音标:[hiә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 听到, 倾听, 听说, 审理
vi. 听见, 听
v. perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
v. examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process
v. receive a communication from someone
词型变化:过去分词 : heard ; 过去式 : heard ; 现在分词 : hearing ; 第三人称单数 : hears ; 名词复数形式 : hears



  1. How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job?你是如何得知我们的?如何得知这个工作的?
  2. Have you heard the news?你听到那消息了吗?
  3. I heard (that) he was ill.我听说他病了。
  4. We'd better hear what they have to say.我们还是听听他们要说些什么吧。
  5. I heard someone laughing.我听见有人笑。
  6. Did you hear him go out?你听到他出去了吗?
  7. He was heard to groan.有人听见他在呻吟。
  8. The court heard the evidence.法庭听取了证词.
  9. Which judge will hear the case?哪位法官(将)审理这案件?


  1. The deaf do not hear at all.聋子没法听。
  2. None are so deaf as those who will not hear.听而不闻者乃世界上最聋之人。
  3. He hears badly in one ear and not in the other.他一只耳朵听力很差,另一只则完全听不见。
  4. I'm not hearing as well as I used to.我的听力不如以前。
  1. “Hear!Hear!”shouted the workers.工人们高喊:“赞成,赞成!”
  2. “Hear!Hear!What an absurd idea!”he said.他说,“听啊,听啊!多么荒唐的主意!”
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They both heard a knock at the side door.他们俩都听见有人敲侧门。
  2. I was disappointed to hear it.我听到此事感到很失望。
  3. Let me hear the story.让我听听这个故事。
  4. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard these words.听了这话,他真有啼笑皆非之感。
  5. I'm sure I never heard a word against it.我肯定从未听到过有人说过不同意见的话。
  6. The principal said he wanted everyone to hear his announcement about new classes.校长说他要求大家注意听他宣布新班级。
  7. The judge was hearing Peter when I came into the court.当我走进法庭时,法官正在审问彼得。
  8. The judge is hearing the evidence.法官正在听取证词。
  9. The congress heard reports on women's work.代表大会听取了关于妇女工作的报告。
  10. 1
  11. The waterfall may be heard at a distance of two miles.瀑布的响声在两英里之外就能听到。
  12. Soon afterwards a loud noise was heard from the area.其后不久,从这个地区传来一声巨响。
  13. A whistle is heard dimly.隐约听见汽笛声。
  1. I heard that he had gone to his hometown.我听说他回家乡去了。
  2. I hear that you're short of hands.我听说你们人手很缺。
  3. I heard that Los Angeles was hit by a severe earthquake yesterday morning.我听说洛杉矶昨天早晨遭到了一次强烈地震的袭击。
  4. She heard that it was easier to make a living in the big cities.她听说大城市谋生容易些。
  5. When they heard that we were leaving, they came early in the morning to say good-bye.听说我们要出发,他们一清早就来送别。
  1. You had better hear what I have to say.你最好听一听我必须说些什么。
  2. Have you heard why she did so?你听说过她为什么要这么干吗?
  1. “Will you promise to tell me my fate?”I heard.我听道:“你答应告诉我我的结果如何吗?”
  2. I heard,“they're about to pray!”我听人说,“他们准备祈祷了”。
用作宾补动词S+~+( n./pron. +)to/- v
  1. I heard him sing a song yesterday.昨天我听见他唱了一支歌。
  2. Then he heard another bullet whistle past.接着他听到又有颗子弹呼啸而过。
  3. And it's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.静得你甚至能听见一根针掉下去的声音。
  4. I heard some glass smash in the other room.我听见另一个房间里玻璃被砸碎的声音。
  5. We didn't hear him come in as we were having heated discussion.我们讨论得很热烈,所以没听见他进来。
  6. I've heard a lot of people speak well of him.我听到了不少人对他的赞扬。
  7. My brother was hearing me practise my part in the play.我弟弟正在听我排练我在剧中扮演的角色。
  8. I hear say that a holiday will be given next month.我听人说下个月要放一次假。
  9. We often hear talk the old house is haunted.我们常听说那老房子闹鬼。
  10. Did you ever hear tell of that man?你曾听别人说过那个人吗?
  11. 1
  12. He was heard to groan.有人听见他呻吟。
  13. The baby is seldom heard to cry.难得有人听见这婴儿哭。
  14. She was heard to get up early in the morning.有人听见她一大早就起床了。
  15. He was heard to steal away from the room into the courtyard.有人听见他偷偷地从屋子里走出来进了院子。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. I heard somebody laughing.我听到有人在大笑。
  2. He could hear his heart pounding.他听得见自己的心跳。
  3. One could hear them singing and dancing merrily out in the street.人们在外面的街道上都能听到他们欢快的歌舞声。
  4. She heard the wind blowing and the rain pattering against the windows.她听到了刮风和雨点打在窗子上的声音。
  5. One could hear every subject under the sun being hotly discussed.你们可以听到人们天南海北什么都谈得很热烈。
  6. 1
  7. Lorries could be heard approaching.可以听到卡车引擎的声音越来越近了。
  8. Voice was heard calling for help.人们听到呼救的声音。
  9. He was heard giving orders.有人听见他在发命令。
  10. She was heard singing in English on a Sunday.有人听见她在某个星期天用英语唱歌。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed
  1. I heard my name called.我听到有人叫我的名字。
  2. I've heard him criticized many times.我听见他被批评了好多次。
  3. Pamela heard the front door shut.帕梅拉听见前门关了。
  4. Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian ?你可曾听见有人用意大利语唱那首歌吗?
  5. They had never heard it openly discussed before.他们以前从没听到人们公开谈论这件事。
  6. They've often heard it said that you have great concern for others.他们常听人说你非常关心他人。
  7. I heard it debated whether country life is good.我听到有人在讨论乡下的生活是否好。
其他v -ing as Adverb.
  1. On hearing a loud noise, she turned off the switch at once.她一听见响声,马上就拉电闸。
as Parenth.
  1. The wedding was,I hear,wonderful.我听说婚礼棒极了。
  2. This area is now,I hear,quite peaceful.听说这一地区目前相当平静。


hear about〔of〕 (v.+prep.)
    同意; 允许 allow sth or doing sthhear about〔of〕 sb/sth

    I have never heard about such a man.


    We've been hearing quite a lot about that young tennis player lately.


    Have you ever heard about the movie?


    I've never heard about him since that time.


    I've only just heard about his dismissal.


    I've just heard about his illness.


    We don't know the singer, but we have heard of her.


    I am very sorry to hear of your father's illness.


    I heard of your success with great pleasure.


    Such a thing has never been heard of before.


    Starting out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, they have not been heard of.


    hear about〔of〕 sb/sth v-ing

    I've never heard of anyone doing a thing like that.


    You always hear about planes being delayed because of technical faults.


    hear sth about〔of〕 sb/sth

    I've been away for several weeks, so I haven't heard a word about what has happened.


    Weeks passed, and we still heard nothing about them.


    Have you heard anything of this new novel of his?


    hear of sth

    I won't hear of such a thing.


    The firm will not hear of such a suggestion from the workers.


    I offered to pay for myself, but she wouldn't hear of it.


    He asked his wife to put the money in the bank, but she wouldn't hear of it.


    hear of (sb/sb's) v-ing

    The landlord would not hear of reducing the tenant's rent.


    She won't hear of his sharing in the expenses.


    He would not hear of her going home alone , and insisted on going with her.


hear from (v.+prep.)
    受到(某人)责骂或警告 receive a scolding, warning, or official notice from (sb)hear from sb/sth

    I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


    hear sth from sth

    I heard it from her own lips.


    Soon afterwards five explosions were heard from the area.


    hear from sb that-clause

    I hear from an authority that this disease is curable.


    I've just heard from Lao Li that we'll have a wage rise.


    I've just heard from Xiao Wu that we'll start our military training tomorrow.


    hear from sb wh-clause

    I heard from your teacher why you had refused to take the exam.


    hear from sb

    If you make any noise again, you'll hear from him.


    Don't spill water on the floor, or you'll hear from her.


    If they neglected to have dinner ready, they would hear from him.


hear out (v.+adv.)
    听完 be patient to hear the whole of what one sayshear sb/sth ⇔ out

    Don't make any decision yet.Please hear me out.


    Don't judge me before I've finished my explanation; hear me out, please.


    Hear him out, and you'll understand him.


    The judge insisted on hearing the witness out.


    The questioner was heard out in complete silence.


hear through (v.+adv.)
    听完 be patient to hear the whole of what sb sayshear sb/sth ⇔ through

    Before he has finished his explanation hear him through.


    Let's hear him through.


    We should hear the manager through.



用作动词 (v.)
  • hear a concert听音乐会
  • hear a case审理案件,审问案例
  • hear a knock听见敲门声
  • hear a lecture听取报告
  • hear a loud noise听见一声巨响
  • hear a shot听见枪声
  • hear a trial审问
  • hear an opera听歌剧
  • hear charges听取起诉
  • hear sb's plea听取某人的申辩
  • hear sb's prayer应允某人祷告
  • hear sb's preaching听取某人讲道
  • hear sb's opinion听取某人意见
  • hear sb's voice听到某人的声音
  • hear the witness听证人作证
  • hear very well听觉很好
  • hear wrong听错
  • hear accidentally偶然地听到
  • hear actually实际地听到
  • hear badly听力差
  • hear carefully仔细地听到
  • hear dimly隐约地听到
  • hear directly直接地听到
  • hear distinctly清楚地听到
  • hear dumbly默默〔沉默〕地听着
  • hear inevitably不可避免地得知
  • hear keenly敏锐地听到
  • hear occasionally偶然地听到
  • hear perpetually连续不断地听到
  • hear subconsciously下意识地听到
  • hear unconsciously无意识地听到
  • hear vaguely模糊地听到
  • hear out听完
  • hear through听完
  • hear about听说
  • hear a great deal about听到很多
  • hear word against sb听到对某人不满的话
  • hear for certain的确听说
  • hear from sb接到某人的信或电话,受到某人的责骂或警告
  • hear of听到,听说过,认识到,得知…的存在,对…给予考虑或准许
  • hear of sb's success获悉某人成功
  • hear with pleasure愉快地听着
  • hear with regret遗憾地听着


  • He heard at that moment the noise of wheels behind him.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • I heard the phone taken up inside.

    出自:Scott Fitzgerald
  • In the stillness you could have heard a pin drop.

    出自:A. Christie
  • You could hear that drummer half-way down the street.

    出自:T. Frisby
  • The front door is heard to close.

    出自:A. Shaffer
  • Listen and you can hear them bustling in my lost rooms.

    出自:Anne Stevenson

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Air Cargo and Aircraft Ground Equipment Subcommittee
Alba, Sa.de
all year long
aluminium phenate
Amberlite resin
argilloecia uranouchiensis
Arrhenius base
automatic peptide synthesizer
band saw stretcher
bias-ply tyre
blue copperas
bottom composition
British Embassy
by the pound
called number
cannel boghead
children's manifest anxiety scale
content delivery network
Coulomb scattering
cross section regression
dirty space
electromechanical dialer
erythroblastic shower
floopy disk
flowing back
four L
grandcanonical ensemble
grass carp
grommet hole
Guglielmo's disease
harbor defence grid
have not a dry stitch on
hired hand
Home Kit
inverted speech
keck telescope
kg, kg.
lead vapour atomic laser
lifting bail
limiting lever
logit transformation
molecular field approximation
option approach
oral summons
penetrant testing method
personality disorder
Poa prolixior
promenade concert
protonated complex
reach out to
ribbed slab bridge
rocks you
Sainte Foy
saltwort family
Shim Shams
short beer
silicone electronic coolant
suction maifold
tightening your belt
top-chrome process
transport ball screw
turbo-generator installation
upper marginal dimension
upward communication
violate a nation's territory and sovereignty
virtual set
wake of the bubble phase
war-ping drum
wire-drawing machine