音标:[plæn] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 计划, 方案, 策略, 方法, 进度表, 程序表, 平面图, 设计图, 轮廓, 示意图
vt. 计划, 设计, 意欲
vi. 订计划
n. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished
n. scale drawing of a structure
v. have the will and intention to carry out some action
v. make plans for something
词型变化:名词复数形式 : plans ; 现在分词 : planning ; 过去分词 : planned ; 第三人称单数 : plans ; 过去式 : planned



  1. As far as I am concerned, I'm not against your plan.就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。
  2. Then a courageous police officer came up with a daring, desperate plan.然后,一位勇敢的警官孤注一掷想出了一个大胆的方法。
  3. The police worked out a plan to catch the thief.警察制定出了策略捉贼。
  4. Jack traced out the plan of a house quickly.杰克很快描画出一座房屋的平面图。
  1. Where do you plan to spend your holiday?你打算去哪里度假?
  2. They plan to get married in the summer.他们打算夏天结婚。
  3. Peter is trying to plan his studies.彼得在试着安排他的学习。
  4. We must plan everything carefully.一切我们都要周密计划。
  5. The bank plan a rescue operation for the company.银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。


  1. Your plan sounds fine in theory, but will it work?你的计划在理论上听起来不错,但行得通吗?
  2. If my plan isn't approved of by the Committee, all my work will have wasted.如果我的计划得不到委员会的批准,我的工夫就白费了。
  3. This plan has not answered. We must find a better one.这个计划未成功,我们必须另拟一个更好的计划。
  4. Has everything been allowed for in your plan?你的计划是否把各种情况都考虑进去了?
  5. Would you counsel our giving up the plan?你会建议我们放弃这个计划吗?
  6. They had achieved their plan by the end of last month.他们到上月底已经完成了计划。
  7. I agree with you, but I am afraid I cannot agree to your plan.我同意你的看法,但我恐怕不能同意这个方案。
  8. The railway system was patterned on the successful plan used in other countries.这个铁路系统是仿照其他国家的成功方案建设的。
  9. Your best plan would be to catch a taxi; that's the only way you'll get there in time.你最好的办法是乘一辆出租车,这是你准时到达那里的唯一办法。
  10. The builder must follow the architect's plan.建筑工人必须按照建筑师的设计图纸施工。
  11. The architect gave them a set of plans.建筑师给了他们一套设计图纸。
~+for n./v -ing
  1. They are talking about their plans for a new school.他们在谈论建立一所新学校的构想。
  2. They have made a plan for the use of their time.他们制定了一个利用时间的计划。
  3. Have you made any plans for the holidays?你有什么度假的计划吗?
  4. We did try to pin him down on his plans for the swimming pool, but he remained evasive.我们确实想要他对他所拟订的游泳池计划表明态度,但他总是闪烁其词。
  5. Everybody approves of the plans for a new school building.大家都赞成建造一所新校舍的计划。
  6. This is the plan for our new building.这是我们新大楼的设计图。
  7. The architect submitted the plans for approval.建筑师将设计图纸交付审批。
  8. I have a plan for overcoming the difficulty.我有了一个克服困难的办法。
~+of n.
  1. She studied the plan of the house.她研究过这座房屋的平面图。
  2. The plans of the new development are on show at the town hall.镇公所大厅展示了新开发项目的平面图。
~+to- v
  1. They devised a plan to rob a bank.他们策划抢劫银行。
  2. They want to make a plan to produce energy from waste material.他们想提出一个利用废物生产能源的计划。
  3. The police worked out a plan to catch the thief.警察已制定出一个逮小偷的方案。
  4. He was talking about his plans to build a new house.他在谈准备新建一幢房子的打算。
  5. I told him of my plan to live in London.我告诉了他去伦敦住的想法。
~+is/was+to- v
  1. The better plan is to peel it after boiling.更好的办法是将它煮过后再剥皮。
  1. The plan that we go for a picnic has been cancelled.我们出去野餐的计划取消了。
  2. We must face the plan that we might fail.我们必须面对我们可能要失败的计划。
  1. My plan is that we finish the work earlier.我的计划是尽早完成这项工作。
  2. The plan is that we go to Beijing quickly.我们的计划是尽快去北京。
  1. It's better to plan if you want arrangements to be really efficient.如果你希望有个紧凑的安排,最好事先做个计划。
  2. We must plan with respect to the future.我们必须对未来有个打算。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I have planned the whole thing to the smallest detail.我已经把整个事情连最小的细节都计划好了。
  2. How do you plan a book?你怎样拟订著书提纲?
  3. We've been planning this visit for months.几个月来我们一直在计划这次访问。
  4. We must plan everything carefully.我们事事都要周密计划。
  5. Have you planned your trip?你已做好旅行的安排了吗?
  6. The architect planned a house for us.建筑师为我们设计了一幢房子。
  7. The Government is planning another new express railway line.政府正在设计另一条新高速铁路线。
  8. They planned the streets of the town.他们画出了城市的街道规划图。
  9. We planned the battle together.我们一起制定了作战计划。
  10. 1
  11. It's all planned.一切都计划好了。
  12. Everything must be exactly planned and organized in advance.一切都应事先进行周密计划和组织。
  13. Everything must be planned on a long-term basis.事事必须做长期的打算。
S+~+to- v
  1. What do you plan to do during the holidays?你打算在假期里做什么?
  2. Where do you plan to spend your holiday?你打算在何处度假?
  3. They planned to spend the day at the exhibition.他们打算在那一天去看展览。
  4. Jack planned to play a trick on this giant.杰克打算把这个巨人愚弄一下。
  5. Do you plan to subscribe to these magazines?你打算订阅这些杂志吗?
  6. Brown planned to destroy the old bridge.布朗打算毁掉这座古老的桥。
  7. He planned to cross the Pacific by yacht.他曾打算乘快艇横渡太平洋。
  8. We planned to have finished the work before supper.我们本打算在吃晚饭前做完活。
  9. This year we plan to expand our cotton plots.今年我们计划扩大棉花种植面积。
  10. He is planning to visit England next month.他计划下个月访问英国。
  11. 1
  12. The conference was originally planned to open in March.会议原计划在三月开幕。
  13. The house is planned to give a large sitting room.这座房子内设计有一间大起居室。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. I planned going myself.我打算亲自去。
  2. We planned abolishing the outdated rules.我们打算废除旧的条律。
  1. He began to plan what he would do with his Sundays.他开始计划星期天的活动。
  2. They planned very carefully how they would accomplish their mission.他们为该如何完成任务制定了周密的计划。


go according to plan
    顺利进行,按计划实现 (of events, etc.) take place successfully
plan for (v.+prep.)
    为…作安排 make preparations forplan for sb/sth

    What wonderful futures we have planned for our children!


    He planned for a picnic if the next day were fine.


    They are planning for an outing.


    They began planning for the meeting that day.


    She's planning for her future.


    He had spent 18 years in planning for that wonderful voyage.


    plan for sb to-v

    I have planned for her to go to college.


    plan sth for sth

    Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living.


plan on (v.+prep.)
    指望 count onplan on v-ing

    Do you plan on staying here another year?


    I don't plan on going to bed just yet.


    She had planned on doing some work this afternoon.


    We planned on reaching the town by sunset.


    plan on sb's v-ing

    Don't plan on our visiting next month, for we expect to be very busy then.


plan out (v.+adv.)
    为…作出准备 make preparations forplan sth ⇔ out

    They planned out the trip with care.


    He's busy planning out a new book.


    I'm planning out the school debate.


    A military campaign has to be carefully planned out.


    It's all planned out.



用作名词 (n.)
  • abolish plan废弃计划
  • accept plan接受计划
  • adopt plan采纳计划
  • approve plan批准计划
  • cancel plan取消计划
  • carry plan to completion完成计划
  • carry out plan执行计划,实施计划
  • change plan改变计划
  • devise plan制订计划
  • discuss plan讨论计划
  • draw up plan制订计划
  • drop plan放弃计划
  • execute plan执行计划
  • favor plan赞成计划
  • form plan形成计划
  • fulfill plan完成任务〔计划〕
  • hold up plan中止计划
  • implement plan执行计划
  • introduce plan提出计划
  • launch plan推出计划
  • lay out plan制订计划
  • make (out) plan制订计划
  • map out plan制订计划
  • modify plan修改计划
  • outline plan草拟计划
  • present plan提出计划
  • propose plan提出计划
  • put plan into operation实施计划
  • realize plan实现计划
  • reject plan否决计划
  • revise plan修改计划
  • ruin plan破坏计划
  • speed up plan加速执行计划
  • stick to plan按计划办事
  • talk about plan谈论计划
  • think over plan再三考虑计划
  • work out plan制订计划
  • wreck plan破坏计划
  • bold plan大胆的计划
  • clever plan巧妙的计划
  • complete plan完整的计划
  • complicated plan复杂的计划
  • directive plan指令性的计划
  • economic plan经济计划
  • effective plan有效的计划
  • elaborate plan精心设计的计划
  • feasible plan可行的计划
  • fine plan如意算盘
  • future plan将来的计划
  • general plan总图,总体规划
  • important plan重要的计划
  • impracticable plan不切实际的计划
  • impractical plan不现实的计划
  • industrial plan工业计划
  • makeshift plan临时计划,权宜之计
  • operational plan作战计划
  • original plan原来的计划
  • permanent plan永久性计划
  • realistic plan现实的计划
  • rough plan草图,大体的计划
  • safe plan稳妥的计划
  • secret plan秘密计划
  • strategic plan战略计划
  • sweeping plan笼统的计划
  • well-laid plan精心拟定的计划,深思熟虑的计划
  • well-thought-out plan精心拟定的计划,深思熟虑的计划
  • workable plan可行的计划
  • battle plan战斗计划
  • borrowing plan贷款计划
  • draft plan计划草案
  • easy-payment plan分期付款购物方案
  • five-year plan五年计划
  • flight plan飞行计划
  • health plan健康规划
  • installment plan〈美〉分期付款计划
  • investment plan投资项目
  • long-term plan长期规划
  • national defense plan国防计划
  • pension plan养老金支付方案
  • pioneer plan开拓型计划
  • restoration plan修复计划
  • retirement plan退休金支付方案
  • security plan保安计划
  • short-term plan短期规划,权宜之计
  • state plan国家计划
  • teaching plan教学计划
  • floor plan平面图
  • master plan总图
  • working plan工作程序图,施工图
  • according to plan根据计划
  • under plan按此计划
  • plan for…的计划
  • plan for attack攻击计划
  • plan for reducing inflation削减通货膨胀的计划
  • plan for school学校的平面图
  • plan of study学习计划
用作动词 (v.)
  • plan a book拟订写书的提纲
  • plan a garden设计花园
  • plan one's trip安排旅行
  • plan blindly盲目地计划
  • plan carefully周密计划
  • plan casually非正式地计划
  • plan cautiously谨慎地计划
  • plan cheerfully愉快地计划
  • plan completely完全计划
  • plan deliberately审慎地计划
  • plan exactly精确计划
  • plan immediately立即计划
  • plan intelligently设计得巧妙
  • plan officially正式地计划
  • plan originally原计划
  • plan passively被动地计划
  • plan peacefully平静地计划
  • plan philosophically冷静地计划
  • plan prudently谨慎地计划
  • plan quickly迅速地计划
  • plan realistically实际地打算
  • plan reasonably合理地计划
  • plan recklessly轻率地计划
  • plan regretfully遗憾地计划
  • plan reluctantly不情愿地计划
  • plan responsibly负责任地计划
  • plan rightly正当地计划
  • plan safely很有把握地计划
  • plan sagely明智地计划
  • plan scientifically科学地计划
  • plan secretly秘密地计划
  • plan selfishly自私地计划
  • plan sensibly明智地计划
  • plan shamefully无耻地计划
  • plan shrewdly机灵地计划
  • plan simultaneously同时计划
  • plan solemnly郑重地计划
  • plan superficially表面上计划
  • plan temporarily暂时计划
  • plan ultimately最终计划
  • plan unanimously一致地计划
  • plan unexpectedly出乎意外地计划
  • plan unwisely不明智地计划
  • plan out安排,筹划
  • plan out a military campaign筹划一个战役
  • plan for one's old age为年老时打算
  • plan for the future为将来打算
  • plan on计划,打算,想要
  • plan on early retirement打算提前退休


  • He builds his model from a plan, prepared with compass and ruler.

    出自:P. Brook
  • The gardens were planned by the best landscape gardeners of the day.

    出自:W. P. Courtney

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今天我们要学的词是game plan。 Game plan, 是行动策略、战术的意思。 The coach told his players to stick to the game plan, 教练告诉队员,按照既定战术打。 The couple followed their financial game plan and climbed out

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accrued income taxes
Alba Fucens
alkyl nitrate
be kept perfectly
between layers
bodywork length
cavernae corporis spongiosi penis
chemistry in ecology
confirming judgement
copy choice thoery
cork float
diaphragmatic pleurisy
diffracted beam
directory position
disjunctive proposition
engravers copper
environment disruption
expression analysis
fire up
fluoxetine hydrocholoride
frost hollow
greenidea shimae
industrial sewerage
intermediate longitudinal girder
internal auditory meatus
irrotational vortex
loading network
microbial immunology
mushroom body
news desk
orientable combinatorial manifold
parton distribution function
pay respect to
phenological division
printed circuit
pseudodifferential operator
public transit system
pulmonary compliance
record target
reductive benzylation
secondary gangrene
security support provider interface
self polarizing relay
separated flame
slab synchro
sole arbitrator
specimen cooling holder
star coupling
straight wheel plate
striate body
Sui dynasty
sun projector
swinging fork type bale loader
synthetic sandalwood oil
the Louisiana Territory
top steadier
what the hey!
wide gate generator
Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass
Your guess is as good as mine.