音标:[sei] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 说, 讲, 念, 说明, 指明
vi. 说, 讲
n. 意见, 发言权
n. the chance to speak
v. communicate or express nonverbally
v. utter aloud
v. state as one's opinion or judgement; declare
词型变化:过去式 : said ; 第三人称单数 : says ; 过去分词 : said ; 现在分词 : saying ; 名词复数形式 : says



  1. He said hello to me with a smile.他面带微笑地和我打了个招呼。
  2. She said that she liked singing.她说她喜欢唱歌。
  3. He will of course say yes to my proposal.他一定会同意我的建议的。
  4. Be quiet, I've something to say to you.安静, 我有话要对你们讲。
  5. Why don't you make it another time, say Friday?为什么不改个时间,比如说星期五?
  6. You may learn to play the violin in, say, three year.你可以,比如说,在三年内学会拉小提琴。
  7. The clock says three o'clock.这表三点钟了。
  1. We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.我们正考虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。
  2. We had no say in the decision to sell the company在决定出售公司的问题上,我们没有发言权。
  3. Don't interrupt her, let her have her say.别打断她,让她把意见说出来。
  4. I shall have my own say in the matter.我会把自己对这个问题的想法说出来。


  1. It is hard to say.很难说。
  2. You may well say so.你完全可以这么说。
  3. Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。
  4. Don't ask me what I think of him because I cannot say.不要问我对他有什么看法,因为我真的说不上来。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He glared angrily at her but did not say a word.他怒视着她,却一言不发。
  2. Enid could not say one tender word.艾尼达连句亲切的话也说不出来。
  3. Have you said your words yet?你的话说完了吗?
  4. Please open your mouth and say “ah”.请张开口说“啊”。
  5. Say all you know and say it without reserve.知无不言,言无不尽。
  6. The actors said their lines perfectly.演员们的台词背得很熟。
  7. I stood up to say my repetition.我站起来背诵我应背的文章。
  8. The boy was saying his lessons.那男孩子在老师面前背诵课文。
  9. My watch says ten to four.我的表上是三点五十分。
  10. The fact that she gave the money back says a lot about her honesty.她把钱送回来这事很能说明她为人诚实。
  11. Have you said your prayers?你祈祷过了吗?
  12. The radio says heavy rain in the afternoon.电台预报今天下午有大雨。
  13. 1
  14. This poem can be both said and sung.这首诗歌既可以念又可以唱。
S+~+to- v
  1. She says to meet me at the station.她说在车站接我。
  2. The guidebook says to turn left.导游书上说向左拐。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. Please say which course to take.请说明上哪节课。
  2. I will say how to use this word.我将说明如何使用这个单词。
S+~+(that-) clause
  1. He said that he had never been to Shanghai.他说他从来没去过上海。
  2. He said that he'd like to see you.他说他想和你见一面。
  3. He said that his friend's name was Sam.他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。
  4. He says that he really can't afford to wait another day.他说他实在不能再等一天了。
  5. I would say that the bookcase contains about 1000 books.我估计这个书橱装有上千册书。
  6. They say that it is a fine film.他们说那是一部好片子。
  7. People said that we could reach it in a day's march.据说我们要走一天才能到。
  8. The letter says that he will come next week.信上说他下周要来。
  9. She was smiling but her eyes said that she was unhappy.她在微笑,但是她两眼的表情说明她并不愉快。
  10. The forecast says that there's going to be a storm this afternoon.天气预报说,今天下午可能会有暴风雨。
  11. These tracks say that a rabbit has passed by here.这些足迹显示有只兔子经过这里。
  12. Let's say your plan fails; then what do we do?假如你的计划失败,那我们该怎么办。
  13. Well, say it were true, what then?好吧,就算这是真的,又怎么样?
  14. Let's say that you are right.我们姑且认为你是正确的。
  15. He says that he can't afford to buy it.他说他买不起。
  1. Everyone was saying what a handsome couple they made.大家都说他们是郎才女貌的一对。
  2. Say what you have seen.讲讲你看到了什么。
  3. She said what a splendid boy he was.她说他是个多么出色的男孩子。
  4. He said what was in his mind, that is, gave his opinion.他把心里的话都说出来了,也就是说发表了自己的意见。
  5. She did not say what he expected her to do.她没有讲出他指望她干什么。
  6. Nobody could say when the war would end.天晓得这场战争何时能结束。
  7. Say which you will have.你说要哪一个。
It is/was said+that-clause
  1. It is said that he has gone to Beijing.据说他已经到北京去了。
  2. It is said that they cancelled the order for 300 trucks.据说他们撤销了300台卡车的订货。
  3. It was said that he was a very good doctor.据说他医术高明。
  1. The shepherd said,“No,I didn't hang my sheep,I hanged a wolf in sheep's clothing.”羊倌说:“不,我捆吊的不是羊,而是披着羊皮的狼。”
  2. “Please hurry,” she said.她说:“请快点。”
  1. “Do you think it will rain?”“I should say so/not.”“你认为会下雨吗?”“我想会的〔不会的〕。”
  2. So he says.他这么说。
其他as Parenth.
  1. Any one, let's say Smith, could do it.无论哪一位,比方说史密斯,都能做此事。
  2. Let's take a walk, say, in the park.咱们去散步吧,就在公园里怎么样?
  3. There were, say,20 people there.那儿有大约20人。
  4. He will probably come here in, say, five minutes.他可能在大约五分钟后赶到。
  5. Would you take an offer of, say 500 pounds for your car?要是给你开个价,比方说500英镑吧,你卖不卖这辆车?
  1. We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.我们正考虑让他们在这种问题上有更大的决定权。
  2. Everyone had a say in making the decision.在作出决定时每个人都发表了自己的意见。
  3. People want a much greater say in how the country should be governed.人们对于应怎样治国要求有更多的发言权。
  4. The workpeople had no say in how their factory was run.工人们在工厂管理方面没有发言权。
  5. He wanted to paint the room green but his wife had already chosen pink and he had no say in the matter.他想把这间屋子漆成绿色,但他的妻子却已决定要刷成粉红色的,他在这件事上没有发言权。
  6. She had no say in the choice of a husband; her parents had all the say.她无权选择自己的丈夫,父母却有权包办一切。


not to say
    近乎; 甚至可以说 and almost; or perhaps even
say about( v.+prep. )
    发表对…的看法 comment on; give one's opinion aboutsay sth about sth/v-ing

    Please say something about my new dictionary.


    Can't you say anything about the meal?


    Did your parents have much to say about your being so late home last night?


    Not too much can be said about the value of early rising.


say after( v.+prep. )
    跟着…说〔读〕 repeat sth after sbsay after sb

    “Say after me.”the teacher said.


say against( v.+prep. )
    (说…)以反对 object sth by saying sthsay sth against sth

    What did the police say against your story?


    Mother is sure to have something to say against your desire to leave home.


say for( v.+prep. )
    为…讲话〔辩护〕say sth in favor of sth; offer as an excuse or as sth in defencesay sth for sb/sth/oneself

    Don't you have one good word to say for her?


    You were driving at ninety miles an hour. Have anything to say for yourself?


    There is much to be said for both sides of this question.


say of( v.+prep. )
    对…有某种说法,就…谈看法 give one's opinion about sthsay of sb/sth that-clause

    People say of her that she uses black magic.


    It is said of him that he beats his wife.


    It is often said of our island that it is like a jewel set in the sea.


say on( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉接着说 continue to speaksay on

    Say on, we're still listening.


say out( v.+adv. )
    说出来 expresssay sth ⇔ out

    Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings.


say over( v.+adv. )
    背诵 repeat from memorysay sth ⇔ over

    Do you say your prayers over every night?


    He practised saying his speech over until he was letter-perfect.


say to( v.+prep. )
    是否同意做某事 agree or not to do sthsay sth to sb

    What did you say to your mother?


    I want to say something to you in private.


    say to sb that-clause

    He said to his mother that he would do it by himself.


    say sth to sth/v-ing

    What do you say to that picture?


    What do you say to going for a walk?


say to oneself
    暗想 think oneself
to say nothing of
    更不必说 without even considering; not to mention
to say the least (of it)
    至少可以说 without any exaggeration
have〔say〕 one's say
    有〔利用〕机会发表意见 have〔use〕 the chance to say sth, especially express one's opinion in a determined way


用作动词 (v.)
  • say a few words讲几句话
  • say all one knows知无不言
  • say grace做祷告
  • say hello问好
  • say one's lesson背课文
  • say one's prayers背祷告文
  • say poetry背诗
  • say rain预报有雨
  • say sorry说对不起
  • say actually明确地说
  • say aloud大声地说
  • say apologetically抱歉地说
  • say approximately大概地说
  • say brusquely鲁莽地说
  • say confidently满怀信心地说
  • say coolly冷冷地说
  • say definitely明确地说
  • say deliberately故意说
  • say distinctly清楚地说
  • say emphatically强调说
  • say exactly准确地表明
  • say felicitously贴切地表明
  • say flatly断言
  • say frankly坦率地说
  • say happily高兴地说
  • say hoarsely声音嘶哑地说
  • say humbly谦卑地说
  • say impressively说得明白
  • say ironically讽刺地说
  • say openly公开地说
  • say peevishly气恼地说
  • say peremptorily专断地说
  • say perfectly熟练地背诵
  • say positively明确地说
  • say reproachfully责备地说
  • say safely有把握地说
  • say sardonically挖苦地说
  • say soothingly安慰地说
  • say stoutly坚定地说
  • say succinctly扼要地说
  • say sweepingly一概而论地说
  • say tactfully婉转地说
  • say truthfully如实地说
  • say unthinkingly未经思考地说
  • say on接着说
  • say out说出来
  • say over背诵
  • say about谈论…
  • say after跟着…说
  • say against说…的坏话
  • say before在…面前说
  • say for替…说话
  • say of就…谈看法
  • say to对…说
用作名词 (n.)
  • allow say保留发言权
  • finish say把话讲完
  • have all the say有决定一切的权力
  • have no say没有决定权
  • say out one's say畅所欲言,无所不谈
  • final say最后的决定权
  • bigger say更多的发言权
  • equal say平等的发言权
  • little say很少的发言权
  • major say主要的决定权
  • much greater say更多的发言权
  • real say真正的发言权
  • demand a say in sth要求就某事发言
  • have a say in the matter对某事有发言权
  • have one's say about sth对…发表意见


  • The GLC have total say in who appears..in London.

  • He says his say and then shuts up.

    出自:A. Burgess
  • If you give people a chance to have their say, ideas will come.

    出自:City Limits
  • Then said they vnto him, Say now, Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth.

    出自:Bible (AV): Judges
  • I don't want people to see you together; it makes them say things.

    出自:A. H. Rice
  • Sit down, everyone...Who says steak-and-kidney pie?

    出自:H. G. Wells
  • I have said no word to him that was not strictly true.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • 'Merchant of this city,' the tombstone said.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • 'Fred,' she said, 'it was not as simple as that'.

    出自:E. Bowen
angular deformation
arithmetic mean particle diameter
arsenic alloys/compounds
background information
bending angle
biological half time
butter yellow
celadon spitton
Cladrastis wilsonii
coarse injection
compacted cinder fill
conclude and sign contract
constant-displacement pump
cost behavior analysis
cupping test of metal
cyan etholin
diaphonic paper
dichloromethyl p-chloro-phenyl ketone
dough batch
epiphyseal avulsion
extra high compression engine
female thread nipple
flowers oxide
formate gear
galea forceps
gemini tripleti
halogen gas activity
high accuracy data transmission system
hyperemeses gravidarum
indexing unit application
irregular bottom
lagging-type equation
liquid metal breeder(reactor)
liquid pressure transducer
local raw material
Mendel-Bechterew reflex
Misquah Hills
mountain glacier
multichannel anemometer
neolitsea buisanensis sutsuoensis
neuropathic eschar
nucleus ventralis intermedius thalami
opaque ice
particle number conservation law
persistent conductivity
plastic collapse
play the ass
pseudocercospora fuligena
rotatable transformator
salt extract
sawed-off shotguns
sewing machine panel
smoke solution
substantial deviation
terminal code
the national anthem
total wet density
track transformer feed end
unwind the call stack
vary from
vertical column
wireline grab
yellow leatherjacket
zero-error capacity