
non-destructive test by rebound hammer
oligotrophic region
oxalate protective film
particular average adjustment
percentage modulation
phosphoenoloxaloacetic acid
point geometry
post fermentation
pretreatment of fiber
profit after tax
ram-type pump
regional markets
regulations speed
runaria taiwana
satellite earth antenna for household use
standard regional route transmitting frequencies (rut)
starch gel electrophoresis
subject classification table
tear shell
television frame frequency
terebra affinis
to play a joke
up and down rod
verge to
Wanner's pyrometer
workload characterization
zeroth moment