标签:购物英文对话 相关文章
JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts? LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours. JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts. LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else. JOY: Why? They have eve
Jana: You must have traveled quite a lot around the country, right? Peter: Hmm, I think I have especially during my student days. I traveled around a lot because I like hiking and outdoor things. I really enjoy traveling around the country and South
Julia: Hey Todd, just talking about your website. Do you do everything on that site, all the recordings, the editing, everything? Todd: I used to. Yeah, I think up till the first, for the first six years I did everything. I did, I would record the au
Mike: So we're talking about ideal hotels. What do you think is an ideal hotel for you? Erina: That's a tough question but when I choose a hotel I would look at where the hotel's located. Mike: Right. Erina: And also the food. So as long as the hotel
Katia: Hello Felipe, how are you? Felipe: Hello, Katherine, I'm fine, you? Katia: Good. Actually I'm starving and I wanted to ask you about food. What is your favorite Colombian food? Felipe: Well, in Colombia we have many, many different kinds of fo
Chugi: Hi, Mike, how are you doing? Mike: Hey, Chugi, I'm good. Chugi: I'm so done we're with classes. Mike: Yeah, me too. Chugi: What are you doing for the summer vacation? Mike: Right now, I have no plans. Chugi: Well, I am planning to go home to M
Daniel: Hey, Vella, how are you? Vella: I'm good. How are you? Daniel: I'm well thanks. Just wanted to ask you what's your favorite movie? Vella: OK, I have one all time Indonesian favorite movie. Daniel: Uh, uh. Vella: And it's called Lima Juanita,
Todd: Now there's a couple that are kind of, that are not as nice. They can be positive or negative like for example a helicopter parent. Julia: A helicopter parent? What's that? Todd: So a helicopter parent is basically a parent that just hovers ove
Todd: So, Julia, now you are a parent? Julia: That's right. Todd: And have you heard of all these terms that we have in the US for different types of parents? I wonder if you have them in the UK? Julia: You mean like soccer mum, stuff like that? Todd
Jana: So, Peter, you mentioned treasure diving. How did you find out about this? Peter: Oh, well, I had this friend and he actually used to work for the government but he was diving just for pleasure at that time but then he met, I think while on a d
下载MP3到电脑 批量下载MP3和LRC到手机 共 104 期 查看所有内容去掉右侧勾选即可取消连续播放 连播 第104期第103期第102期第101期第100期第99期第98期第97期第96期第95期第94期第93期第92期第91期第
7 能否便宜 3句英文任你选 How much do you want for that? 多少钱肯卖给我? Can I get a discount? 可以给我打点折吗? Can't you give me a break on the price? 不能便宜点吗? 半个句型要记牢 make it any cheaper than that?
6 价格太高 3句英文任你选 It's too/rather expensive. 这太贵了。 I think you charge is out of line. 我认为你的收费太高了。 The things are too expensive for me, I can't afford it. 这东西对我来说太贵了,我买不起。
2 衣服试穿 3句英文任你选 Can I try it on? 我可以试试吗? I want try it on. 我想、试试这件。 Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里? 半个句型要记牢 try on (试穿) Tip:买衣服试穿是必须的,一些特价品或
Shopping and Hummingbird s 购物和蜂鸟 Yal: Did you know, Don, that your shopping habits maybe similar to a hummingbird s? Don: Are you going to tell me that hummingbird s are also sold on flash colors and miracle diamonds? Y: No. But it turns ou
中国国务院副总理马凯和英国财政大臣奥斯本于2015年9月21日在北京共同主持了第七次中英经济财金对话,最终取得53项重要成果。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai and British C
8、 I Apologize. 我很抱歉。 【对话二:】 A: Jessie, Im afraid I cant come back home for dinner tonight. B: Not back home for dinner again? Thats the third time this week! A: Im sorry. Our company has just opened. There are always too many
Katia: Hello Felipe, how are you? Felipe: Hello, I'm fine. Katia: Listen, I was thinking you know a lot about Ecuador and Colombia right? Felipe: Yeah. Katia: What is it that you like about those two countries or what is it that you don't like that m
6月6日,也是网络上所说的信用日,芝麻信用在北京、杭州两地试验无人超市。超市里没有营业员,购物、付款全部由顾客自助完成。 请看相关报道: Beijing's first self-service supermarket has decide