标签:辅音 相关文章
秘诀43 摩擦爆破 如爆破音后面紧跟着的是摩擦音时,这种辅音组合在语音学里就叫做摩擦爆破,换言之,即发爆破音时因受后面摩擦音的影响爆破部位有所改变,须由口腔爆破改为摩擦爆破。 爆破音和摩擦音相邻,第一个爆破音形成阻碍,发生不完全爆破,例如: (4)爆破音 +
snow 雪 [s]发音时轻而短促; [n]发音时长而响亮。 NO.1 His shirt is a white as snow. 他的衬衫洁白如雪。 NO.2 It snowed all last night 昨天下了整整一夜的雪。 NO.3 There is no snap left in him. 他一点精力都没有了
美语听力与发音技巧 第20期(清浊辅音的区别) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference between voiced and voiced pairs of consonants. This differ
Top 10 Words Looked Up Online in 2004 For years, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has been one of the most popular and authoritative dictionaries of the American language in use -- even when it was just
Exercise 2-5: Consonant /Consonant Liaisons CD 2 Track 40 Say the sound of each group of lett ers out loud (the sound of the letter, not the name: [b] is [buh] not[bee]). There are three general locations the lips, behind the teeth, or in the throat.
Exercise 2-6: Consonant / Consonant Liai sons CD 2 Track 41 I just didn't get the chance . [Ijusdidn'tge(t)thechance.] I've been late twice. [I'vbinla(t)twice.] In the preceding examples you can see that because the ending [st] of just and the beginn
Exercise 13-4: Glottal Consonant Practice Paragraph CD 4 Track 57 Pause the CD and go through the paragraph and mark the [h], [k], [g], [ng], and [r] sounds. Hello, my name is_______________. I'm taking American Accent Training. There's alot to learn
The language I'm speaking right now is on its way to becoming the world's universal language, for better or for worse. Let's face it, it's the language of the internet, it's the language of finance, it's the language of air traffic control, of popula
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 第一段辅音字母组合(一) 辅音字母组合的概念: 一, 可以组合起来发音的连续辅音字母。 二, 含义非常稳定。 tw inkle 闪烁,闪耀 - tw i
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 第二段 你为什么记不住单词(下) 开场白:死记硬背是无奈,盲人摸象是无知,我劝天下睁开眼,且听一男讲单词! 一切文字的祖先埃及象
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 第一段 你为什么记不住单词(上) 开场白:死记硬背是无奈,盲人摸象是无知,我劝天下睁开眼,且听一男讲单词!各位新东方网络课堂的学
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 第八段 辅音字母的形象缔造了第一种词根 辅音字母w的故事(中) wire-电线 wealth-财富(health-健康的) wallet-钱包 well-井,好 tell-讲,告诉 w
秘诀16 摆摆姿势和货真价实 或称为前虚后实 辅音和辅音相邻的时候,发音的最大特点就是:前虚后实。 *I had a good-time last-night. 昨晚我玩得很开心。 *Take-care. 多保重。 【每次告别时都请喊这个句子,比Bye-bye要强很多倍
秘诀23 前面的音影响后面的音,叫顺向行同化 这种现象多见于单词读音中,如当名词后加-s(-es)变成复数,动词单数第三人称加-s(-es),或规则动词后加-ed变成过去式或过去分词,由于受前面音的影响,这些后加成分的读音各不相同。如cats和beds其复数形式同样是加-s但前者
Exercise 2-15: Colloquial Reductions and Liaisons CD 3 Track 3 In order for you to recognize these sounds when used by native speakers, they are presented here,but I don't recommend that you go out of your way touse them yourself. If, at some point,
Exercise 2-4: Consonant / Vowel Liaiso n Practice CD 2 Track 39 Pause the CD and reconnect the following words. On personal pronouns, it is common to drop theH. See Answer Key, beginning on page 193. Repeat. 图片1 图片2
Chapter 12. Nasal Consonants CD 4 Track 49 We now turn to the three consonants whose sound comes out through the noseM, N, and theNG combination. They each have one thing in common, their sound is blocked in the mouth inone of three locations. Two of
Exercise 4-11 : Voiced and Unvoiced Sounds with T This exercise is for the practice ofthe difference between words that end in either a vowel or avoiced consonant, which means thatthe vowel is lengthened or doubled. Therefore, these words areon a muc
Exercise 9-3: Finding V Sounds CD 4 Track 30 Underline the five V sounds in this paragraph. The first one is marked for you. Don't forget of. Hello, my name is________________. I'm taking American Accent Training. There's a lot tolearn, but I hope to
Exercise 8-2: Lax Vowels CD 4 Track 16 The lax vowels are produced in the throat and are actually quite similar to each other. Let's practicesome lax vowels. See also Chapter 11 to contrastwith tense vowels. Remember to double the vowelwhen the word