音标:[ri'kɒ:d] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 记录, 履历, 档案, 审判记录, 最高纪录, 唱片
vt. 记录, 记载, 标明, 将...录音
vi. 记录, 录音, 可被录音
a. 创纪录的
[计] 录制, 记录
n. anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events
n. the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had
n. the sum of recognized accomplishments
n. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
词型变化:名词复数形式 : records ; 过去分词 : recorded ; 过去式 : recorded ; 现在分词 : recording ; 第三人称单数 : records



  1. As a result of this meeting, he made his first record.由于这次会议,他制作了他的第一张唱片。
  2. He did very well, but failed to break the record.他做得很出色,但未破纪录。
  3. She holds the world record for long distance swimming.她保持着长距离游泳的世界纪录。
  4. You should keep a record of your expenses.你应该记下你的各项开支。
  5. Last summer was the wettest on record.去年夏天是有记录以来降雨量最大的。
  6. Her past record counts against her.她过去的经历对她不利。
  7. She seemed perversely proud of her criminal record.她似乎不通人事,拿自己的前科当荣耀。
  1. I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。
  2. We record our thoughts and experiences in diaries.我们把自己的思想和经验记录在日记中。
  3. The thermometer recorded 40C.温度计上显示出40C.
  4. The broadcast was recorded, not live.这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播。


  1. Does this machine record well?这台机器录像效果好吗?
  2. His voice does not record well.他的声音录下来不好听。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. The background records just right.背景资料记录得很正确。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Will you record your impression of the trip?你是否要把你旅行的观感记下来?
  2. She recorded her impressions of the city in her diary.她在日记里记下了对这座城市的印象。
  3. They have recorded the proceedings of the court.他们已将法庭的诉讼程序记录下来。
  4. The police stenographer recorded the man's confession word by word.警察局速记员逐字记下了那个人的供词。
  5. You should record precious comments like that.你应该把那样珍贵的评论记录下来。
  6. The secretary recorded the names of all those present.秘书把所有出席的人名记录了下来。
  7. I recorded his lecture.我将他的讲课记录下来。
  8. His diary recorded the events of the past.他的日记记载了以往的事件。
  9. This volume records the history of the Chinese revolution.这卷书记载了中国革命的历史。
  10. Language is speech, writing is merely a device for recording speech.语言是说的话,文字只是记录言语的一种手段。
  11. I have recorded the whole concert.我把整场音乐会都录下来了。
  12. Don't make any noise when I'm recording the song.在我录这首歌的时候,请别做声。
  13. The tape recorder has recorded his voice and the camera has recorded his features.录音机录下他的声音,摄像机摄下他的容貌。
  14. He noticed that at that moment the thermometer recorded 90℃.他观察到当时温度计上的读数是摄氏90度。
  15. A cardiograph records the heartbeat.心电图上标明心跳次数。
  16. The thermometer recorded the highest temperature in the history of the country.温度计记录了这个国家历史最高气温。
  17. The gift will serve to record our appreciation.这礼物将用来表示我们的谢意。
  18. Metal tools record a superior civilization.金属工具是一较高文明的标志。
  19. 1
  20. How he died is not recorded.他是如何死的没有记载。
  21. Their every action and expression was recorded by concealed cameras.他们的一举一动都被偷录下来了。
  22. The singer has not been recorded for years.那位歌手已经好几年未出录音带了。
  23. The broadcast was recorded, not live.广播节目是录音制成的,不是实况播出。
  24. The amount of electricity used is recorded by a meter.电表记录下耗电量。
  1. The meeting recorded that there had been a heated argument.记录表明会上曾发生一场激烈的争论。
  1. Listen to the speaker and record what he says.认真听讲演并记下他的话。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as v -ing/to have v -ed
  1. It is recorded as being the best.据记载,它是最好的。
  2. He is recorded to have made this canal.记载他曾挖过运河。
  1. Let the record speak for itself.让记录本身来说话吧。
  2. His fame soon passed from record and memory.他的名声很快就从案卷上及人们的记忆中抹去了。
  3. History is a record of past events.历史是过去大事件的记录。
  4. Do you keep a record of your expenditure?你记录你的开支吗?
  5. The secretary kept a record of what was done at the meeting.秘书保存有会议记录。
  6. The travellers wrote a record of their journey.旅行者们作了一个旅行记录。
  7. The official records are kept in that building.官方的案卷存放在那幢大楼里。
  8. Bamboo was one of the earliest materials the Chinese people used for their written records.竹子是中国人民最早用来记载文字的一种材料。
  9. This is quite a record.这确实是空前的记录。
  10. The team has a very poor record.这个队的成绩向来不好。
  11. We'll try to hit a new record.我们要努力创新纪录。
  12. He broke a record in running.他打破了一项跑的纪录。
  13. Some new world records were made on this Olympic Games.在这届奥林匹克运动会上创造了一些世界纪录。
  14. They have been training regularly for some time and have set a few new records.他们已进行了一段时间的正规训练,而且创造了几项新纪录。
  15. He broke several world swimming records at the 2000 Olympics.他在2000年的奥运会上打破了好几项世界游泳纪录。
  16. His record is against him.他的履历对他不利。
  17. His political record was outstanding.他的政治表现是很杰出的。
  18. That airline has a bad record.那家航空公司记录不佳。
  19. The man had a long criminal record.那个人有长期犯罪的前科。
  20. The police are looking into the past record of the suspect.警察正在调查犯罪嫌疑人过去的经历。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. A record number of people attended the concert.听音乐会的人数创了纪录。
  2. They finished in record time.他们以创纪录的速度完成了工作。
  3. Sales have reached record levels.销售额已达创纪录的的水平。
  4. Unemployment was at a record high.失业人数达到创纪录的高度。
  5. The price of gold has risen to a record high this month.这个月的黄金价格空前高涨。
  6. U. S. dollars fell to a record low.美元创纪录地贬值。
  7. The bank rate was increased to a record 8%.银行利率提高到创纪录的8%。
  8. And whether they play in smoky cellar clubs or spacious concert hall, jazz musicians are drawing record crowds.爵士音乐家们不论是在烟雾弥漫的地下室的俱乐部演奏,还是在豪华宽敞的音乐厅里表演,都能吸引空前多的听众。


record from (v.+prep.)
    从…录制,转录 use a machine such as a tape recorder to make a lasting record of (sound or picture) produced in the course of (a performance) or taken from (an earlier recording)record from sth

    Firms are now selling packages of favourite performances recorded from films.


    record sth from sth

    We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast.


    These songs were recorded from a concert during last year's season.


record on1 (v.+adv.)
    录制(声音或图像) use a machine such as a tape recorder or use certain materials as a means of reproducing the sound or picture; mark an effect on sthrecord sth on

    A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.


record on2 (v.+prep.)
    把(声音或图像)录制在…上; 表明 use a machine such as a tape recorder or use certain materials as a mean of reproducing the sound or picture; mark an effect on sthrecord sth on sth

    The language teaching lessons were recorded on videotape so that they can be shown again and again.


    In the early days, performances used to be recorded on wax.


    Her sufferings are recorded on her face for the rest of her life.


    The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks.


record onto (v.+prep.)
    把…转录在…上 move an reproduction of a sound or picture from one tape or material onto anotherrecord sth onto sth

    The electricians have performed wonders in recording these long dead voices from old wax onto modern plastic surfaces.


    Nowadays, one's voice, appearance or movement can be recorded onto tape or film.


a matter of record
    有记录可查的事; 有案可稽之事 sth known to be true
for the record
    正式记录在案,正式地 be formally noted
go on record
    公开表明观点; 被记录在案以备日后查阅 speak out one's own opinions; record (for future reference)
have a good track record
    功绩卓著; 使可以信赖 have a lot of achievements ; have an experience that is to one's credit
off the record
    〈口〉不得发表的,不可正式记录的 not for publication or not to be noted
on record
    记载,记录在案的,公开发表的 recorded; publicly known
put on record
    公开表明观点; 被记录在案以备日后查阅 speak out one's own opinions; record (for future reference)put sth on record

    The two candidates went on television to put their ideas on record.


    I wish to be put on record as disagreeing with these decisions.


put〔set〕 the record straight
    纠正错误,澄清是非 remedy a mistake


用作动词 (v.)
  • record a day's events记录一天的重大事情
  • record a television broadcast拍摄电视广播
  • record history记载过去的事
  • record one's thoughts and experience记载想法与经历
  • record sb's impressions记下印象
  • record the life of sb记录某人的生活情况
  • record the names记录人名
  • record the results记下结果
  • record the scene拍摄风景
  • record live现场录音〔录像〕
  • record well录下来很好听
  • record easily容易录音
  • record vividly生动地记载
  • record by concealed cameras偷录下来
  • record in history载入史册
  • record in one's notes记在笔记本中
  • record into wax录进唱片中
用作名词 (n.)
  • amend a record刷新纪录
  • approach sb's record接近某人的纪录
  • beat a record打破纪录
  • better a record刷新纪录
  • break a record打破纪录
  • close a record封闭档案,终止一个纪录
  • create a record创造纪录
  • cut a record打破纪录,录制唱片
  • destroy a record打破纪录
  • equal a record平一项纪录
  • establish a record创立记录
  • go on record被记录下来,公开表明见解
  • have a good record有良好的履历
  • hold record保持纪录
  • keep a record保持纪录
  • look up the records查阅记录
  • make a record记录,制作唱片
  • open up a record创立记录,打开档案,开始设立档案
  • play a record放唱片
  • set a record创立记录
  • tie a record平一项纪录
  • academic record学业成绩
  • clean record清白的履历
  • criminal record(罪犯的)前科
  • detailed record详细的记录
  • distinguished record杰出的成绩
  • excellent record优秀成绩记载
  • fine record优良的成绩
  • good record良好的履历
  • historical record历史记载
  • honourable record光荣的履历
  • long-playing record慢转(密纹)唱片
  • medical records病历
  • national record全国最高纪录
  • new record新纪录
  • official record正式的记录
  • Olympic record奥林匹克纪录
  • original records原始记录
  • pictorial record照片记录
  • public record公开的记录
  • sketchy record粗略的记录
  • spotty record有污点的履历
  • the highest record最高记录
  • unbeaten record不败的纪录
  • unbroken record未被打破的纪录
  • altitude record最高纪录
  • attendance record出席记录
  • family record家谱
  • phonograph record唱片
  • police records犯罪记录
  • safety record安全记录
  • school records学业成绩
  • service record服务成绩
  • speed record速度记录
  • the earliest record最早的记载
  • world record世界纪录
  • record holder纪录保持者
  • of record记载的
  • off the record非正式的谈话
  • on record据记录的,有史以来的
  • out of the record离题
  • record for high jump跳高纪录
  • record for the pole vault撑竿跳纪录
  • record on human rights人权记录
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • record attendance破纪录的出席人数
  • record crop of corn创纪录的谷物收成
  • record crowds空前多的人群
  • record high创纪录的高度
  • record levels创纪录的的水平
  • record time创纪录的速度
  • record year of sales销售额最高的一年


  • All the principals were on record with some statement protecting themselves against all possible developments.

    出自:H. Kissinger
  • Word for word..their conversation had been recorded..in the fluent writing.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • Winchester itself had been recorded in the..diary.

    出自:A. Hollinghurst

发表于:2018-12-15 / 阅读(138) / 评论(0) 分类 自考英语(一)78讲

Idiom: Off the record 非正式的,不记录下来的事 Hit the book: Likelihood Strain Incorporate Well-being Complement Be consistent with Hypothesis

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(116) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味青春英语

今天我们要学的词组是on record。 On record的意思是记录在案的,有记载的。比如,2006年是美国有纪录以来最暖和的一年,2006 is the hottest year on record in the United States. 美国去年的平均气温为12.7摄

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今天我们要学的词组是on record。 On record的意思是有记载的,记录在案的。 美国政府发表报告说, 2007年冬天, 世界各地的气候是有记录以来最暖和的, The winter was the warmest on record worldwide. 不

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BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Stephen Chow's fantasy comedy Odyssey is poised to become the highest grossing domestic film in China. It has earned 1 billion yuan (159 million U.S. dollars) in just half a month, becoming one of only two domestic films

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BERLIN, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Kenyan Patrick Makau sets a new world record at the 38th Berlin Marathon when he pulverized the former record by Ethiopian Haile Gebrselassie with 2:03:38 on 42,195 km on Sunday. With perfect conditions Makau was able to

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E=MC2 是爱因斯坦的著名理论,也就是质量和能量之间转化的公式,当然Mariah Carey采用这个作为专辑名称也是有寓意的。E代表Emancipation(呼应上一张专辑《The Emancipation of Mimi》),即释放、解放;

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American Michael Phelps has tied legendary swimmer Mark Spitz's Olympic Gold record, winning his seventh gold medal at the Beijing Olympics. Phelps has been winning by world record times in all of his events. His latest time was only an Olympic reco

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Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!

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Usain's Bolt's epic run on Sunday night to lower the 100m world record to its current mark of 9.58 seconds is even more impressive when you look further into the statistics(统计). If he could maintain that speed over the whole 100m, with a flying

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By VOA News 06 March 2008 Crude oil prices continued their surge Thursday hitting a new record high of nearly $106 a barrel. Prices for crude for future delivery went as high as $105.97 before easing slightly. The latest record high for oil follows a

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今天我们要学的词组是on record。 On record的意思是有记载的, 记录在案的。 美国政府发表报告说, 2007年冬天, 世界各地的气候是有记录以来最暖和的, The winter was the warmest on record worldwide. 不

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What's the world record for the most number of kisses ever given in one minute? 世界上一分钟吻的次数最多的纪录是多少次? a) 94 b) 904 c) 1004 Destined to be a writer Yvonne: Hi - I'm Yvonne Archer and this is 6 Minute English. And joining me today i

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今天我们要学的词是off the record。 Off the record, 意思是非正式的,不供公开发表的。美国总统奥巴马在接受采访前聊天时骂不久前在MTV颁奖典礼上闹场的嘻哈歌手坎耶.韦斯特是个混球。Presiden

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音乐咖啡厅:Mariah Carey - For The Record 相关介绍:E=MC2 是爱因斯坦的著名理论,也就是质量和能量之间转化的公式,当然Mariah Carey采用这个作为专辑名称也是有寓意的。E代表Emancipation(呼应上一张

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LONDON, July 31 (Xinhua) -- It's unfair to make irresponsible allegations on me just because I made myself champion with world's best time, China's 16-year-old Olympic champion Ye Shiwen hit back on Tuesday after winning her second gold at London Gam

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NAIROBI, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- World marathon record holder Patrick Makau has ruled out attacking the world record when he lines up at the Frankfurt marathon on Oct. 28. Makau, who is eying to bounce back after he was overlooked by the Kenyan authoriti

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Djokovic wins record third China Open title BEIJING, Oct.7 (Xinhua) -- World No.2 Novak Djokovic from Serbia captured a record third China Open title after edging past always-dangerous and talented Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the final on Sunday.

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(120) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

今天我们要学的词是off the record。 Off the record, 意思是非正式的,不供公开发表的。美国总统奥巴马在接受采访前聊天时骂不久前在MTV颁奖典礼上闹场的嘻哈歌手坎耶.韦斯特是个混球。Presiden

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LONDON, July 29 (Xinhua) -- South Africa's Cameron van der Burgh obliterated the world mark and won the men's 100m breaststroke gold medal at the London Olympics on Sunday. Burgh posted 58.46 seconds to wipe out the previous world record set by Austr

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basic signal
beat the living daylights out of
Budge's center
cam operating mechanism
cambered slipway
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compositional tuning
connector conspiracy
consumer exploitation
cool giant
Corpus tibiae
correct a deviation
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differential bridge type spectrometer
digital distribution frame
eca silicon
electromagnetic range
entemnotrochus hirasei
euselates tonkinensis formosana
exploration program
fail-soft capability
field induced phase transition
Fife County
flex-combination wrench
good nature
granuloma tropicum
grinding season
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histioneis depressa
illuminated mixture
inertia clutch
lump work
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nodi lymphatici laterales
output ratio of Q-switching to free running
pale as ashes
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regulation time
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Samuel Finley Breese Morse
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semifixed round
shit me
split box
stabilized process reader printer
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superpower system
suspending bead pile
tracking television
vein dike (vein dyke)
walking into
Y pipe