net 净额;净值;实额 net additional allowance 额外免税实额 net admissible assets 可接纳资产净值 net aggregated value of an estate 遗产总值净额 net amount 净额 net assessab

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net value 净值 net worth 净值;资产净值 net/gross ratio 净额/总额比率 netting 净额结算 New Airport Division [Economic Services Bureau] 新机场部〔经济局〕 new capital acco

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new grant 新增补助金 new issue account 新股发行帐户 new issue of shares 发行新股 new money 新增款项;新注入的资金 new non-recurrent commitment 非经常开支新承担额 new

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nominal earnings 名义收益;名义入息额;理论上入息额 nominal increase 名义上增加;理论上增加 nominal price 虚价;名义价格;按盘价 nominal share capital 注册股本

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non-capitalization weighted index 非资本值加权指数 non-cash acquisition 非现金投资所得的资产 non-cash assets 非现金资产 non-cash-limited subhead 没有现金支出限额的分目

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Notes on Computation of Salaries Tax/Personal Assessment 有关薪俸税/个人入息课税计算办法说明 Notice for Payment of Provisional Tax 暂缴税缴纳通知书 Notice for Recovery of Ta

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offeree 受要约人 offeree company 受要约公司 offeree shareholder 受要约公司的股东 offeror 要约人 offeror company 要约公司;提出要约公司 off-floor terminal 离场交易终端

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Options Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 期权结算公司〔芝加哥〕 Options Clearing House Pty Limited [Sydney] 期权结算所有限公司〔悉尼〕 Options Clearing Rules 《期权结算规则》

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发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语

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outstanding balance 未清帐款;未清余额 outstanding bill 未偿付票据;未兑现票据 outstanding borrowing 未清偿债项 outstanding claim portfolio 未决申索组合 outstanding comm

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overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate 香港银行同业隔夜拆息率 overnight liquidity assistance 隔夜流动资金贷款 overnight margin 隔夜保证金;隔夜按金 overnight money 隔夜

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overseas financial institution 海外财务机构 overseas interest 海外利息 overseas investment 海外投资 overseas market 海外市场 overseas representative office 海外代表办事处 Over

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penny share 低价股票;

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preferred share 有优先权的股份 pre-incorporation contract 公司成立前合约 preliminary estimate 初步估计 preliminary estimate of gross domestic product 本地生产总值的初步估计

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prequalification 预先审定资格 prequalified consortium 经预先审定资格的财团 prequalified tenderer 经预先审定资格的投标者 prequalified tendering 资格预审投标方式 presc

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punitive tax 惩罚性税项 purchase and sale statement 日结单对帐表;买卖报告 purchase consideration 买入价格;购买代价 purchase money 买款 purchase price 买价 purchase tax 购

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property passing on a death 死者去世时转移的财产 property portfolio 房地产投资组合 property situated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方的财产 property tax 物业税 property t

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proof of debt 债权证明;债权证明表 proof of title 业权证明 proper account 妥善帐目 proper books of account 妥善帐簿 proper disbursement 正当垫付费用 properties sectorial in

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