音标:['priti] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
a. 漂亮的, 优美的, 机灵的, 狡猾的, 恰当的
adv. 相当, 颇
s. pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
s. (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
词型变化:名词复数形式 : pretties ; 形容词比较级 : prettier ; 形容词最高级 : prettiest



  1. I am pretty sure that he'll say yes.他会同意的,我对此相当有把握。
  2. After six months, I could speak Chinese pretty well.6个月之后,我就能讲相当好的汉语了。
  1. Rachel is a very pretty woman, just like her mother.瑞秋是一位很漂亮的女性,就像她的母亲一样。
  2. What a pretty little garden!多么漂亮的小花园!
  3. I want a window seat so that I can enjoy the pretty sights during the journey.我想要个靠窗的座位,好欣赏沿途的美景。
  4. My new curtains have a pretty blue and red pattern.我的新窗帘有个很好看的红蓝相间的图案。
  5. The pretty girl got so much flattery that it quite turned her head.这位好看的姑娘得到这么多的奉承,这使得她冲昏头脑。
  1. All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.所有漂亮的女士都穿著最漂亮的连衫裙。
  2. He is going after that pretty girl.他在追求那个漂亮的女孩子。


  1. I'm pretty certain she enjoys it.我非常相信她会喜欢它的。
  2. The situation seems pretty hopeless.这情况似乎没有多大的希望。
  3. She seemed pretty satisfied with the result.她对那结果似乎相当满意。
  4. She looked pretty secure, but he elbowed her out of the vice presidency.她的地位看来很稳固,但却被他挤出了副总裁的位置。
  5. The car is pretty nearly new.这辆汽车几乎是全新的。
  6. She was in pretty good health, only a little tired.她身体还是不错的,只是有点疲倦。
  7. This curry is pretty fiery.这种咖喱非常辣。
  8. You are pretty certain to be seen by someone who knows you.你一定被认识你的人看见了。
  9. Her sister is still pretty sick.她的姐姐仍然病得相当厉害。
  10. Pretty soon the lilacs would be in bloom.紫丁香不久就要开花。
  11. The wind blew pretty hard.风刮得很猛。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. They competed for a pretty girl.他们曾为一个漂亮女孩而竞争。
  2. Just who is the pretty girl sitting beside you?坐在你旁边的那个漂亮女孩究竟是谁呀?
  3. The pretty girl has a delicate skin.这位漂亮的姑娘具有细嫩的皮肤。
  4. The weasel is a very pretty little creature.黄鼬是一种很可爱的小动物。
  5. My aunt lives in a pretty cottage in the country.我婶婶住在乡下的一间可爱的小屋里。
  6. He married a girl for her pretty face.他因姑娘漂亮而娶了她。
  7. Even though she was so young she obtained employment as a governess.She made a very pretty one, too.她年纪虽然很轻,却被聘为家庭教师,而且做得很出色。
  8. The bodies of the victims were not a pretty sight.这些遇难者的尸体惨不忍睹。
  9. That was a pretty dumb thing to do.那件事做得可真蠢。
  10. This is a pretty state of affairs!事情糟透了!
  11. You've got yourself into a pretty mess now!你现在可惹了麻烦了!
  12. He wrecked his dad's car, and now he is in a pretty fix.他把他爸爸的车弄坏了,现在他处境很不妙。
  13. It's a pretty state of affairs when I can't afford the price of a pint of beer any more!当我连一品脱啤酒也买不起的时候,那局面可真惨啦!
  14. He is a young man with a pretty face.(他是个小白脸。)他是个娘娘腔的青年男子。
  1. Some girls are pretty; a few, but very few, are beautiful.有些姑娘长得还算好看,但是称得上美的却很少。
  2. She is not really beautiful, but she looks pretty when she smiles.她其实并不美,但笑起来很可爱。
  3. The little garden is pretty.这座小花园很美。
  1. Helen is so pretty and popular that all the boys eat out of her hand.海伦既漂亮又讨人喜欢,使所有的男孩都对她俯首听命。


pretty much〔nearly,well〕
    几乎,差不多 almost
a pretty penny
    大笔钱 a lot of money
as pretty as picture
    非常漂亮,美丽如画 very pretty
not just a pretty face
    不仅仅相貌好(还有其他特点) not just sb who is superficially attractive without having other qualities or abilities
sitting pretty
    处境幸运 in a fortunate situation, especially when others are unlucky


用作副词 (adv.)
  • pretty amateur相当业余
  • pretty certain颇有把握
  • pretty fiery非常辣
  • pretty good相当好
  • pretty hopeless希望渺茫
  • pretty hungry相当饿
  • pretty satisfied相当满意
  • pretty secure很稳固
  • pretty sick病得相当厉害
  • pretty soft容易的,合算的
  • pretty much几乎
  • pretty nearly几乎
  • pretty soon立即
  • pretty well差不多
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • pretty boy俊俏的男孩
  • pretty child可爱的孩子
  • pretty compliment动听的恭维话
  • pretty house漂亮的房子
  • pretty idea听起来不错的主意
  • pretty mess一团糟
  • pretty music优美的音乐
  • pretty pattern好看的花样
  • pretty picture漂亮的画卷
  • pretty scenes美景
  • pretty tune好听的曲调
  • pretty turn of phrase巧妙的措辞
  • pretty wit敏捷的头脑
  • astonishingly pretty惊人地漂亮
  • extremely pretty极其漂亮
  • placidly pretty既温和又漂亮
  • rather pretty相当漂亮
  • remarkably pretty异常漂亮
  • undeniably pretty不可否认地精致
  • unexpectedly pretty料想不到得精致
  • vastly pretty极其漂亮


  • A master of English..with as pretty and sharp a wit as any politician.

    出自:A. F. Douglas
  • Well, young lady..and a pretty mess you have got us into!

  • Prettying up for company.

    出自:M. M. Atwater
  • He was pretty strong for his size.

    出自:H. Secombe
  • He'll be home pretty soon.

    出自:E. Leonard

Pretty Woman Sung By Roy Orbison Pretty woman, walking down the street. Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet. Pretty woman, I won't believe you're not the truth. No one could look as good as you. (Mercy) Pretty woman, won't you pardon me. Pretty w

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Pretty woman, walking down the street. Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet. Pretty woman, I won't believe you're not the truth. No one could look as good as you. (Mercy) Pretty woman, won't you pa

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Pretty Boy漂亮男孩 中英文歌词: I lie awake at night 晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意 See things in black and white 世界对我来说只有黑与白 I've only got you inside my mind 你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动 You

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我们今天要讲的几个习惯用语都表示这样的意思:地位优越、或者境遇良好。第一个是: sitting pretty。 Pretty不是个生词,它解释漂亮的。 但是习惯用语sitting pretty可不是坐著很漂亮的意思。让我

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(81) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语
acceptance check of turbine foundation
airborne radar beacon
algebra of proposition
amount limit
anterior brachio-radial septum
any-quantity rate
areal system
attrition grinder
balloon basket
Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
blue moons
built-in sideburns trimmer
case grammar
cash ticket
common sword fish
confirmed irrevocable credit
constant level regulator
copper bound
cost composition
do not care a dime
El Zapotal, R.
electric-light blindness
electronic surveying
excess gas
extension agreement
external body parts
floating aerator
foramina nutricium
form standard
fresh water cooler tube
haplobiontic yeast
hepatogenic jaundice
indicator of demographical trend
inland shelf
judicial interpretation
medial lumbocostal arch
mergus albelluss
meta directing group
necrosis of scrotum
neutral impurity
no waiting
noise equivalent pass-band
octple meter
operator cabin
optimum ship routing
ordered random sample
Ormosia pubescens
papulovesicular pityriasis
patriotic song
Professional Accountants Ordinance
regression interpolation
sequential interlace
Soap Lake
stretch blow moulding
striped flea-beetle
São Simão R.
thermoelastic effect
time of fall
toll canopy
united world-chinese commercial bank
vacuum fishpump
vegetated shoulder
Venae portales hypophysiales
vermilion opal
Von Postbreen
y shaped
Yelcho Canyon
zero done