音标:['kʌvә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 盖子, 封面, 藉口
vt. 覆盖, 掩饰, 保护, 掩护, 包括
vi. 覆盖
n. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
n. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
n. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
n. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
词型变化:过去分词 : covered ; 现在分词 : covering ; 第三人称单数 : covers ; 过去式 : covered ; 名词复数形式 : covers



  1. The front cover of the novel has been torn off.这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
  2. I can't make the cover of the tin fit on.我无法把这罐头的盖子盖上。
  3. The car should be housed with a cover for a longer time's parking.长时间的存放汽车,应给汽车罩上套子。
  4. Tooth-colored porcelain will cover the metal crowns.金属表面覆盖和牙齿一样颜色地瓷。
  5. The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence.植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。
  1. Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。
  2. The talks are expected to cover other topics too.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。
  3. The dictionary's articles cover a wide range of topics.这本字典的文章包含各种各样的话题。
  4. We tried to find cover from the storm.我们设法寻找遮蔽暴风雨的地方。
  5. Do not try to cover a mistake.不要试图掩盖错误。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Snow covered the ground.雪覆盖了大地。
  2. The floods covered large areas on both banks of the river.洪水淹没了河两岸的大片地区。
  3. The thief covered his tracks.小偷隐藏了他的行踪。
  4. The thick wood covered the guerrillas.茂密的丛林掩护了游击队员。
  5. He tried to cover his mistakes.他设法掩饰自己的错误。
  6. He tried to cover his nervousness.他试图掩饰自己的紧张心情。
  7. Our school covers an area of 100 mu .我们学校占地面积100亩。
  8. I want to cover 100 miles before it gets dark.在天黑之前我想走完一百英里。
  9. I had covered 200 pages by ten o'clock last night.到昨晚10点钟我已看了200页。
  10. The price just covers the cost.这个价格正好抵销成本。
  11. Will £10 cover the cost of a new skirt?十英镑够买一件新裙子吗?
  12. Do you have enough to cover all your household expenses?你的收入够家庭开销用吗?
  13. Recorded history covers a period of five thousand years.有文字记载的历史已有5000年的时间了。
  14. Our heavy artillery covered every possible approach to the town.我们的重炮控制了通往镇上的每一条路。
  15. This dictionary does not cover all the English verbs.这本词典没有收入全部英语动词。
  16. Our best reporter covered the trial.我们的最佳记者报道了这次审判。
  17. 1
  18. The top of the mountain was covered by a cloud.山顶被云遮盖了。
  19. Carriage is not covered by the quotation.报价中不包括运费。
  1. When the water boils, take the cover from the pan.水开时,拿下锅盖。
  2. The chairs are fitted with loose covers.椅子上套上了活椅套。
  3. Tom pushes back the covers and gets out of bed.汤姆掀开被子起床。
  4. If you are cold in the night get some more the covers from the wardrobe.如果夜里你冷的话,从衣橱里拿毯子盖。
  5. He did cartoons and covers for the New Yorker magazine.他为《纽约人》杂志画漫画和设计封面。
  6. Her portraits appeared on several covers of the magazines.她的肖像刊登在几家杂志的封面上。
  7. The book was bound in paper covers.这本书是平装的。
  8. She will some day put the story of her life between the covers of a book.有朝一日她要把自己的生平写成一本书。
  9. The huntsmen drew the cover.猎人们把猎物从树丛中赶出来。
  10. A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in.丛林是动物的良好隐蔽地。
  11. His business was a cover for drug dealing.他的工作是为掩饰毒品交易。
  12. The spy's cover was that she was a consultant engineer.那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师。
  13. Artillery gave cover while the infantry advanced.炮火掩护步兵前进。
  14. Covers were laid for eight.摆好了八副餐具。
  15. At some night clubs you have to pay a cover charge even when you don't order anything.有些夜总会,就是你不点菜,也要付点位钱。


cover against (v.+prep.)
    保险 insurecover sb/sth against sth

    Insurance companies try to persuade young married men to cover themselves against illness or death.


    These goods are covered against fire.


cover for (v.+prep.)
    代替,顶替 take charge of or assume responsibility for another person's duties or workcover for sb

    Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter?


    John's ill today so will you cover for him,Jean?


cover in1 (v.+adv.)
    遮盖住,填满 complete the covering of; place or spread sth upon or over sthcover sth ⇔ in

    They have covered in the whole market.


    The workmen covered in the hole in the road.


    The car park is covered in to keep your car dry.


    The grave was quickly covered in.


cover in2 (v.+prep.)
    以…覆盖或包裹 complete the covering ofcover sb/sth in sth

    A passing lorry covered us in mud from head to foot.


    She covered her face in her hands.


    He is covered in spots; I think he's ill.


    Just give me ten minutes to clean myself up; I'm covered in oil.

    我浑身沾满了油 污,给我十分钟时间让我洗一下。

    The trees are covered in new leaves now that Spring is here.


cover over (v.+adv.)
    用遮盖物保护,在…上盖上东西 protect with a cover, spread sth overcover sth ⇔ over

    Be quick, cover the blood-stains over.


    The peasants covered the rice over before the rain began.


    The ground was covered over with snow.


cover up (v.+adv.)
    掩盖,掩饰 hide sth wrong or bad, protect sb else from blame or punishmentcover up

    It's cold and you should cover up warmly.


    cover sb/oneself/sth ⇔ up

    He covered the child up with a blanket.


    Cover the baby's feet up, or he'll catch cold.


    Cover it up so that nobody will see it.


    He advised me to cover myself up well.


    cover sb/sth ⇔ up

    He tried to cover up the gun.


    She tried to cover up her nervousness as she waited to make her speech.


    The authorities were able to cover up what really happened.


    cover up for sb

    Naturally his wife will try to cover up for him, so we can't believe everything she says.


    If I'm late tomorrow you'll cover up for me, won't you?


    He says he did it, but he's covering up for a friend.


cover with (v.+prep.)
    被(感情)所压倒 be overcome by (a strong feeling)
break cover
    从隐蔽处出来 come out of hiding
cover girl
    (杂志)的封面女郎 bookbinding girl
read from cover to cover
    从头看〔读〕到底 read from top to endread sth from cover to cover

    He read the book from cover to cover.


take cover
    藏身,躲避 hide
under cover
    在信封或邮包中 in an envelope or parcel
under (the) cover of
    以…为口实 on the excuse of


用作动词 (v.)
  • cover a dish把碟子盖起来
  • cover a saucer把茶托盖起来
  • cover a wall涂刷墙壁
  • cover all the expenses包括一切费用
  • cover consumer price rises抵偿消费价格上涨
  • cover ground覆盖大地
  • cover miles走了…英里
  • cover one's confusion掩饰狼狈相
  • cover one's eye捂住眼睛
  • cover one's face捂住脸
  • cover one's knees盖住双膝
  • cover one's mistake掩盖错误
  • cover one's shame掩饰羞耻
  • cover one's tracks掩藏踪迹或证据
  • cover space占空间
  • cover the case涉及〔包括〕…情形
  • cover the distance走完这路程
  • cover the landing of an army掩护军队登陆
  • cover years有几年
  • cover all over沾满
  • cover adequately足够支付
  • cover amply足够支付
  • cover barely刚够支付
  • cover completely完全遮住
  • cover conically圆锥形状地覆盖
  • cover flimsily不可信地报导
  • cover frailly脆弱地保护
  • cover fully完全地概括
  • cover garishly不实地报导
  • cover grotesquely可笑地报导
  • cover inadequately不够支付
  • cover instructively启发性地讨论
  • cover loathsomely令人厌恶地掩饰
  • cover luxuriantly文字华丽地报导
  • cover partially部分地遮盖住
  • cover perpetually终年覆盖
  • cover protectively防护性地遮盖
  • cover safely安全地掩护
  • cover thoroughly透彻地概括
  • cover in填满
  • cover over盖住,覆盖
  • cover up掩盖,遮盖,隐藏,蒙盖,包庇某人
  • cover up one's tracks掩盖踪迹或证据
  • cover against保险,抵偿
  • cover oneself behind躲在…后面
  • cover by被盖住了
  • cover for代替
  • cover from掩藏在…中
  • cover into the Treasury解交国库
  • cover with用…盖住
  • cover oneself with蒙受,获得
用作名词 (n.)
  • attach cover附有套子
  • back cover封底
  • beat the cover在鸟兽隐藏处搜索
  • break cover(猎物)由隐蔽处窜出
  • do cover画封面
  • draw a cover把禽兽从丛林中赶出
  • find cover找到隐藏处
  • form cover形成覆盖层
  • improvise cover临时拼凑套子,临时准备餐具
  • lift cover吊起盖子
  • need a new cover需要一个新盖子
  • ornament cover装饰美化隐蔽处
  • provide cover for为…提供隐蔽处
  • raise cover抬起盖子
  • remove cover移动盖子
  • screw on cover拧紧盖子
  • seek cover from寻找…的掩蔽处
  • take cover利用掩护物
  • take off the cover揭去盖子
  • take to cover喜欢这套子
  • wrap in cover封在信封里,包裹在…内
  • accidental cover临时隐蔽处
  • coarse cover粗糙的盖子
  • conical cover圆锥形的罩
  • detachable cover可拆开的盖子
  • dewy cover带有露水的覆盖物
  • enameled cover搪瓷盖
  • ephemeral cover暂时隐蔽处
  • excellent cover顶好的封面
  • frail cover经不起攻击〔风浪〕的隐蔽处
  • front cover封面
  • garish cover色彩艳丽的封面
  • ghostly cover鬼魂的隐蔽处
  • illuminated cover用经过装饰的字画等装饰的封面
  • lagging cover(汽锅的)包衣
  • practical cover实用的罩子
  • protective cover保护层
  • reversible cover双面用盖子
  • chair cover椅子套
  • bed cover床罩
  • drain cover(沟、渠)盖,下水道盖
  • dust cover防尘护罩
  • engine cover发动机罩
  • floor cover地毯
  • flux cover熔剂覆盖层
  • glass cover玻璃罩
  • magazine cover杂志封面
  • pile cover桩帽
  • pillow cover枕头套
  • plastic cover塑料封面
  • quilt cover被套
  • seat cover椅套
  • cover bead外胎唇
  • cover charge服务(附加)费
  • cover coat盖层
  • cover crop护田
  • cover die盖模
  • cover girl封面女郎
  • cover glass盖片
  • cover note保险证明
  • cover paper平装(书)
  • cover plate盖片
  • cover story封面故事
  • cover transformation改变封面
  • cover tyre外胎
  • cover wire外层钢丝
  • from cover to cover从头到尾
  • under the cover of在…掩护下
  • cover for a pan锅盖
  • cover of a book书的封面


  • The alluvial cover which rests upon the rocks of this district.

    出自:W. Buckland
  • Cover the saucepan for an instant.

    出自:A. B. Soyer
  • The winter sun had..been covered by fresh clouds.

    出自:R. C. Hutchinson
  • He wore a cap to cover his baldness.

    出自:J. Thurber
  • I covered my face with my hands.

    出自:P. Mortimer

上星期我朋友的公司出了一起风波。一名会计被发现挪用公款。他连续几个月没被发现,因为他做得很隐蔽。我们可以用一个习惯用语来形容他的这种做法,那就是cover one's tracks. To cover one's

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cover,遮盖。 Mary covered her face with her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住脸。 cover,有涵盖的意思,下面这句子表示抵消。 The price just covers the cost. 这个价格正好抵消成本。 His report covered many subjects. 他的报告涉及很多课题。 cover,采访,报导。 Jack

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accumulated retained earnings
acid digestion analysis
alignment disk
as high as
at the expense of someone
backtracking programming
bijective function
bone healing
Bos indicus
cam shaft driving gear
chews out
development of seed and pod
disability of walking
Dutch rush
electrooptical means of communication
end wedge
extrusion load
flash butt welded link stud chain
flashing beacon
fortune sticks
governing characteristics
home skillet
honorary doctor
information city
instrument auto transformer
interstate road
learning enterprise
library material
line-by-line calculation
linear dynamic pinch experiment
mean of delivery
miscellaneous charge
morphological correlation
needle deflection
notice of lack of conformity
phonon density of state
photographic enlarger
rainbow kiss
recording rain-gauge
reflexive read signature
regenerative pulse generator
Schell City
semiconducting coating
shortness of breath
silo launcher
slide valve spindle
slink off
spiced things up
suffer an eclipse
the east indies
there is no free lunch
thin TV
traffic diversion line
transit compass
tread cap
unguis avis
until the end
wet bulb depression