标签:预期票房提高 相关文章
Lesson 35 Track 1.I'm sure we're on the right track. 2.She really has a good track record. 3.It's hard to keep track of all my friends. 4.I lost track of him. 5.Hey,man!Make tracks to the classroom. 6.We'll adopt the track system next semester. 7.Hey
Lesson 31 Ace 1.He's an ace at ballroom dancing. 2.She aced all her exams this time. 3.He aced me out of this. 4.He must have an ace up his sleeve. 5.It isn't worth an ace. 6.It's time you played your ace. 7.He's not worried-he has an ace in the hole
Lesson 29 Fire 1.OK,I'll fight fire with fire. 2.Where there's smoke,there's fire. 3.I'll go through fire and water for you. 4.We fired away at the monitor. 5.We need a real fireball to do this. 6.Soft fire makes swet malt. 7.She gets fired up at the
Lesson 28 Nest 1.We're left in the empty nest syndrome. 2.It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 3.Don't stir up a hornet's nest. 4.Never feather your own nest with dirty money. 5.Don't foul your nest by that. 6.They built a nest egg for my educat
Lesson 26 Set 1.Get set! 2.A hot drink will soon set you up. 3.What's the setup for the party? 4.I set the clock's alarm. 5.Set your heart at ease. 6.I'll set you down at the corner. 7.I'll never set eyes on other girls again. 8.OK,I'll set the ball
Lesson 54 Word 1.Can I have a word with him? 2.You'd better keep your word. 3.He's supported us from the word go. 4.You guys,let me get a word in! 5.At a word he comes. 6.I'm tired of your big words. 7.If you want help,say the word. 8.He ate his word
Lesson 22 Show 1.Just show me how. 2.I'll show you arouind,Mum. 3.She's such a show. 4.She stole the whole show. 5.Le's get this show on the road. 6.You'd bettter show up. 7.The monitor was chosen by a show of hands. 8.I'll show you what I am.
Lesson 13 Shoot 1.Let's have a been and shoot the breeze. 2.Don't shoot down my bolloon. 3.You always shoot from the hip. 4.You're stupid to shoot your mouth off. 5.She shot herself in the foot. 6.I'm shooting for an A on the exam. 7.You got some que
Lesson 3 Cry 1.Are you crying wolf again? 2.Stop being a crybaby. 3.Maybe I have to get you a crying towel. 4.For crying out loud,stop it. 5.It's a far cry from what I expected. 6.I cried like a baby. 7.It's no use crying over spilt milk. 8.His speec
Lesson 49 Spit 1.No spiting here. 2.I spit on your face. 3.You should spit your guts. 4.Come on!Spit it out! 5.How dare you spit in my eye! 6.I spit at his idea. 7.You're the spitting image of your mother. 8.I was spat on for being late.
Lesson 48 Kick 1.We can kick our shoes off now. 2.I kicked myself for jumping it over. 3.You've got to kick those damn cigarettes. 4.He was alive and kicking just now. 5.They kicked him out of school. 6.The coach is really going to kick butt. 7.Hey,p
Lesson 47 Cat 1.All cats are gray in the dark. 2.The cat shut its eyes when stealing cream. 3.Don't let the cat out of the bag. 4.He looks like a cat on hot bricks. 5.A cat in gloves catches no mice. 6.When the cats are away,the mice will play. 7.Eve
Lesson 45 Silly 1.It's silly of me. 2.Don't be silly. 3.It's silly to go out in this rain. 4.Got it you silly billy? 5.What a silly story you told me! 6.I drank myself silly last night. 7.I was very silly to trust him. 8.He was knocked silly by the n
Lesson 39 Pass 1.Pass me the dictionary. 2.Why don't we pass the hat around? 3.Please don't pass me by. 4.Pass! 5.Pass it around and read. 6.Everyone keeps passing the buck. 7.You passed out on the desk. 8.Thank you for offering,but I think I'll pass
Lesson 32 Leave 1.Don't take a French leave. 2.It leaves nothing to be desired. 3.Leave it to me. 4.Don't let it leave this room. 5.Take it or leave it. 6.They left me holding the bag. 7.He left me high and dry. 8.You can't leave it like that.
Lesson 34 Help 1.Help yourself. 2.Would you like another helping? 3.I can't help laughing. 4.Can I help? 5.Can you help me out? 6.It won't help. 7.Thank you for your timely help. 8.The medicine was a real help.
Lesson 35 Pick 1.I'll pick you up at the gate. 2.Take your pick. 3.Where did you pick up your French? 4.My health is beginning to pick up. 5.He picks at me about everything I do. 6.She's always picking on me for this. 7.I've come to pick your brains
Lesson 45 Mind 1.Mind your step on your way back. 2.Never mind. 3.I don't mind at all. 4.Out of sight,out of mind. 5.Would you mind turning down your radio? 6.Great minds think alike! 7.Mind you tell her. 8.I'm still in two minds.
Lesson 37 Mouth 1.He's a loud mouth. 2.My mouth is watering. 3.You took the words right out of my mouth. 4.David is a real motor mouth. 5.I had my heart in my mouth. 6.Don't open your mouth too wide. 7.A closed mouth catches no flies. 8.I put my foot
Lesson 4 Care 1.I don't care. 2.You really don't care? 3.Who cares? 4.I had a carefree summer vacation. 5.I'll take care of that cat. 6.I don't care much about Beijing Opera. 7.Care can make you look old. 8.Would you care for a drink?