n. 报表;专题;报告(report的复数)
n a written document describing the findings of some individual or group
n the act of informing by verbal report
n a short account of the news
n a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing)
n a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment
n an essay (especially one written as an assignment)
n the general estimation that the public has for a person
v to give an account or representation of in words
v announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding
v announce one's presence
v make known to the authorities
v be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
v complain about; make a charge against




  1. He is reading a report of the state of the roads.他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
  2. I have only reports to go on.我的依据只是谣传而已。
  3. My son got an excellent report last semester.我儿子上学期成绩出色。
  4. The tyre burst with a loud report.轮胎砰的一声巨响爆裂了。
  1. I shall have to report this to the authorities.我得把这事向当局报告。
  2. The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.飞行员报告发动机有故障后几秒钟飞机就坠毁了。
  3. The press in China widely reported the event.中国报界广泛报导了此事。
  4. She reported (her) having seen the gunman.她叙述说曾看见那持枪歹徒。
  5. You should have reported them to the police.你应当向警方控告他们的。
  6. It is time to report back for work.是回去报到上班的时候了。
  7. All representatives report (directly) to the sales department.所有营业代表均须向销售部(直接)承担责任。


  1. The report was prepared at the direction of the president.该报告是奉总统之命写成的。
  2. According to newspaper reports, they will resume negotiations.据新闻报道,他们将恢复谈判。
  3. Let's listen in to the weather report.我们来收听天气预报吧。
  4. Then the floor was given to the Premier for his report on the state budget.接着由总理作关于国家预算的报告。
  5. He presented to the city council his report on energy problems.他向市议会呈送了关于能源问题的报告。
  6. The board of directors issued its annual report to the stockholders.董事会给股东发送年度报告。
  7. Every week they received reports to what was going on.每星期他们都收到有关事情进展的报告。
  8. His report of the battle won a Pulitzer prize.他对这次战役的报道获得了普利策奖。
  9. He wrote a lot of reports of the war in the Middle East during his stay in Damascus.他在大马士革期间写了很多报道中东战争的通讯。
  10. The boy has had a bad report this term.这学期孩子的成绩报告单上的成绩不好。
  11. Report has it that the ballet will visit China before long.据说这个芭蕾舞团不久将访问中国。
  12. Is there any truth in the report?这个传闻是否属实?
  13. It is matter of common report.那是大家都知道的传闻。
  14. According to report he's not coming.根据传闻,他不来了。
  15. Why, they should have started such an absurd report.哼!他们竟然造出这般荒谬的谣言。
  16. There is a report of the Loch Ness monster having been seen.据传有人看见过尼斯湖中的怪物。
  17. False reports were widely circulated.谣言广为流传。
  18. Don't listen to idle reports.别听信无稽之谈。
  19. I have only reports to go on.我的依据只是谣传而已。
  20. He is a man of good report.他是个名声很好的人。
  21. He was faithful through good and evil report.他不计褒贬毁誉而守信不渝。
  22. I heard a tyre of my truck burst with a loud report.我听见我卡车的一只轮胎砰地一声爆裂了。
  23. All was quiet except for occasional rifle reports in the distance.一切都很宁静,只是远处偶尔响起零星的枪声。
  24. The roar of airplane engines and the sharp reports of opening parachutes filled the sky.飞机发动机的轰鸣声和降落伞张开时发出的尖厉的声音响彻长空。
  25. From the reports of guns we knew that hunters must be nearby.听枪声我们知道猎人必定在附近。
  1. The committee will report at twelve o'clock.委员会将在12点钟提出报告。
  2. She hasn't reported for days.她好几天没有汇报了。
  3. He did not simply report; he criticized and reflected.他不单是报道,还作了批评和谴责。
  4. What time do we have to report?我们该什么时候报到?
  5. The soldier was ordered to report at Shormcliffe Barracks.这个士兵奉命到肖姆克里夫兵营报到。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They were instructed to report the movements of the enemy troops.上级指示他们要报告敌军的活动情况。
  2. A large number of factories reported sizable increases in output as compared with the previous year.大批工厂都报告说,和前一年相比,产量有很大增长。
  3. She reported the success of a new experiment.她报告说一次新的实验成功了。
  4. They reported discovery of a new element.他们报道说发现了一种新元素。
  5. The press in China widely reported these events.中国新闻界广泛报道了这些事。
  6. The Central People's Broadcasting Station reported the meet in special programmes.中央人民广播电台在特别节目中报道了这次运动会的情况。
  7. All the representatives must report themselves on time.所有的代表都必须准时报到。
  8. He has reported himself at the new post.他已到新的岗位报到了。
  9. Police reported the closure of the road.警方宣布那条道路禁止通行。
  10. 1
  11. Has it been reported in the newspaper?这件事报纸上报道了吗?
S+~+ v -ing
  1. He reported having seen no one come in.他报告说没有见谁进来。
  1. The newspaper reported that prices were going up.报纸报道说物价正在上涨。
  2. Radio Pyongyang has reported that a delegation of Chinese youths arrived yesterday.平壤电台报道说,一个中国青年代表团昨天到达平壤。
  3. The newspapers reported that the prices of radio sets and TV sets are going to be further reduced.报上报道说,收音机和电视机将进一步降价。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It is reported that China has sent another man-made earth satellite into orbit.据报道,中国又发射了一颗人造地球卫星进入轨道。
  2. It is reported that an old man was killed in a car accident.据说一个老人在车祸中丧生。
  3. It is reported that a cold wave is coming.据说寒流即将来临。
  4. It is reported that three important criminals ran away from prison last night.据报道,有三名要犯昨夜越狱逃跑。
  5. It was reported that half a million workers were on strike in that country.有消息说,在那个国家,有五十万工人举行了罢工。
  6. It was reported that a certain statesman had exercised great political influence over you.据传某政治家曾对你施加过巨大的政治影响。
  7. It has been reported that another earth spaceship has been sent to the moon.据报道,又一艘宇宙飞船已向月球发射。
  1. They reported what they had seen.他们把看到的情况作了汇报。
  1. “The situation is still comparatively calm there,”he reported.他报告说:“那里的局势还比较平静。”
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) n./adj./adv./v -ed
  1. He reported himself to be unfit for work.他报告说,他身体不适合工作。
  2. He reported the situation to be normal.他报道,那里局势正常。
  3. The team leader reported them to be the most promising players.队长汇报说他们是最有培养前途的运动员。
  4. The judge reported the case closed.法官宣布结案。
  5. 1
  6. He has been reported dead.据说他已经死了。
  7. The situation is reported serious.据传局势严重。
  8. The interior of the palace was reported to be more gorgeous than the outside.据说这座宫殿的内部比其外部更为华丽。
  9. In the clash ten men were reported killed.据报道,在这次冲突中,有十人被打死。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. They reported a star to have appeared in the East.他们报告说,东方出现了一颗星星。
  2. 1
  3. He is reported to have made the request last Thursday.据报道,他是上星期四提出这项请求的。
  4. The policeman was reported to be murdered.据报道那个警察被谋杀。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. The later rice was reported growing better than last year.据报道,晚稻长势比去年好。
  2. Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region.据报道,起义军在这个地区正向前推进。
S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phrase
  1. Some of the firms there were reported on the brink of bankruptcy.据报道,那里有些公司处于破产边缘。


report back (v.+adv.)
    报告,汇报 bring back an account ofreport back to sb/sth

    They will certainly report back to their government.


    Our job is to attend the meeting and report back to the committee.


    report back that-clause

    Columbus reported back that he had discovered India.


report for (v.+prep.)
    报到 declare one's presence and readiness for (duty, work, etc.)
report of (v.+prep.)
    报告…的情况 provide information (about) or give an account of sthreport of sth

    The doctor reported of Mr. Smith's good health.


report on (v.+prep.)
    报道…,就…作报告 give news about or comment on sthreport on sb/sth (to sb)

    At the end of every term a schoolmaster reports on each of his pupils.


    They have not yet reported on their experiments.


    They will report on the experiments with coal tar.


    This book also reports on research work for new anti-cancer drugs which is being done in China today.


    I want to report on certain happenings here.


    He is going to report on his trip to Canada.


    Our correspondent reported on the development of the situation from time to time.


    Jim has been sent to Iran to report on the situation there.


    I was told to witness the ceremony and report on it later.


    He reported on the whole event to the minister.


    report sth on sth

    We went to the meeting and reported our view on the situation.


report out (v.+adv.)
    汇报 write or give an account of sthreport sth ⇔ out

    The committee reported the proposal out in record time.


    report sth ⇔ out to sb

    The teacher will report out our English study to the headmaster.


report to (v.+prep.)
    向…汇报〔报告〕 provide information about sth to sbreport to sb

    Report to Assistant Regimental Commander Hu.


    I shall report to you.


    He reported to his teacher.


    The officer was told to report to the headquarters.


    report to sb

    All representatives report to the sales department.


    report sb/oneself/sth to sb

    He reported this to the director at once.


    Some of them failed to report these errors to the higher levels.


    I'll of course report today's proceedings to the leadership.


    They will report it to the local hospitals.


    When you have finished the work, report yourself to the director.


    They decided to report him to the police.


    She hesitated over whether she should report them to the authorities.


    Mary reported Jack to the headmaster for making a noise.


    This matter was then reported to the Premier by telephone.



用作名词 (n.)
  • accept a report接受报告
  • complete a report完成报告
  • confirm a report证实报道
  • deliver a report作报告
  • draw up a report起草报告
  • examine a report审查报告
  • file a report提交报告
  • give a report做报告
  • lay a report提出报告
  • listen to a report听报告
  • make a report做报告
  • make out a report起草报告
  • prepare a report准备报告
  • present a report呈递报告
  • publish a report发表报告
  • receive a report接到报告
  • spread a report传播消息
  • submit a report提交报告
  • write a report写报告
  • write out a report写出报告
  • write up a report把报告写得有声有色
  • annual report年度报告
  • confidential report机密报告
  • daily report每日报告〔报道〕
  • detailed report详细的报告
  • evil report坏的报道
  • favorable report积极的报告
  • firsthand report第一手资料的报告
  • good report好的报道
  • monthly report月份报道
  • oral report口头报告
  • positive reports正面报道
  • reliable reports可靠的报道
  • restricted report局限的报告
  • secret report秘密报告
  • tape-recorded report录音报道
  • top report绝密报告
  • unfavorable report不利的报道
  • unofficial reports非官方报道
  • verbal report口头报告
  • weekly report每周报告
  • written report书面报告
  • accounting report财务报告
  • audit report审计报告
  • incident report事件报告
  • investigation report调查报告
  • laboratory report实验报告
  • morning report早晨报道
  • newspaper report新闻报道
  • radio reports电台报道
  • school report学校的成绩报告单
  • traffic report交通报道
  • weather report天气预报
  • confirmation of the report传闻的证实
  • main points of the reports报告的要点
  • of bad report坏名声
  • report from London来自伦敦的消息
  • report of an accident事故报道
  • report on关于…的报告
  • report on a special topic专题报告
  • reports to headquarters给总部的报告
用作动词 (v.)
  • report arrival报到
  • report discovery of a new element报道发现了一种新元素
  • report sick请病假
  • report the movements of the enemy troops报告敌军的活动情况
  • report the situation报道局势
  • report the success of a new experiment报告说一次新的试验成功
  • report these events报道这些事件
  • report adversely不利地报道
  • report annually每年一次地报告
  • report appropriately适当地报道
  • report arrogantly傲慢地报告
  • report authentically可信地报告
  • report authoritatively受权报道
  • report blandly温和地报告
  • report brazenly厚颜无耻地报告
  • report briefly简短地报道
  • report briskly语气刻薄地报告
  • report clearly清楚地报道
  • report correctly恰当地报道
  • report deftly熟练地报告
  • report dramatically戏剧性地报告
  • report exactly确切地报告
  • report explicitly清楚地报道
  • report faithfully忠诚地报告
  • report fearlessly无畏地报告
  • report finally最终报道
  • report flatly平静地报告
  • report formally正式报道
  • report gladly高兴地报道
  • report gleefully兴奋地报道
  • report graciously彬彬有礼地报告
  • report graphically形象地报道
  • report haltingly吞吞吐吐地报告
  • report impartially公正地报道
  • report inescapably不可避免地报道
  • report informally非正式报道
  • report insidiously不知不觉地报告
  • report jokingly开玩笑地报告
  • report jubilantly兴高采烈地报告
  • report mercifully仁慈地报告
  • report mournfully沉痛地报道
  • report officially正式地报道
  • report ostentatiously炫耀地报告
  • report precisely确切地报道
  • report pretentiously狂妄地报告
  • report publicly公开报道
  • report reluctantly不情愿地报告
  • report respectfully恭敬地报告
  • report sadly悲痛地报告
  • report sensationally危言耸听地报告
  • report sententiously故作庄严地报告
  • report solemnly庄严地报告
  • report sorrily遗憾地报道
  • report symbolically象征性地报道
  • report tersely简短地报道
  • report thoroughly详尽地报告
  • report unreservedly无保留地报告
  • report vaguely不明确地报告
  • report verbally口头上报告
  • report virtuously公正地报道
  • report vividly生动地报道
  • report vociferously大声地报告
  • report widely广泛地报道
  • report about叙述,对…作报道
  • report for报到…
  • report for duty报到
  • report for duty on time按时报到
  • report for work at去…报到
  • report on〔upon〕叙述,对…作报道
  • report on research work汇报研究工作
  • report on sb's movements报告某人的行动
  • report on the whole event汇报整个事件
  • report to告发…,向…报到
  • report sb to the police向警察告发某人


  • I do not lightly give faith to report.

    出自:A. Radcliffe
  • The refugee friars were reported to be well supplied with money.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • Report my words To royal Neptune.

    出自:W. C. Bryant
  • She reported her dreams, and her father replied with..an interpretation.

    出自:E. Young

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line between
macroporous ion exchanger
map list
mental speed
mercury horizon
metalliferous ore
micrococeus ureae
monopolar HVDC system
motor chamber diameter
nalorphinium chloride
ncr (noncomformance report)
nonrecursive grammar
on-load washing
parity check interrupt
perfect delay convention
Placzek function
police dispatcher
pooch it
preferred number series
rank beer
real - time system
restrictive temperature
rice cropping
river hydropower development planning
salary package
Sandover R.
security dematerialization
statistical independenet experiment
storage cell
strepsinoma croesusalis
touch starching
trabuk metal
tremie concreting
white-bulb thermometer
wine mixer