音标:[dri:m] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 梦, 空想, 愿望
v. 做梦, 想象, 梦想
n. a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep
n. imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake
n. a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality
n. someone or something wonderful
词型变化:名词复数形式 : dreams ; 现在分词 : dreaming ; 过去分词 : dreamed ; 过去式 : dreamed ; 第三人称单数 : dreams



  1. I had some very strange dreams last night.昨晚我做了很奇怪的梦。
  2. I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.我屡次梦见自己变成了大象。
  3. My son's dream is to be an astronaut.我儿子的理想是当宇航员。
  4. His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled.他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了。
  1. She claims she never dreams.她说她从来不做梦。
  2. I often dream about being wealthy.我经常梦到发财。
  3. He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist.他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。
  4. The youths always dream fondly of their future.年轻人对前途总是怀有美好的梦想。


  1. It was only a dream, after all.这终究不过是一场梦。
  2. I had a strange dream about my mother last night.昨晚我做了一个有关我母亲的奇怪的梦。
  3. I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.我反复梦见我变成了一头大象。
  4. In his dream he seemed to be flying.梦中他似乎飞起来了。
  5. The dream picture dissolved away when she woke up.她醒来时,梦中美景立即消失了。
  6. She awaked from a dream at midnight.她半夜从梦中醒来。
  7. The baby awoke from a dream and began to cry.那婴儿从梦中醒来后就开始啼哭。
  8. Good night— sweet dreams!晚安——祝你做个甜美的梦!
  9. How would you interpret the dream?你如何解释这个梦?
  10. Why not get a diviner to expound my dream?为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?
  11. I often return in dreams to my hometown.我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。
  12. He pretended to be able to interpret dreams.他假装可以解释梦。
  13. The landscape is a perfect dream.风景美如梦。
  14. Is life an empty dream?人生如梦一场空吗?
  15. In the past she lived in a dream.过去,她过着梦一般的生活。
  16. She looked a dream.她看上去太美了。
  17. Their new house is a real dream.他们的新房子确实漂亮极了。
  18. Her new dress is an absolute dream.她那件新衣服简直漂亮极了。
  19. My son's dream is to be an astronaut.我儿子的理想是当宇航员。
  20. Our dream is for lasting peace.我们的心愿是持久和平。
  21. It is often difficult to realize one's youthful dreams.实现青年时期的理想常常是很难的。
  22. He had a golden dream about his future.对于未来他有着黄金般的梦想。
  23. She always has dreams of wealth and happiness.她经常梦想着财富与幸福。
  24. The band's record was successful beyond their wildest dreams.乐队唱片大获成功,这是他们连做梦也没想到的。
  25. If I win the tournament, my dream will come true.如果我能赢得锦标赛,我的梦想就实现了。
  26. Space travel used to be just a dream.太空旅行过去仅仅是个幻想而已。
  27. The question can't be lightly dismissed as a fad or a dream.不可轻率地认为这个问题是一个怪念头或空想而不予考虑。
  28. He thought she was in love with him, but it's only a dream.他认为她爱上了他,但这只是幻想。
  29. Please don't sit there in a dream.请别坐在那儿幻想了。
  30. Such a hope is not an idle dream.这种希望并非痴心妄想。
~+of v -ing
  1. His dream of becoming President had come true.他当总统的梦想实现了。
  2. The boy had dreams of being a hero.那个男孩梦想成为英雄。
~+to- v
  1. It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。
  2. It was his dream to sail his boat around the world.驾驶自己的小船环球旅行是他梦寐以求的理想。
  1. I never said that! You must have been dreaming.我从来没有那样说!你一定是在做梦。
  2. She was dreaming peacefully.她正安详地做着梦。
  3. He often dreams at night.他夜里常常做梦。
  4. Do you dream at night?你夜里做梦吗?
  5. I dreamed last night.昨晚我做了个梦。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I dreamt you last night.昨天晚上,我梦见你了。
  2. I dreamed my grandfather.我梦见过我的祖父。
  3. I certainly didn't promise you £100; you must have dreamt it.我的确未答应你100英镑,你一定是在做梦。
  4. As he slept, he dreamt a sweet dream.他睡觉时做了一个美梦。
  5. He dreamed a most extraordinary dream.他做了一个非常奇怪的梦。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. He dreamed how to finish his task.他想过如何完成任务。
  2. She dreamed how to get the apple.她想过如何够到那个苹果。
  3. He is dreaming how to become a rich man.他在想如何能成为一个富翁。
  1. He dreamt that he was at sea.他梦见他在航海。
  2. I dreamt that he would come.我梦到他要来。
  3. Finally she slept and dreamt that she had arrived home.她终于睡着了,梦见她已经回到家中。
  4. He dreamed that he was flying an airplane.他梦见他正开着一架飞机。
  5. I dreamed last night that the house had burned down.我昨夜梦到那座房子被烧光了。
  6. He is dreaming that he will be rich some day.他梦想他总有一天会发财。
  7. She never dreamed that she would be able to swim across the English Channel.她做梦也没想到她能游过英吉利海峡。
  8. He never dreamed that he would be a teacher.他做梦也想不到他会成为一名老师。
  9. Little did I dream that I could get a house of my own.我几乎不敢想象我会有自己的住房。
  10. I never dreamed that such a thing could happen.我怎么也没想到会发生这种事情。
  11. I never dreamt that he would behave so badly.我做梦都没想到他会表现得如此恶劣。
  12. I never dreamt that I should have offended her.我怎么也没有想到竟然得罪了她。
  13. I never dreamt that the film would be so long.我没想到影片会那么长。
  14. She never dreamed that she would some day write dictionaries.她从没想到过自己有一天会编字典。
  15. The enemy would never dream that we could move so fast.敌人做梦也没有想到我们的行动会这么快。
  16. I never dreamed that you should have made such great progress in this very short time.我做梦也没有想到你在这么短的时间内会取得那么大的进步。
  1. She dreamt what she could buy with the sum of money.她在想用这笔钱能买什么。


a bad dream
    噩梦般的处境 situation that is so unpleasant that one cannot believe it is real
like a dream
    轻而易举 very easy
dream about( v.+prep. )
    梦想,向往,渴望 have hopes for (sth or doing sth)
dream away( v.+adv. )
    在梦幻或胡思乱想中虚度光阴 spend (time) in dreaming or lazy thoughtsdream away

    She just sits by the window and dreams away .


    Don't dream away, it is not true.


    dream sth ⇔ away

    You cannot dream away the office hours.


    What I like best is dreaming away an afternoon in the sun.


    Peter dreamed away his life.


    I never dreamt away the hours when I was young.


    This guy hasn't any great ambition; he just dreams away his time every day.


    It's too easy to dream away the best years of your life.


    Don't dream your life away.


    The old man regrets that he has dreamt his life away.


dream of( v.+prep. )
    考虑,会做得出(某事) consider; be capable of (sth or doing sth)
dream on( v.+adv. )
    痴心妄想 continue to hope for sth that will not happendream on

    So you want a raise?Dream on!


dream up( v.+adv. )
    想起,想象出(不寻常的事物); 凭空设想 think of; invent; find (sth unusual) in one's imaginationdream sth ⇔ up

    Don't dream up such an excuse.


    Trust you to dream up a script in which the hero gets shot in the first act.


    Where did you dream up that idea?


    He's always dreaming up new ways of making a fortune.


    He could dream up the most fantastic rumors.


    I had to dream up a convincing story about why I was late for work this morning.


    She can always dream up some reason for not doing anything unpleasant.


    The plot of the story is simply dreamed up. I can't find any connection with real life.



用作名词 (n.)
  • break a dream使梦想破灭了
  • cherish a dream抱着梦想
  • destroy dream使梦破灭
  • dream a dream做梦
  • explain dream释梦
  • expound dream释梦
  • forget dream忘记了梦想
  • fulfil dream实现梦想
  • have a dream做梦
  • interpret dream释梦
  • produce a dream产生梦
  • read dream释梦
  • realize one's dream实现梦想
  • relate one's dream述梦
  • shake off dream摆脱梦想
  • shatter dream打碎梦想
  • understand dream理解梦
  • absolute dream好极了的梦
  • ambitious dream野心勃勃的梦想
  • amusing dream有趣的梦
  • angelic dream天使般的梦
  • astonishing dream令人吃惊的梦
  • awful dream可怕的梦
  • bad dream噩梦
  • bitter dream令人心酸的梦
  • blessed dream令人愉快的梦
  • cheerful dream愉快的梦
  • cherished dream夙愿
  • childhood dream童年的梦
  • clear dream清晰的梦
  • colored dream多彩的梦
  • confused dream混乱的梦
  • crazy dream狂妄的梦
  • curious dream奇怪的梦
  • daring dream大胆的梦想
  • dazzling dream令人迷惑的梦
  • dearest dream最珍贵的梦
  • deep dream深沉的梦
  • delicate dream微妙的梦
  • delicious dream有趣的梦
  • depressing dream令人沮丧的梦
  • disconnected dream不连贯的梦
  • disordered dream紊乱的梦
  • dreadful dream可怕的梦
  • evil dream噩梦
  • extraordinary dream离奇的梦
  • extravagant dream奢望
  • fabulous dream难以置信的梦
  • fanciful dream幻想
  • fantastic dream离奇的梦
  • fearful dream噩梦
  • fond dream黄粱美梦
  • foolish dream可笑的梦,愚蠢的梦
  • friendly dream亲切的梦
  • funny dream有趣的梦
  • ghastly dream恐怖的梦
  • happy dream幸福的梦
  • hateful dream可恨的梦
  • hideous dream噩梦
  • horrible dream噩梦
  • idle dream痴心妄想
  • impressive dream难忘的梦
  • inspiring dream令人鼓舞的梦
  • insubstantial dream虚无缥缈的梦
  • mad dream狂妄的梦
  • maddening dream令人恼火的梦
  • magnificent dream壮丽的梦
  • oppressive dream抑郁的梦
  • painful dream痛苦的梦
  • perfect dream圆满的梦
  • picturesque dream画般的梦
  • pleasant dream令人愉快的梦
  • poetic dream诗意般的梦
  • prophetic dream不祥的梦
  • quick dream短暂的梦
  • quieting dream令人安慰的梦
  • remarkable dream可笑的梦,不平常的梦
  • ridiculous dream荒唐的梦
  • romantic dream浪漫的梦
  • senseless dream无意义的梦
  • shadowy dream模糊的梦
  • shameful dream可耻的梦
  • shattered dream破碎的梦
  • sweet dream甜蜜的梦
  • terrific dream可怕的梦
  • torturing dream令人痛苦的梦
  • troubled dream使人烦恼的梦
  • unfinished dream未结束的梦
  • unpleasant dream令人不快的梦
  • unsubstantial dream空幻的梦
  • vague dream模糊的梦
  • vivid dream清晰的梦
  • wicked dream邪恶的梦
  • wild dream荒诞不经的梦
  • youthful dream青春的理想
  • dream bout合乎理想的事物,梦中人,爱人
  • dream land梦境,梦幻世界
  • dream reader讲梦者
  • dream world梦幻世界,幻想世界
  • beyond sb's dream超过某人的期望
  • awake from a dream从梦中醒来
  • in dream梦中
  • the land of dream梦乡
用作动词 (v.)
  • dream a dream做梦
  • dream money梦见了钱
  • dream forward渴望
  • dream ambitiously雄心勃勃地梦想
  • dream ardently热情地向往
  • dream astonishingly吃惊地梦到
  • dream blissfully极高兴地梦见
  • dream confusedly混乱地梦见
  • dream contentedly心满意足地梦见
  • dream deliciously有趣地梦见
  • dream dreadfully可怕地梦见
  • dream emptily无聊地幻想
  • dream evilly邪恶地梦见
  • dream extravagantly奢望
  • dream fabulously难以置信地梦见
  • dream gloomily令人沮丧地梦见
  • dream horribly可怕地梦见
  • dream peacefully安详地做着梦
  • dream persistently连续不断地梦见
  • dream picturesquely生动地幻想
  • dream poetically理想地幻想
  • dream prophetically不祥地梦见
  • dream ridiculously可笑地梦见
  • dream romantically浪漫地幻想
  • dream significantly意味深长地梦见
  • dream vividly生动地梦见
  • dream away虚度
  • dream on痴心妄想
  • dream out虚度
  • dream up设想出,虚构,梦到,梦想
  • dream about梦见,梦想
  • dream of梦见,梦想
  • dream of being a pilot梦想当飞行员
  • dream of meeting...做梦遇见…
  • dream of succeeding做梦想到成功
  • dream through虚度


  • Striving, as is usual in dreams, without ability to move.

    出自:S. Johnson
  • He dreamed that God spake to him.

  • Last night..I dream'd a vision of the dead.


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