音标:[iks'pekt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 预期, 盼望, 期待
v. regard something as probable or likely
v. look forward to the probable occurrence of
v. consider reasonable or due
v. look forward to the birth of a child
词型变化:过去分词 : expected ; 现在分词 : expecting ; 过去式 : expected ; 第三人称单数 : expects



  1. This is what we expect to happen.这就是我们所预期将会发生的。
  2. He is expected to get through to the finals.我们期待他进入决赛。
  3. At last they got the telegram they had been expecting.最后他们收到了他们盼望的电报。


  1. You arrived earlier than I had expected.你们到得比我预料得早。
  2. He earned more than we had expected.他挣的钱比我们预料的要多。
  3. Crisis precipitated, as people expected.正像预料的那样,危机一下子出现了。
  4. It's not so bad as I expected.事情没有我原来预料的那么糟。
  5. As he expected, he has passed the entrance examination.不出他所料,他果然通过了入学考试。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. None of us expected it.这是我们谁也没料想到的。
  2. Dark clouds massed, and we expected rain.乌云集结,眼看就要下雨。
  3. I expect a storm.我预计会有一场暴风雨。
  4. Though they expected immediate death, they seemed without fear.虽然他们预计到死亡即将到来,但他们似乎毫不惧怕。
  5. I'm expecting Tom any minute now.我现在期待着汤姆随时到来。
  6. I shall expect your opinion of it very soon.我希望很快听到你关于此事的意见。
  7. They expect payment in five days.他们希望5天内付款。
  8. With a face all smiles he told us that the village expected a good harvest.他满面笑容地告诉我们,他们村收成不会差。
  9. Well, you can't expect perfection.嗨,你不能指望十全十美。
  10. But we should not expect success overnight.但我们不能期望一夜之间就取得成功。
  11. We're expecting a telegram.我们正等一封电报。
  12. My sister is expecting a baby during June.我姐姐6月间要生孩子了。
  13. His wife is expecting a baby.他的妻子有喜了。
  14. 1
  15. Rain and thundershowers are expected in the southern plateau region.高原南部地区有望有雨和雷阵雨。
S+~+to- v
  1. The scientists expect to find a chemical cure for lung cancer within five years.科学家们预期在5年以内找到一种治疗肺癌的化学药物。
  2. I expect to have read this book by next Tuesday.我预计下星期二以前把这本书读完。
  3. The old man is seriously ill and not expected to live.那老人病得很重,预计活不下去了。
  4. I expect to be back next Monday.我预计下星期一回来。
  5. They expected to finish the work by Friday.他们预计星期五可完成这项工作。
  6. They expect to overfulfil their target.他们估计可超额完成指标。
  7. When do you expect to be in?你估计什么时候能回来?
  8. I hardly expected to find you still here.我简直没想到你还在这里。
  9. If you expect to enter college in the fall, you should apply now.如果你希望秋季上大学,现在就应该申请了。
  10. I expect to see him tomorrow.我期望明天见到他。
  11. How can you expect to make headway if you don't work hard?你不下苦功怎么能有进步呢?
  12. He hopes he'll win the prize but he doesn't really expect to win it.他希望获奖,但并不真的指望自己获奖。
  13. You cannot expect to turn the clock back.你不能指望时钟倒转。
  14. When our visit to the farm was over, we expected to start back on foot.农场参观完了,我们就准备步行回来。
  15. This year the commune expects to increase the area of its salt fields to 45,000 mu.今年乡里打算把盐场面积扩大到45,000 亩 。
  16. He didn't expect to be looked down upon.他不希望受到轻视。
  17. He expected to be forgiven.他期待得到宽恕。
  1. I expect he will come tomorrow.我预料他明天会来。
  2. I expect I might as well be going.我看我也该走了。
  3. I expect you're right.我想你是对的。
  4. I expect the train will be rather crowded.我认为火车会相当拥挤。
  5. I expect the book is a bit too difficult for you.我想这书你看有点太难了。
  6. I expect it was a wrong number.我以为拨错号了。
  7. I expected he was there.我想他在那里。
  8. Judging from his appearance,I expect that he may be a Scandinavian.从他的外貌看来,我认为他是斯堪的纳维亚人。
  9. I expect that they will have everything ready directly.我估计他们马上就可把一切准备好了。
  10. You would expect that there would be strong disagreement about this.你大概认为就此事会有激烈的争论。
  11. I expect that you will help him.我希望你能帮助他。
  12. He never expected that those plans would come about.他从来没想到这些计划会实现。
  13. I don't expect that it is true.我希望那不是真的。
  14. We don't expect that you would stay on here.我们希望你不要在这儿呆下去。
  15. I had not expected that things should turn out like this.我没料到事情的结果会是这样。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It is expected that former Foreign Minister Von Brentano will return to the Cabinet.前外交部长冯·布伦塔诺有望重新进入内阁。
  2. It was expected by father that I should become an engineer.父亲希望我成为一名工程师。
  1. “Will he be back tonight?” “I expect so.”“他今晚会回来吗?”“我想会回来。”
  2. “Do you think we'll have good weather?” “I expect so.”“你认为天气会好吗?”“我想会好。”
  3. “Is he an engineer?” “I expect not.”“他是工程师吗?”“我想他不是。”
  4. “Will it rain?” “I expect not.”“会下雨吗?”“我想不会。”
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. They expected steel production to reach 20 million tons.他们预计钢产量将达到2000万吨。
  2. I expected you to be here promptly.我以为你很快就会来的。
  3. She expected us to be waiting for her there.她以为我们还在那儿等她。
  4. I'm expecting you to telephone me.我期待你会给我打电话来。
  5. The teacher expects us to work hard.老师要我们努力学习。
  6. You really can't expect me to believe that.真的,你不能指望我相信那个。
  7. We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  8. England expects every man to do his duty.英格兰期望每个人都尽职尽责。
  9. Don't expect me to wait on you hand and foot, make your own breakfast.不要样样都指望我伺候你,你的早饭你自己做。
  10. I don't expect him to do impossibilities.我并非要他做办不到的事情。
  11. I don't expect them to behave perfectly but I do expect ordinary good manners.我不指望他们表现得十分完美,但我希望他们懂得一般的文明礼貌。
  12. We can't expect one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.我们不能期望一个人一辈子养成的习惯短时期就能改变。
  13. 1
  14. They are expected to take an uncompromising stand at the conference.估计他们在会上将采取不妥协的立场。
  15. The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.预计最高法院将维持死刑的原判。
  16. At the championships more promising divers are expected to come to the fore.在这次比赛中,估计将会涌现更多优秀的跳水运动员。
  17. Prices are expected to rise.预计物价将会上涨。
  18. These mines are expected to go into production next year.这些矿预计明年可以投产。
  19. Industrial production is expected to increase by 6 per cent this year.工业产量今年预计可增长6%。
  20. The thermometer is expected to reach 35°C this afternoon.今天下午温度可望达到摄氏35度。
  21. You're expected to write to us as soon as possible.希望你尽快给我们写信。
  22. You are expected to finish it in time.望你及时把它完成。
  23. He is expected to put his work before his family.人们要求他把工作放在家庭之上。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. The train arrived at the expected time.火车在预定时间到达。


expect from (v.+prep.)
    期望过高 believe or assume sb can do more than he canexpect sth from sb

    The professor expected respect from his students.


    I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn't receive one.


    I am expecting a letter from him.


    The whole family expects great things from him.


    Don't expect sudden improvements from this class.


    The general expects complete obedience from his men.


    I didn't expect such poor work from you.


    expect too much from sb

    We expect too much from him.


    Aren't you expecting too much from your mother, leaving all your children with her while you go on holiday?


expect of (v.+prep.)
    期望过高 believe or assume sb can do more than he canexpect sth of sb

    There's no need to give me the money; I don't expect it of you.


    I wouldn't have expected such rudeness of her.


    We stood there, not knowing what was expected of us.


    Conscientiousness is expected of a student.


    expect too much of sb/sth

    You are expecting too much of her.


    The boy's parents expected too much of him, with the inevitable result that they were disappointed.


    I cannot finish this job by Friday— you expect too much of me.


    We didn't expect too much of him.


    Don't expect too much of his idea.


to be expected
    可能发生,相当正常 likely to happen; quite normal


用作动词 (v.)
  • expect a change期待变化
  • expect a fine Sunday期待一个快乐的星期天
  • expect a friend期待朋友
  • expect a friend's visit期望一位朋友的来访
  • expect a guest for lunch等客人吃午饭
  • expect a letter from home等家信
  • expect a pleasant vacation期待愉快的假期
  • expect a rise in demand期待需求的增长
  • expect a storm期待暴风雨
  • expect a telegram等电报
  • expect a telephone call等电话
  • expect aid指望帮助
  • expect aid from a friend指望朋友的帮助
  • expect an affirmative decision期待肯定的决定
  • expect an answer期待回答
  • expect good results期待好结果
  • expect good weather盼望好天气
  • expect great things期望大事业
  • expect guest等客人
  • expect hot day盼望热天
  • expect news期待消息
  • expect opinion of sth希望听到对某事的意见
  • expect sb's wishes期待某人的祝福
  • expect sincerity指望得到真诚
  • expect support from sb期待得到某人的支持
  • expect sympathy指望得到同情
  • expect the conclusion期待结论
  • expect the fast approach of Christmas期待圣诞节快快到来
  • expect anxiously焦急地等待
  • expect ardently热切地期望
  • expect breathlessly无心期待
  • expect confidentially机密地抢先做
  • expect confidently满怀信心地期望
  • expect eagerly殷切期待
  • expect early早早地指望
  • expect erroneously错误地认为
  • expect evidently显然预料到
  • expect fondly盲目地等待
  • expect fully信心十足地期待
  • expect gloomily悲观地认为
  • expect hardly几乎未预料到
  • expect hourly随时期待
  • expect impatiently急不可耐地期待
  • expect little几乎不抱希望
  • expect momentarily短暂地期待
  • expect mystically秘密期待
  • expect naturally天真地期待
  • expect plainly坦率地认为
  • expect presumptuously傲慢地认为
  • expect previously先前地期待
  • expect rationally合理地认为
  • expect really真正地期待
  • expect romantically expect浪漫地想
  • expect too much期望太高
  • expect tremulously过分敏感地期望
  • expect unreasonably不理智地期待
  • expect usually通常地期待
  • expect vaguely盲目地认为
  • expect vainly白想
  • expect from期望(某人)会作出(某事)
  • expect much from sb对某人抱有很大期望
  • expect of期望(某人)会作出(某事)


  • A Dog expects till his Master has done picking of the bone.

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Give me a break! 别胡扯了! You must be joking. 一定是在开玩笑。 Oh, get on with you. 哦,去你的,我才不信呢。 Never tell me! 我才不信呢。 Don't expect me to believe his honesty. 别指望我会相信他是诚实的。

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a dirty old man
adhesive wear
aid to
analytical cytology
assembler language expansion
autocatalytic reactor
Bencao Pinhui Jingyao
brilliant pink 5g
bring someone to reason
broom handle
cartridge disk loading
confirmed engagement
connection table
contract fee
correction for mean
definitive standard system
desealing tong
extension farming
extrusion draw blow molding
family limulidaes
film temperature
formation of pusher train
golden yardstick
ground strafing
hook function
host insect
immediate command
interest war
keyseat milling machine
La Esmeralda
left lay rope
lost in
lower category temperature
march depth
non-self maintained discharge
normative forecasting techniques
O. L. T.
on the way to
packet switched
photon avalanches
platinum temperature
power residue symbol
pull through marketing
quartz spectrograph
radical politics
rag roll
rhinitis nervosa
salted meat
saw tooth type cutter
school innovation
screening test
Shanghai Oceanroutes Ltd.
shopping bot
Simonart bar
split drum winder
steam production
superposition of wind wave and swell
trailer crane
variable pressure
What can you expect from a hog but a grunt?