标签:财务比率 相关文章
series of transactions 连串交易 service-led economy 以服务业为主导的经济 set-off 抵销;对销 set-off and transfer report 比对转帐报告 set-off of the property tax 豁免物业税
schedule 清单;一览表;细目单;附表 schedule of charges 费用表 schedule of dealing 交易清单 schedule of property 财产清单 schedule of proportion 比例表 Schedule of Rates 标准
household expenditure 住户开支 Household Expenditure Survey 住户开支统计调查 household income 家庭收入;住户收入 household wealth 家庭财富 Housing Capital Works Fund 房屋建设
interest on capital 资本利息;股本利息 interest on loan 贷款利息 interest on unpaid estate duty 欠缴遗产税须付的利息 interest paid in advance 预付利息 interest paid to inter
International Federation of Accountants 国际会计师联合会 International Federation of Insolvency Practitioners 国际破产管理同业联会 International Finance Corporation [IFC] 国际金融公
monthly balance 月结 monthly balance sheet 月结表;月份资产负债表 Monthly Market Statistics 《市场统计月报》 monthly rated 按月计 monthly statement 月结单 Monthly Statistica
Notice of Intention to Amend Valuation List 拟修正估价册记录通知书 Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax 拟评定补加税的通知书 Notice of Interim Valuation 临时估价通知书
obligation 债项;责任;义务 obligation bond 债务债券 obligee 受惠人 occupational retirement scheme 职业退休计划 Occupational Retirement Schemes Division [Financial Services Bureau
off-site review 非实地审查 off-site scrutiny 非实地审核 Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd. 大垣共立银行 omission of income 漏报入息 omission of profit 漏报利润 on account basis 记帐方式
paper 票据;文件 paper clearing system 票据交换制度 paper gold 纸黄金 paper profit 帐面利润;纸上利润 par of exchange 汇兑平价 par value 票面值 parallel transaction 平行交
passage allowance 旅费津贴 passbook 银行存摺 patent 专利;专利权 patent right 专利权 patentee 专利持有人 pawn 当押 pawnbroker 当押商 pawner 当押人 Pay as You Earn Scheme
payback period 还本期;回收期 payee 受款人;收款人;抬头人 paying bank 付款银行 payment 付款;支付款项 payment and drawback requirement 缴税及退税规定 Payment by Ph
placing [listing method] 配售〔上市方式〕 placing prospectus 配股章程 plant and machinery 机器与设备;生产设备及机器 plateau 稳定水平 platform rates 各级税率 platinum 白
post-cessation payment 停业后的支出 post-cessation receipt 停业后的收入 post-dated cheque 期票 posting 过帐 post-sterling era 英镑区解散后的时期 post-tax operating profit 除税
provisional tax 暂缴税 provisional tax instalment system 暂缴税分期缴付制度 Provisional Urban Council rates 临时市政局差饷 provisionally acceptable levels [PALs] 暂定上限 provis
pro rata 按比例 probate 遗嘱认证 Probate Registry 遗产承办处 proceeds 收入;收益;得益 proceeds from borrowings 举债所得款项 proceeds of bills 库券收益 proceeds of forfei
Money worries are keeping more than a third of us awake at night, according to a poll. 根据一项民意测验,有超过三分之一的英国人因为担忧自己的财政状况而在半夜惊醒。 Financial woes are more disturbing than concerns