financial performance 财政状况;财政业绩 financial planning 财政计划;财务规划 financial planning guideline 财政计划准则 financial position 财政状况;财务状况;经济状

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hold a position 持仓;

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fractional share 不足一股的股份 fragile consumer sentiment 消费意欲薄弱 Framework Agreement [trading fund] 《架构协议》〔营运基金〕 franc area 法郎区 franchise 专营权;特

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gain 收益;增益 garnishee order 债权扣押令 GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融财务有限公司 gearing ratio 资本与负债比率;杠杆比率〔认股权证〕 general acceptance 一般

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group account 集团帐目 group consolidated balance sheet 集团综合资产负债表 group loss relief 对集团的亏损给予税项宽免 Group of Seven [G7] 七大工业国 Group of Seven leader

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H CB Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 住银金融有限公司 H share H股 Hachijuni Asia Limited 八十二亚洲有限公司 Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. 八十二银行 half-yearly economic report 半年经济报

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import and export trade 进出口贸易 import and export trade statistics 进出口贸易统计数字 import demand 进口需求 import deposit scheme 进口保证金计划 import duty 进口税 impo

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income 入息;收入;收益 income after deductions 扣除后入息实额 income and expenditure account 收支帐;收支结算表;收支表 income approach 入息计算法 income band 入息组

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Indonesian Rupiah [IDR] 印尼盾 Indover Asia Limited 印尼海外亚洲有限公司 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial International Capital Limited

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Hong Kong Lotteries Board 香港奖券管理局 Hong Kong Management Association 香港管理专业协会 Hong Kong Monetary Authority [HKMA] 香港金融管理局〔金管局〕 Hong Kong Monetary In

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Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 《香港统计年刊》 Hong Kong Association of Accounting Technicians 香港专业会计员协会 Hong Kong Association of Banks [HKAB] 香港银行公会 Hong

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interbank rate 银行同业利率;银行同业拆息率 interbank settlement system 银行同业结算系统 inter-branch account 联行帐户;分行往来帐 intercompany balance 公司之间的债

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International Accounting Standards [IAS] 国际会计准则 International Accounting Standards Committee [IASC] 国际会计准则委员会 International Association of Financial Executives Institutes

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disequilibrium 不均衡状态 dishonour a cheque 退票 dishonoured bill 不兑现汇票 dishonoured cheque 空头支票 disintermediation 非中介化;减少居中融资功能 disponer 财产处置人

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diversifying economy 多元化的经济体系 dividend 股息;红利;摊还债款 dividend cover 盈利股息比率;股利保证倍数 dividend forfeited 未认领股息注销 dividend programme

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encumbrance 产权负担 end investor 最终投资者 endaka [Japanese]

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net rate of exchange 净汇率 net realizable value 可变现净值 net realization 净变现额 net receipt 净收入;收入净额 net reinsurance premium 再保险保费净额 net rent 租金净额

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mortgage 按揭;抵押 mortgage arrangement 按揭贷款安排 mortgage debenture stock 抵押债权股证 mortgage deed 按揭贷款契据;抵押契据 mortgage default guarantee 按揭条件违约

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mortgagee 承按人;承押人;受押人 mortgagee in possession 管有承按人 mortgagor 按揭人;抵押人 mother fund 母基金 Motor Insurers' Bureau of Hong Kong 香港汽车保险局 moto

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语

national income 国民收入 national income account 国民收入帐户 National Institute of Economic and Social Research 国立经济及社会研究所 national insurance contribution [United Kingdo

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