单词:art world
art world的用法和样例:
- Just an also-ran in the art world.不过是个艺术界的庸才而已
- Her advanced ideas have made her the enfant terrible of the art world.她一味标新立异,在艺术界堪称一怪。
单词:art world 相关文章
There's something we do hundreds of times a day without even noticing it. It's an ability that we utterly depend on in our lives, and we take it for granted. Just watch. We see some lines and can give
…advantage. With just 12 hours to go, they ordered the original stage to be ripped out and a brand-new one built in its place. What they came up with was a modern masterpiece. The president's team d
They are made up of dots and lines or abstract shapes and patterns. Nothing in the natural world of the prehistoric artist would have looked like this, or this. And, very often, these patterns are rep
New York September 2004, the race for the White House was reaching a dramatic climax. The candidates were neck and neck in the polls. Both were now desperate to seize any advantage over the other. Pre
Images dominate our lives. They tell us how to behave, what to think and even how to feel. They mold and define us. But why do these images, the pictures, symbols and the art we see around us every da
Now de Sautuola had come to the cave to excavate the floor, to poke around for prehistoric relics, such as bones and tools, it was Maria who made the discovery for which Altamira became famous.
And then came an even more exciting find, in a cave called Lascaux, a gallery of pictures of breathtaking beauty. As more and more paintings came to light, they revealed prehistoric artists had painte
The most spectacular reliefs of all are those decorating the staircase that leads to the Great Hall of Darius. Once a year, Darius would invite ambassadors from every nation within his empire to join
Around 500 BC, this problem was particularly acute for one king above all. He'd taken control of a kingdom so large. It was the world's first empire. He needed to find a new way to impose his power ac
Well, that's better, 200 feet above the desert, face to face with the tomb of Darius. There's a lengthy inscription describing his benevolent rule, but it's the depiction of Darius himself that's so i
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Here, for the first time, we've got a theory, which seems to solve many of the puzzles that've mystified experts in the past. It's a theory based not just on an investigation of the cave art itself, b
They began by analyzing the strain of farmed wheat that goes into our food and extracting its DNA. They did the same to several varieties of wild wheat. Then they compared their genetic makeup . And w
Augustus had used images to manipulate people into believing one thing when in fact the very opposite was true. So he discovered how to use art to tell a political lie. It was a technique that would b
The images are of Augustus accepting the surrender of Rome's sworn enemy, the Parthian s. It was his greatest triumph and the gods are shown looking on with approval. The message is clear: Augustus wa
These two groups were locked in a struggle for the control of ancient Rome. Neither side was prepared to compromise. It looked like the two tribes would be forever divided. That was until a new conten
It's the power to persuade us to think what they want us to think and to see things the way they do, and even to deceive us. So how did art go from being a tool of political promotion, to being an ins
So effective was his discovery that throughout his rule he continued to refine it. Hundreds of statues were made of his heroic physical presence. Alexander may have had the perfect image, but it was u
He was surrounded by incredible riches, the riches of a king. They showed he was a man of exquisite taste, these are really the most beautiful objects of their kind we have ever discovered. These were
But how, as a foreign invader, would he ever win the hearts and minds of his new subjects? Alexander understood the power of the visual techniques used by Darius, but he had to come up with an image a