标签:词典(7) 相关文章
Codec Codec is a contraction of coder and decoder; a device that encodes analog signals into digital signals, for transmission through a network in digital format, and decodes received digital signals
Delay - This is the wait time between to specific events, and regarding satellite communications, it is the time it takes for a signal to go from the transmission station up to orbit and through the s
PPSN public packet switched network Premises Distribution System (PDS) PDS is the transmission network inside a building or among a group of buildings, for example an office park or a campus. PDS is u
SAFENET survivable adaptable fiber-optic embedded network Satellite Communications Satellite communications entails microwave radio, line-of-sight propagation from a transmitting earth terminal (i.e.,
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SNMP is the application protocol offering network management service in the Internet suite of protocols. A structure for formatting messages and transmitting
SSN switched service network SS signaling system Station Equipment Station equipment is a component of telecommunications systems such as a telephone or data terminal, generally located on the user's
Transmission Facilities Transmission facilities provide the communication paths that carry user and network control information between nodes in a network. In general, transmission facilities consist
128-bit Encryption - The latest Internet security standard for e-commerce and financial transactions, 128-bit encryption scrambles any data you send to a secure Web site (like TDS ePay) so that no one
Half Duplex Half duplex is a transmission path capable of transmitting signals in both directions, but only in one direction at a time. HDLC high-level data link control Header The header is control i
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO National Bodies). The work of preparing international standards is normally carried
Loop Length Typically, loop length is a complete electrical circuit; the pair of wires that winds its way from the central office to the telephone set or system at the customer's premises. Loop Signal
Frame In time division multiplexing systems, Frame is a sequence of time slots each containing a sample from one of the channels carried by the system. The frame is repeated at regular intervals, (nor
Email - This is electronic-mail, that is text messages that are sent over the internet. Emoticons - This is a contraction meaning emotional icon that is made with common characters, such as :-) being
Earth Station - The term used to describe the combination of antenna, low-noise amplifier (LNA), down-converter, and receiver electronics that are used to receive a signal transmitted by a satellite.
D type Channel Bank A D type channel bank is channel termination equipment used for combining (multiplexing) individual analog channel signals on a time division basis. D type channel banks provide in
Analog - Transmitting information that is characterized by continuously variable quantities (such as with AM or FM). This is different from digital transmission, which is characterized by discrete bit
B English Terms 中文翻译 详情解释/例子 Back Door Listing 后门上市/借壳上市 未能符合股票交易所上市要求的企业采用的一种上市策略,公司通过收购一家已经上
D English Terms 中文翻译 详情解释/例子 DJIA 道琼斯工业平均指数 道琼斯工业平均指数是30种在纽约股票交易所及纳斯达克交易所买卖的重要股票的股价加权平
H English Terms 中文翻译 详情解释/例子 HSI 恒生指数 包含香港股票市场主要股票的指数 H-Shares H股 在香港股票市场上市的中国公司股票 Haircut 估值折扣 指做