n. 心;中心;内心;同情心;心形物(heart的复数)
n. a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades
词型变化:名词复数形式 : heartss



  1. My heart was thumping with excitement.我激动得心怦怦跳。
  2. Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble.琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
  3. He has a kind heart.他心地善良。
  4. Let's get to the heart of the matter.让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。
  5. We should get to the heart of the matter.我们应该把握住事情的实质.
  6. I think one heart is the better opening for this hand.我看这手牌开叫一红桃比较好。
  7. When the opposite leads a spade you should not have played a card of the heart suit that has been leaded.当对方打一张黑桃你本来不应该出已经打过的红桃。


  1. His heart was weak.他的心脏很弱。
  2. His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。
  3. Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.接到这封信,她的心跳得很厉害。
  4. Every sudden emotion quickens the action of the heart.每件突如其来的令人激动的事情都能加快心房的跳动。
  5. His heart is full of goodwill to all men.他心里对所有人都充满着善意。
  6. Her heart was thrilled with pleasure.她欣喜若狂。
  7. She has a good heart.她心地善良。
  8. The little girl won our hearts.小女孩赢得了我们的心。
  9. This matter is nearest to his heart.这是他最为关注的事。
  10. Although they're tired, they play with their hearts.他们虽然累了,但还是要认真。
  11. Have a heart,Bob, and lend me two dollars.行行好吧,鲍勃,借我两美元吧!
  12. His virtue of honesty is enough to melt a heart of flint.他诚实的美德足以软化铁石心肠。
  13. A pang of pity moved her heart.她心中突然萌生怜悯之情。
  14. Have you the heart to say this of your own son, unnatural mother!你怎么忍心把自己的儿子说成这样,你这不近人情的母亲!
  15. She has no heart for study.她无心学习。
  16. He had a heavy heart because of the failure in the exam.考试没及格,他心情很沉重。
  17. There are always conflicts between heart and head.在感情与理智之间总是存在着冲突。
  18. Try not to let your heart rule your head.别让你的感情占上风。
  19. His head corrects his heart in the choice of friends.在选择朋友时,他的理智战胜了情感。
  20. He wrote her and declared his heart.他给她写了信,表述自己的爱慕之情。
  21. Haas was a man of heart.哈斯是个富于情感的人。
  22. His heart was not in the work.他对工作不感兴趣。
  23. His heart failed him.他失去了勇气。
  24. His heart died with him.他意志消沉。
  25. Keep your heart up!振作起来!
  26. This story lends heart to all of us.这故事鼓舞了我们大家。
  27. I didn't have the heart to tell him the news.我没有勇气把这消息告诉他。
  28. After so many failures he hadn't the heart to try again.失败了这么多次,他再没有勇气去试了。
  29. He sent me a birthday card with a heart on it.他送给我的生日卡上画有一颗心。
  30. They cut out many paper hearts.他们剪了许多纸心。
  31. She wore a diamond heart around her neck.她颈上戴着一个钻石鸡心。
  32. He played a heart.他打红桃。
  33. Hearts are trumps.红桃是王牌。
  34. He lives in the heart of the city.他住在市中心。
  35. This department store is situated at the heart of the shopping district.这家百货公司位于商业区的中心。
  36. They had reached the heart of the forest.他们到了森林的中心地带。
  37. The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds.问题的关键是缺乏经费。
  38. You must get to the heart of the matter.你们必须抓住事情的实质。
  39. The article does not touch the heart of the subject.文章未能触及问题的要害。
  40. The doctors broke through in their fight against heart disease.医生们在与心脏病作斗争方面有了新的突破。
  41. Bless her heart, hasn't she grown into a beautiful young lady!哇,她已长成了一个美丽的少女了!
  42. Bless your heart, you really helped me a lot.哎呀,你真是帮了我不少忙。
  43. Bless my heart!我的天哪!好家伙!
  44. Bless my heart, what a dreadful sight!天哪,这景象多么可怕啊!
  45. Every heart knows its own bitterness.各人苦恼各人知。
  46. It's a poor heart that never rejoices.人人皆有欢乐时。


after one's own heart
    适合自己心意的 just of the type one likes
at heart
    关心,想到 in one's care
break sb's heart
    使某人很伤心 make very unhappy or sad
by heart
    凭记性 by memory
eat one's heart out
    伤心〔难过〕到极点 be worrying a lot
from (the bottom of) one's heart
    从心底 with real feelings
have one's heart in the right place
    心地善良 be a kind person
heart and soul
    全心全意,完全地 with all one's feelings or agreement; completely
in good heart
    兴高采烈; 状况良好 in good condition or spirit
in one's〔the〕 heart (of hearts)
    在内心深处 in one's inmost feelings
lose heart
    失去勇气,丧失信心 stop hoping for sth or trying to do sth because you no longer feel confident
lose one's heart to
    爱上某人 fall in love with sb
out of heart
    沮丧 dejected; discouraged
set one's heart on
    决心要…,决心做… want to have or do sth very much and be expecting to have or to do it
take heart
    鼓起勇气,振作起来 become encouraged or more confident
take to heart
    对…想不开,为…伤心〔烦恼等〕 feel the effect of sth deeplytake sth to heart

    Don't take it to heart, my darling.


    She took her failure in the examination to heart.


    You have taken my little joke too much to heart.


take to one's heart
    非常喜欢某人 love sb very muchtake sb to one's heart

    She took the good fellow to her heart immediately.


wear one's heart on one's sleeve
    感情流露在外 show one's feelings (especially to show that one is in love with a certain person)
with all one's heart
    全心全意地,衷心地 with deep feeling; completely


用作名词 (n.)
  • affect the heart影响心脏
  • have a weak heart心脏衰弱
  • bare one's heart to sb向某人诉衷肠
  • break sb's heart使某人很伤心,使某人心碎
  • brighten sb's heart使某人心情愉快
  • cross one's heart在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)
  • cry one's heart out痛哭欲绝,因忧伤而消瘦
  • cultivate the heart陶冶心情
  • do sb's heart good使某人高兴
  • ease one's heart使放心
  • eat one's heart out忧伤过度,因忧患而消瘦
  • gain the heart of a girl赢得姑娘的爱情
  • gather one's heart鼓起勇气
  • give one's heart to sb爱上某人,鼓励某人
  • have a kind heart心肠慈悲
  • have no heart不同情,不体贴
  • have one's heart in one's boots(因害怕而)沮丧,绝望
  • have one's heart in one's mouth非常吃惊
  • have one's heart in sth对某事有兴趣,心在某方面
  • have the heart to do sth有勇气做某事
  • lay one's heart bare倾吐衷肠
  • lift up the hearts of people鼓舞人心
  • lose heart失去信心,没有勇气
  • lose one's heart to sb/sth爱上某人,喜欢上某事
  • open one's heart to sb向某人诉衷情
  • pour one's heart to sb向某人倾诉心里话
  • put one's heart into work全心全意工作
  • read sb's hearts看出某人的心思
  • set one's heart against极力反对
  • set one's heart on把心思全放在…上,渴望
  • sob one's heart out痛哭
  • steal sb's heart博得某人的欢心
  • take heart鼓起勇气,振作起来
  • take sth to heart为某事耿耿于怀,为某事忧虑
  • throw one's heart into work全心全意工作
  • tire sb's heart out使某人感到很厌烦
  • weep one's heart out哭得死去活来
  • weigh upon sb's heart压在某人心头
  • win sb's heart赢得某人的心
  • failing heart衰竭的心脏
  • strong heart健壮的心脏
  • weak heart衰弱的心脏
  • big heart心胸开阔
  • broken heart碎了的心
  • cold heart冷酷的心
  • compassionate heart同情心
  • cruel heart残忍的心
  • evil heart恶毒的心
  • feeling heart富有感情的心
  • free heart胸怀坦荡,无忧无虑
  • generous heart慷慨大方
  • glad heart喜悦的心情
  • good heart善良的心
  • happy heart幸福感,愉快的心情
  • hard heart冷酷的心
  • heavy heart沉重的心情
  • kind heart好心肠
  • light heart轻松愉快的心情
  • noble heart高尚的精神
  • proud heart自豪的心情
  • soft heart善良的心
  • true heart忠诚的心
  • warm heart热心肠
  • wounded heart受伤害的心,受刺激的心
  • dear heart宝贝儿
  • sweet heart情人,爱人
  • diamond heart钻石鸡心
  • heart attack心脏病发作
  • heart blood心血,生命
  • heart disease心脏病
  • heart trouble心脏病
  • after one's own heart适合自己心意的
  • at heart内心里,本质上,关心
  • by heart用心,牢记
  • from the heart of hearts从内心深处
  • from (the bottom of) one's heart真诚地,诚挚地
  • in good heart情绪高昂的
  • in one's heart在内心深处
  • in one's heart (of hearts)在内心深处
  • matter near heart认为重要的事
  • a change of heart改变主意
  • a man of heart有情感的人
  • ace of heart红桃A
  • be false of heart不老实
  • hard of heart冷酷,残忍
  • bottom of one's heart心底里
  • the girl of one's heart心中的姑娘
  • an affair of the heart恋爱
  • out of heart(土地等)贫瘠,沮丧
  • with all one's heart真心实意地
  • with half a heart三心二意地
  • heart of a problem问题的实质
  • heart of gold心地善良的人
  • heart of oak刚强勇敢的人
  • heart of stone铁石心肠
  • heart of the lake湖中心


  • The gray-faced people in his waiting room, the heart cases.


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active core-packet length
activity-directed simulation
Allium altaicum
atomic fleet
bacterial analysis
basic food ration
bat tick
Berkshire Hills
bringing it on
cinqui?me en bas
City That Never Sleeps
clip bolt
co ordinating body
conflict alert
corticopontine tract
crosstermination constant
cupric bromide
cyclobalanopsis glauca kuyuensis
decrustation pliers
departments of commerce
dislocated shoulder
drakens rock
electronic batch counter
Folin reagent
following device
frog's-bit family
gravity aided control
Gregorian University
harpa gracilis
haul into
high-speed fuse
hot-pressed bronze
incontestable evidence
Java snapweed
Krarup cable
Kubanskaya Vpadina
light-coupled device
male contraceptive agent
meat-ang-fish preparation room
Mérida, Estado de
Natsiatum herpeticum
nuclear research information
official trial
Pareto optimum
prima donnaship
protein subunit
recyclable coagulant
Robert Falcon
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Schottky bipolar memory
self curing cement
shrink-film package
Siberian fritillary
space-interval method
standardized recovery procedure
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subdural effusion
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system of processing
Territorial Army
the axe
thinning tank
to be hard and shiny
under-purlin insulation
vital organ
wall - to - wall carpeting