单词:cold extrusion of gears
单词:cold extrusion of gears 相关文章
1849 、 静摩擦 staticfriction 1850 、 颈轴承 journalbearing 1851 、 颈缩 necking 1852 、 频带宽度 bandwidth 1853 、 频率 frequency 1854 、 头座 headstock 1855 、 阈值;临界值
Well, this is super awkward. 这真是尴尬到爆。 Stupid Kardashians! 卡戴珊一家全是白痴! Kim, Kankels, Krank, and the little ones, kegel and kickball, You can kiss my keister. 金,金胖脚踝,金坏脾气,还有那两个小的金
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light
1.Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM) 计算机辅助制造 A: Is CAM used in China? B: Yes,it has been uesd in China for almost twenty years. A:在中国有使用CAM的吗? B:有啊,在中国使用已经将近20年了。 2.Hot working 热加工 A: What are the hot working proc
He bought a blue bike at K-Mart. He rode it home. He read the owner's manual. He returned to K-Mart the next day. He needed to buy a bell for his new bike. New York City requires all bikes to have a bell or horn. He hadn't known that. He had seen man
Sometimes it's called a transmission box, box, and inside of that box there are little wheels called gears, gears, 有时又称它为变速箱(box),变速箱里面有叫做齿轮(gears)的小轮子, and depending on the gear you are in, w
Bike-to-Work Day is held every year across North America on the third Friday of May. It was started by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956. Its aim is to promote the bicycle as a serious choice of getting to and from work. In todays world where
It was a new red bike. It was a brand new red bike. He loved his brand new red bike. He had paid $300 for it. It was a mountain bike. It had 12 gears. He rode his bike everywhere. He rode up steep hills. He rode down steep hills. He rode on dirt road
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red l
by Arnold Schwarzenegger keywords: weightlifter, discipline, determination, dream I started way back as a weightlifter. From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this was exhilaration, and I knew then
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light
Southern African leaders meet in Johannesburg Sunday in an attempt to resolve the impasse between Zimbawean leaders over the allocation of Cabinet posts in a planned power-sharing government. However, as Peta Thornycroft reports, a surge in state-sp
Born Again: The Reincarnation of a Plastic Bottle Weve seen bottles on shelves, tossed into bins, bundled into bales and shredded and dumped into bags. This whole process spans hundreds of kilometers, and now, the rebirth of a plastic bottle. This is
Mechanical problem 1 机械故障1 A:Whats happened? Is there a problem? A:怎么了?有问题吗? B:I think the gears have seized up B:我想齿轮可能不转了。 A: You'll have to dismantle the unit and lubricate the bearings. Do it as quick
My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn't understand my dreams at all. They were always wondering, they said, What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? When are you going to make money? And all of those questions I got. A
10-15-2010 The Central Committee(中央委员会 ) of the Communist Party of China is to meet in Beijing. Members will discuss proposals for the country's 12th Five-year plan and the term inclusive growth is expected to be the new buzz word. The
Hollywood is gearing up for the 84th annual Academy Awards Sunday. The prestigious film honors, also known as the Oscars, acknowledge the best in movie making, and golden statuettes will go to actors and actresses and others behind the camera. The to
51. 回路 loop 52. 安全岛 safety island 53. 停车处 parking place 54. 停私人车 private car park 55. 只停公用车 public car only 56. 不准停车 restricted stop 57. 不准滞留 resticted waiting 58. 临街停车 parking on-street 59. 街