单词:continentalities 相关文章
Connected to the ocean by an immense canal a hundred feet deep and several miles long, at the very center of the city was the dazzling citadel of Atlantis, which housed the most spectacular treasures
Sigüenza first learnt of Atlantis while studying to be a Jesuit where he came across the work of Athanasius Kircher whose 1665 map of the lost continent was the first in history. Expelled from the Je
Amid the spectacular ruins of the new world, the story of Atlantis would now take a different turn, becoming the focus for one man's bold quest to discover the truth about his country and himself. 30
It took Columbus a very long time to convince Isabella and Ferdinand that he ought to be able to find something because for the most part his ideas were ridicule d and this was of course during the In
On August 2nd, 1492, as Columbus finally set off on his epic voyage to cross the Atlantic Ocean, he had not one but two goals in mind--crossing the endless expanse of an uncharted sea, and discovering
From the hidden valleys of Tibet and the stunning pyramids of Mexico to the icy waste of the Antarctic and the deepest ocean trenches, our search for Atlantis will take us all across the world to seek
Ali Baba's Farm Ali Ba-ba, he has a little farm. On his farm he has some little lambs. Baa, Baa cry his little lambs. On the farm of Ali Ba-ba. Ali Ba-ba, he has a little farm. On his farm he has some little cows. Moo, Moo cry his little cows. On the
This documentary film lost in the German archives played to packed audiences in German movie theaters in 1933. Not wanting to dispel the illusion of a great find, the archeologists remained evasive ab
Don Carlos Sigüenza was the first Atlantis seeker to search for physical proof of the lost continent, but he was not alone in wanting to cast new light on an ancient legend. Across the ocean in 17th
When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1799, he took with him the largest collection of scholars ever to accompany a military campaign. The finds and discoveries made by Napoleon's archaeologists generated a
In 1888, Blavatsky wrote a book called the Secret Doctrine, in which she attempted to establish the principles of Theosophy or God Wisdom that the cosmic masters had impart ed to her. Blavatsky cited
Entomb ed by a 30-foot layer of volcanic pumice for more than 3,500 years, the city was clearly related to the ruins of Minoan Crete. Hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of its time, among the ci
In the summer of 1968, the occupant s of a small plane flying off the coast of Bimini near Florida spotted beneath them mysterious shapes in the clear waters. The site quickly attracted huge interest,
Based in Tobay, England, Jim Allen is a former aerial photography analyst for the British Royal Air Force. And it is by analyzing aerial photography that Jim Allen believes he has discovered one of th
For fans of fashionable neckwear for men, what's old is new again. Now Mo Rocca who follows these matters has his own ideas about that. Way back in the 1990s, freedom was ringing everywhere. Women were making huge inroads in the workplace. As for men
A U.S. passenger jet crash-landed in New York City's Hudson River on Thursday with 155 passengers and crew onboard. But tragedy was averted when ferries and tourist boats came to the aid of the sinking plane and everyone was evacuated. Tail fin of A
Visits to Senegal this week by Bolivian President Evo Morales and Brazil's ex-President Lula da Silva highlight what analysts say is Latin America's growing geopolitical interest in Africa. The cries of Ol that pierced the Senegalese air before a ral
Joann: Oh, are those pictures of your kids? Artem: Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two sons. Joann: Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in personality, too? Artem: Its funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying how d
LONDON, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- UEFA has announced Thursday that the 2020 European Championship finals will be staged in various major cities across the continent. The decision was made by the UEFA Executive Committee at its meeting in Lausanne Thursday.